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Josh Cymon Flor / STEM-11 LEE

1.1. Complete the table by answering the following questions:
Interview three (3) people and ask them about a past communication breakdown they have
experienced and what were the causes.


 My Mother, Dorothy
a. The persons involved were my mother and an old Singaporean-Hokkien Man.
b. The situation was; my mother was unfamiliar in Singapore, so she asked a random
old man for directions to the nearest MRT Station. The old man however, was not
fluent in English so he did not understand.
c. When my mom asked for directions to the old man.
d. Linguistic Barrier
e. My mother nodded politely even though she did not understand, and proceeded to ask
other people.

What was the cause of communication breakdown?

- The old man’s lack of fluency within the English Language.

What strategy will you apply?

- I will apply the “Have Clarity of Thought before Speaking” and “Be Specific”
 My Friend, Jay-ar
a. The persons involved were my friend and a performance proctor were the persons
b. The situation was; Jay-ar was to perform a spoken speech infront of a proctor, but due
to lack of confidence, he suddenly hyperventilated and decided not to continue the
c. When he was asked to perform the poem in front of the proctor.
d. Psychological Barrier
e. He quit the speech and did not continue with the intended presentation.
What was the cause of communication breakdown?
- Jay-Ar’s lack of confidence in performing the speech.

What strategy will you apply?

- I will apply the “Build up your confidence” strategy.

 My Tita/Aunt, Alona
a. My Tita/Aunt and her German Friend were the persons involved.
b. The situation was; My Tita/Aunt was talking with her German Friend through the
phone, and along the conversation, her friend said an idiomatic expression “ Wet your
whistle!”. My Tita/Aunt was confused and slightly offended as interpreted it as
something with sexual reference.
c. When the German Friend said the idiomatic expression.
d. Semantic Barrier
e. My Aunt was confused and offended so she ended the call early.
What was the cause of communication breakdown?
- The German Friend’s use of complicated idiomatic expression which led to

What strategy will you apply?

- I will apply the “Be Specific” strategy, since it uses simple and concise words.

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