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Grew up watching Derren and seen his show in Glasgow a short while ago,

he dedicated the show to his late father and the message at the end was
"Don't just sleep walk through life", basically don't just accept your fate
because one day you will regret it... the message deeply resonated with me
as I had to be reminded of it at the time and even still now. Derren is a
great showman and he has entertained us all for many years and I'm sure
that he will continue to do so for many years to come.



2 replies

5 months ago
I think what I most like about Derren Brown is his openess and honesty.
This is apparent in his performances - he tricks our minds whilst telling us
that is what he is doing. He is completely unguarded in this interview and I
love him for that. His live entertainments are life-af rming, he is an
exceptional human being. I also appreciate this interviewer's peaceful and
relaxed pace, giving his subject room to think without distraction. I hadn't
seen this channel before. I will subscribe.



1 month ago
Darren’s aura/energy/mind is literally unearthly. It’s impossible to not
correlate his general being with something supernatural. If everyone knew
the things he knew, this world would be a dark place. If entities like FBI
want him to work for them, it’s for food reason. Dude is DIFFERENT.


5 months ago (edited)
What a treat! Massive thanks to you and the team for pulling this out the

bag Fantastic questions as always, you coax out the

authenticity in the conversation. I've been in awe of Derren Brown since
mind control but it's so nice to see him as a genuinely nice and normal guy



5 months ago
Greatest of all time

5 months ago (edited)
I have always been a fan of Derren Brown and have fond memories of
watching his shows on tv when I was younger. Last year, I had the
opportunity to see him live in Birmingham and it was an incredible
experience. I even had the chance to go on stage with him. His show made
me really step back and think outside the box. I listen to your channel
regularly and wanted to express my appreciation for the impact it has had
on my life.
Since the age of 13, I have struggled with mental health issues. I was
scared of the world and couldn't even go outside to the shops. Over the
years, I have experienced both good and bad things that have helped me
grow, but it wasn't until recently that I was able to break free from the grip
of my mental health struggles. In the last year, my con dence has grown,
some times I struggle to belive I am the same person when I look back.
However a part of me still felt stuck and I found myself slipping back into
old habits and thoughts. I became tired of working for others and being a
people-pleaser. Since discovering your channel a month ago, I have started
a business with a friend and have learned to say no to people. Your
interviews with others and your own words have helped me take the leap to
truly live and enjoy my life. My mindset is now (at 26) much more positive
and I am learning to see everything in life, both the good and the bad, as
opportunities to learn.Thank you for making these podcasts and videos.
They are truly inspiring and motivating.


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