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Mt. Carmel College of San Francisco, Inc.

San Francisco, Agusan del Sur

Carmelian Education: “Wisdom in the Light of Faith lived in Love”.

Appropriate Alternative Methods of Assessment for Learning Targets
Module Introduction:
To start, let us have a brief recap on the previous lesson. We discussed about Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.
Educational objectives are specific statements of student performance at the end of an instructional unit. Educational objectives are
sometimes referred to as behavioral objectives and are typically stated with the use of verbs. The most popular taxonomy of educational
objectives is Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Bloom's Taxonomy consists of three domains: cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor. These three domains correspond to the three types of goals that teachers want to assess: knowledge-based goals
(cognitive), skills-based goals (psychomotor), and affective goals (affective).
1. assessment is based on authentic tasks that demonstrate learners ability to accomplish communication goals;
2. instructor and learners focus on communication, not on right and wrong answers;
3. learners help to set the criteria for successful completion of communication tasks; and
4. learners have opportunities to assess themselves and their peers.
LESSON TITLE Appropriate Alternative Methods of Assessment for Learning Targets
SPECIFIC At the end of the session, the students are expected to:
LEARNING a. identify simple learning targets across subject areas; and
OUTCOMES: b. write an assessment plan using alternative method of assessment.
Preliminary Activities:
Task 1: K-W-L Chart
Directions: Fill out the WHAT I KNOW Column and the WHAT I WANT TO KNOW Column on the chart with the given topic.
Leave the last column blank. (10pts.)

Discussion of Concept No. 1: What are the appropriate alternative methods of assessment for learning targets?
❖ Appropriate Alternative Methods of Assessment for Learning Targets
While all five types of learning targets (knowledge, reasoning, skill, product, and affect) can be assessed by the use of
alternative methods of assessment, three types of learning targets can be best assessed using alternative assessments. These
are skills, products, and affect.
Stiggins et al. (2006) defined skills type of learning targets as one's use of knowledge and reasoning to act skillfully.
In other words, skills refer to learning targets that require the development and demonstration of behavioral or physical task.
To able to demonstrate skills or act skillfully, students must be able to possess the knowledge and reasoning ability related or
relevant to the skills to be demonstrated.
On the other hand, Stiggins et al. (2006) described product learning targets as the use of knowledge, reasoning, and
skills to create a concrete product. Thus, products refer to learning targets that require the development of a tangible and high-
quality product or output. Students are expected to create products that have certain core attributes that will serve as basis for
evaluating its quality.
Meanwhile, affect or disposition was defined by Stiggins et al. (2006) as students' attitudes about school and learning. In
practice, we look at affect/ disposition to encompass a broad range of noncognitive attributes beyond attitude that may affect
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Mt. Carmel College of San Francisco, Inc.
San Francisco, Agusan del Sur
Carmelian Education: “Wisdom in the Light of Faith lived in Love”.

learning and performance, including motivation, interest, and other affective states. The development of affect/disposition
simultaneously occurs as a student learns concepts and skills in the classroom.

Table 4.1. Sample Learning Targets Across Subject Areas

Subject Area Typology Learning Targets
of Learning Targets
English Skills Participate in conversation with others
Products Write an argumentative essay where arguments are justified by providing factual
or empirical data as support.
Affect Enjoy reciting a poem in front of an audience.
Physical Skills Dribbles the ball to cross the halfcourt.
Education Products Create a three-month personal fitness plan.
Affect Show determination to complete the physical task.
Mathematics Skills Measure angles using a protractor.
Products Given the data, construct a histogram with normal curve using SPSS.
Affect Demonstrate interest in attending mathematics class.
Science Skills Use laboratory equipment properly.
Products Prepare a report about the field observation.
Affect Consider the safety of others in the conduct of an experiment.
Social Science Skills Participate in civic discussions on current social issues.
Products Create a timeline for the 2017 Marawi Siege.
Affect Argue with others in a constructive manner.
Once the learning targets are identified, appropriate alternative methods of assessment can be selected to measure
student learning. In terms of skills, having the required skills to apply one's knowledge and reasoning skills through the
performance of a behavioral or physical task is a step higher than simply knowing or being able to reason based on knowledge.
Hence, skills targets are best. assessed among students through performance-oriented or performance-based assessment as
skills are best gauged through actual task performance.
In terms of products, a student's knowledge, reasoning, and skills are all required before one can create a meaningful
product or output. Obviously, product targets are best assessed through product assessment. Given the need to also give
value to the process of creating a product, performance assessment is also typically used vis-a-vis product assessment.
For affect or disposition, a student may already hold a particular affect or disposition in relation to a particular lesson or
learning target and such affect may change or not depending on the learning and instructional and assessment experiences of
the student. Affect or disposition is best assessed through affective assessment or the use of self-report measures (checklists,
inventories, questionnaires, scales) and other alternative strategies to assess affective outcomes. Table 4.2 presents a simple
matrix of the different types of learning targets best assessed through alternative assessment methods.

Table 4.2. Matching Learning Targets with Alternative Assessment Methods

Learning Targets Performance- Product-Oriented Portfolio Self-Report Scale
Note: More checks mean better matches.

Across the different nontraditional or alternative methods of assessment, teachers can expand the role of assessor to
other students (peer assessment) and the student themselves (self-assessment). This allows assessment to become really
authentic. There are also other methods or strategies for alternative assessment, and it is up to the teachers to select the
method of assessment and design appropriate tasks and activities to measure the identified learning targets.
References: Balagtas, Marilyn U., et. al. (2020). Assessment in Learning 2. Manila, Philippines: Rex Bookstore, Inc.

Formative: K-W-L Chart

Directions: Go back on the KWL Chart that you have filled out in Task 1 in the Preliminary Activities. Fill out the last column and
show what you have learned. (5pts.)
Synthesis: Key Point Summary
Directions: Make a list of bulleted key points of learning from the lesson. Give at least five (5) key points. (10pts.)
ASSESSMENT Directions: Complete the learning targets asked by supplying the required information on the table
provided. (Note: Get a copy of the DepEd curriculum guide and/or DepEd MELCs for your chosen subject.
Wait for a thorough discussion of the instructor before accomplishing this task.)
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Mt. Carmel College of San Francisco, Inc.
San Francisco, Agusan del Sur
Carmelian Education: “Wisdom in the Light of Faith lived in Love”.

Subject Area Learning Outcome Sample Learning Targets Type of

and Grade Learning
Level Target
Research 1 - Use appropriate tools in Match the appropriate Knowledge
Grade 8 measuring objects. measuring tool to be used in
measuring the object/material.

Illustrate how each measuring Skill

tools are used.
ASSIGNMENT Directions: Select a specific lesson for a subject area and grade level that you think you should be able to
teach and handle when you are already a teacher in a school. Using the DepEd Curriculum Guide for the
subject, create an assessment plan for student learning by formulating learning targets that can be best
assessed using alternative methods of assessment (you may focus on skills, products, affective, or any
combination of these learning targets). Then, propose specific nontraditional assessment tasks or
activities to measure the identified learning targets. (Note: Get a copy of the DepEd curriculum guide
and/or DepEd MELCs for your chosen subject. Wait for a thorough discussion of the instructor before
accomplishing this task.)
Subject Area
Specific Lesson
Content Standard
Performance Standard
Learning Competency
Learning Targets
Assessment Task/
Activity (Alternative)
Why use this assessment
task/ activity?
How does this assessment
task/activity help you improve
your instruction?
How does this assessment
task/activity help your
students achieve the
intended learning outcomes?
RESOURCE/S ▪ Assessment in Learning 2 – Balagtas, Marilyn U., et. al. (2020). Assessment in Learning 2. Manila,
Philippines: Rex Bookstore, Inc.

Prepared by:



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