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Compency #3

To support social and emotion development in the classroom I provide a warm, positive, and
trusting relationship with the children and their families. I acknowledge children by using their
names and are aware of their culture to help build their self identity. Children are allowed to
interact and play with each other and are given a choice. I am teaching our children about
empathy. I encourage children to speak to each other nicely and use thier words. I talk to the
children about hitting and hurting thier friends. I try to make the experience relatable. I believe in
treating others how you would like to be treated and teach this to my children. I like to read
books about emotions and how hitting hurts. I also read books about listening to our friends and
to respect boundries. Children want to be seen and heard. I try my best to make sure they are. I
teach the children manners and ways to express themselves. Children need to know that it is
okay to be expressive so long as no one is hurt. I teach them not to force others to play with
them if they dont want to. Sometimes children need space too. I never force the children to do
anything until they are calm and ready. I keep the routine the same so children know what to
expect and are not overwhelmed.

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