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Picture composition Describing Brainstorming Reading Tactical Text books MK

(descriptive) Whole class Writing Creative Standard

Lit I
discussion Spelling thinking SST bk2
Story teling pg6
Going through
holiday work

Our Benefits to Vocabulary Pronouncing words correctly Brainstorming Spelling Self – Flash cards MK

school the Signpost, badge, flag, Spelling words Look and say Drawing awareness Realia thematic

and neighbourh uniform Drawing Reading Effective Eng bk2 pg

neighbo ood from Naming communicati 1
urhood school on
Our Benefits to Sound “ch” Spellings and dictation Brainstorming Reading Critical A chart Primary
school the identifying whole class Writing thinking Text books school
Lit I

and neighbouho discussion spelling tactical curriculum

neighbo od from spelling for Ug P2
urhood school
Location of What is a school? Defines a school Whole class Reading Effective School Mk
the school A school is a place Describes the location of our discussion Writing communicati standard
where people go to school. Brainstorming on bk2
learn. Critical
Lit II

Our school is found thinking.

along ____ road.
It is found in ____
Our Sets Definition Identifying the given sets Discussion Counting Confidence Real objects Primary

school Naming sets Naming sets Explanation Naming Sharing MTC Bk2

and Question and Defining Unity Oxford pg 1

neighbo answer

Page 1
urhood Letter practice ‘Jj’ Letter practicing Brainstorming Reading Tacticle Chalkboard
Spelling and dictation whole class Writing Critical illustration

Lit I
discussion Spelling thinking
interview Cooperation
Symbols of What are school Defines school symbols Discussion Spelling Effective A chart of

a school symbols? Gives examples of school Brainstorming Reading communicati school

School symbols are symbols Writing on symbols
things which make Sharing
our school different
Lit II
from other schools
Examples of school
School name
School uniform
School badge
Our Sets Drawing sets Drawing Discussion Drawing Confidence Real objects
school Matching sets Matcing Matching Sharing

and Creative
neighbo thinking
Our Benefits to Structures Answering correctly Guided Answering Critical Realia Mk
school the Is this/ that ….? Punctuations discovery Punctuating thinking Thematic

and neighbourh (uniform, badge) Reading and writing Discussion Reading Appreciation bk2 pg 2 –
neighbo ood from Are these/ those/ they Writing Creative 9
urhood school ? (chairs, balls ) thinking
Conversation Reciting the poem Brainstorming Reading Effective Teacher’s Primary
Bitten by a snake Whole class Writing communicati collection school
discussion Spelling on Curriculum
Lit I

Story telling Respect for Uganda

Interpersona P2
Importance A school name Gives the importance of each Guided Giving the Self- Chart

of school It shows the name of school symbol discussion importance awareness

symbols our school of school Appreciation
Lit II

School uniform symbols

It makes pupils look

Page 2
TIME Forming new sets Identifying the given members in Demonstration Forming sets Critical Real objects
the set Explanation thinking

Forming new sets from the Sharing
bigger set Confidence
Forming new sets from small
Prepositions of place Reading the prepositions Observation Reading Effective Flash cards MK
Wk 2

In, on, under, over, Forming sentences orally and Explanation Making communicati Strip cards thematic
between, along written sentences on curriculum

Filling in the correct preposition Filling in Self – pg8
correct esteem
Free composition Reading Brainstorming Reading Appreciation A chart Prim school
about our school Filling in Whole class Writing care & Chalkboard curriculum
Pupils will orally be discussion Spelling concern illustration for Ug P2
helped to write their Story telling Filling in Effective
Lit I

own sentences about communicati

their school on
School School structures are Defines school structures Whole class Defining Critical School Mk
structures the buildings found in Gives examples of school discussion school thinking standard
the school structures structures Care
Lit II

Examples of school Giving

structures examples
Classrooms, offices,
kitchen, store
Prepositions of verbs Identifying prepositions of verbs Discussion Identifying Strip cards MK
At, over, under, after, Filling in correct prepositions Listen, say, prepositions Flash cards thematic

against, from, of, next Making sentences use Filling in curriculum

to Making pg8
Comparing sets Counting Question and Counting Critical Real objects Mk bk2 pg6
Comparing answer Drawing thinking
Drawing Problem Comparing Cooperation


Page 3
Thur Causes of Sound ‘ght’ e.g light, Writing letters, patterns Brainstorming Reading Cooperation A chart Primary
problems fight, might, right Words and sentences Whole class Writing Sharing Text books curriculum
between We should avoid discussion Spelling Respect & for Ug P2
school and fighting Story telling Punctuation tolerance

Lit I
neighbourh Self –
ood esteem
Ways of Forming plurals on Identifying nouns Brainstorming Reading Critical Text books First lesson
promoting nouns by adding ‘s’ Grouping / sorting/ classifying Whole class Identifying thinking Chalkboard in Eng
peace e.g pencils, chairs, nouns discussion grouping illustration grammar 2
Eng tables, charts Changing nouns to plural by Interview pg 3
adding ‘s’ Imitation Mk
thematic bk
2 pg 67 –
Ordering sets in Ordering sets Guided Ordering Mk Bk2 pg
ascending order Counting discovery sets 11 – 13
(from smaller to Writing Drawing &

bigger) Drawing counting

Ordering sets in sets
descending order
(bigger to smaller)
Letter practice ‘Hh’ Letter practicing Brainstorming Reading Tactical Chalkboard
Spelling and dictation Whole class Writing Critical illustration
Lit I

discussion Spelling thinking

Interview Cooperation
Uses of the Pupils sit and learn Gives the uses of school Whole class Giving the Concern
school from the classrooms structures discussion uses of Effective
structures Pupils use toilets / Brainstorming school communicati
Lit II

latrines to ease structures on

We buy things from
the school canteen

Page 4
Our Benefits to Plural of nouns Formation of nouns and revision Brainstorming Reading Tactile A chart English
school the formed by ‘es’ e.g Changing nouns to plural by Whole class Writing Critical Text books junior bk 1
and neighbourh buses, benches, adding ‘es’ discussion Spelling thinking pg21

neighbo ood from boxes Interview Cooperation Mk
urhood school Imitation Thematic
bk 2 pg 69
– 71
Sets Sub sets Ringing sets Explanation Counting Appreciation Real objects Mk bk 2 pg
Definition Counting sub sets formed Question and Ringing sets Creative 7 – 10

Ringing sets from Counting members in all the sets answer thinking
twos – fives
Fill in composition Dictation Brainstorming Reading Appreciation A chart Prim school
about the types of Reading Whole class Writing Care & Text books curriculum
families Writing discussion Spelling concern for Ug P2
Comprehension Filling in Story telling Punctuation Effective
Lit I

Relationship among Filling in communicati

family members on
(family tree) Creative
Building Building materials are Gives examples of things we Whole class Giving Sharing Real objects
materials things we use to build use to build our school discussion examples of Critical
school things we thinking
Lit II

Examples of building use to build

materials our school
Cement, sand, nails
Our Benefits to Vocabulary Reading Explanation Reading Self – Realia Mk
school the school Ball, hall, bench, Filling in the missing letters Discussion Filling in awareness A chart thematic
and from the desk, library Making sentences Making Critical showing drawn bk2 pg 7 –

neighbo neighbourh Writing plural forms sentences thinking pictures of the 8

urhood ood Writing learnt
Intersection of sets Identifying common members Explanation Counting Critical Real objects
Definition Counting Question and Drawing thinking
Identifying common Drawing answer

Drawing Venn

Page 5
Our Relationshi A fill in composition Rearranging given sentences Brainstorming Reading Appreciation Chalkboard Primary
home p among about types of Whole class Writing Care & illustration curriculum
and family families discussion Spelling concern for Ug P2
commu members Jumbled words to Story telling Punctuation Effective

Lit I
nity form correct communicati
sentences on

Building Where strong Identifies the sources of strong Whole class Identifying Critical Real objects
materials building materials are building materials discussion the sources thinking
got. of strong
Materials – source building
Lit II

Cement – factory materials

Nails – factory
Sand – lake side
Stones - quarry
Our Benefits to Plurals by adding ‘ies’ Identifying plural which add ‘ies’ Brainstorming Reading Crucial A chart Junior
school the e.g babies, stories, Whole class Writing thinking English

and neighbourh puppies (after discussion Spelling pg27

neighbo ood from dropping ‘y’) Interview exercise A
urhood school Imitation and B
Empty sets Reading Explanation Reading Effective Real objects Mk bk2
Definition Identifying symbols Discussion Drawing communicati

Identifying symbols Drawing Demonstration on

Jumbled words and Reading the words Brainstorming Reading Chalkboard Primary
sentences Fill in the composition correctly Whole class Writing illustration curriculum
Lit I

discussion Spelling for Ug P2

Story telling Punctuation
Weak building Gives examples and sources of Guided Giving Self – Real materials
materials and t heir weak building materials discussion examples of awareness
sources and sources
Lit II

Grass – bush of weak

Mud – soil and water building
Cow dung – farm materials
Sticks – bush

Page 6
Those which don’t Add ‘s’ to form plurals to nouns Brainstorming Reading Crucial A chart Thematic
change / add ‘s’ e.g. that end with ‘y’ Whole class Writing thinking curriculum

monkeys, donkeys, discussion Spelling bk2 pg
keys, toys Interview
Sets Addition of sets Identifying members in sets Explanation Counting Sharing Real objects Mk bk2 pg
Counting Discussion Forming sets Effective 8

Forming Discovery communicati
Our Roles of Sound ‘ck’ pick, sick, Identifying words with sound ‘ck’ Brainstorming Reading Confidence Chart Primary
home different sickle, chicken etc Using the sounds in sentences Whole class Writing Expression Chalkboard school
and people in Lit I discussion Spelling Listening illustration curriculum
commu the Story telling Punctuation Manipulating for Ug P2
nity community

People in Examples of people Gives the examples of people in Whole class Giving he Self – chart
our school in our school our school discussion examples of awareness
Lit II

Headteacher, people in our

teachers, bursar, school
cooks, cleaners
Our Causes of Plural of ‘f’ (ves) Change ‘f’ to ‘ves’ to form plurals Explanation Reading Effective A chart
school problems Knife – knives Brainstorming Writing communicati
and between Life – lives Spelling on

neighbo our school Loaf – loaves

urhood and Wolf – wolves
Subtraction of sets Counting

Roles Guided composition Writing patterns, words and Brainstorming Reading Appreciation A chart Primary
different The ant and the sentences Whole class Writing Care and Chalkboard school
people in pigeon discussion Spelling concern illustration curriculum
the Story telling Punctuation Effective for Ug P2
Lit I

community communicati

Page 7
Our Uses of Headmaster, he Gives the uses of people in our Guided Giving the Self-
home people in heads the school school discussion uses of awareness

Lit II
and our school Teachers – they people in our
commu teach the children school
Our Causes of Those that add ‘s’ to Add ‘s’ to ‘f’ to form plurals Explanation Reading Effective A chart
school problems ‘f’ Brainstorming Writing communicati
and between Roof – roofs on

neighbo our school Chief – chiefs
urhood and
Revision on sets

Our Roles of Comprehension Reading Brainstorming Reading Appreciation Prepared Primary

home different A passage about Spelling Whole class Writing Care and paper work school
and people in cultural practices and Writing discussion Spelling concern Chalkboard curriculum
commu the values in the Answering questions Story telling Punctuation Effective illustration for Ug P2
Lit I

nity community community communicati

Things we Examples of things Gives the examples of things we Guided Giving the Self –
use at we use at school use at school composition uses of awareness
Lit II

school Chairs, tables, pens people in our

Vocabulary and Reading making sentences, Brainstorming Reading Tactile Text books Mk
structure identifying sentences and Whole class Writing Critical thematics
Gun, uniform, police, pronouncing discussion Spelling thinking Bk2 pg 9
woman, structures Interview Punctuation Cooperation

Show me a….. Imitation

That/ This is…
What do you like..?
I like……

Page 8
Counting from 1 – Counting concrete objects Explanation Counting Confidence Counters
100 Arranging numbers in their Question and Reading Unity Real objects
Counting different correct order answer Writing
concrete objects Reading

Reading number Writing
symbols 1 – 100
Writing number
Our Roles of Composition Discussion Brainstorming Reading Creative Chalkboard Primary
home different Oral composition Writing Whole class Writing thinking illustration school
and people in about culture (class discussion Spelling Appreciation curriculum
commu the Lit I open discussion Story telling Punctuation Respect for UG P2
nity community about different/ other Conflict
cultural practices) resolution
Pupils’ Pupils’ roles / duties Gives pupils’ work in the school Brainstorming Giving Responsible
responsibilit work in the school pupils’ work Active
Lit II

ies in the Sweeping the in the school

school classroom, mopping
the class room
Plurals of irregular Read and write the nouns Question and Reading Effective A chart
nouns which don’t correctly answer Writing communicati

change on
Sheep, deer, fish,
Counting from 100 – Arranging numbers in their Explanation Counting Confidence Counters
200 correct order Question and Reading Unity Real objects
Reading number Reading answer Writing

symbols 100 - 200 Writing

Writing number
Our Cultural Sound ‘ew’ Mentioning Reading Confidence A chart Primary
home practices Reading Brainstorming Writing Expression Chalkboard school
and and values Constructing sentences Story telling Spelling Listening illustration curriculum
Lit I

commu in the Write words, patterns and Imitation Punctuation Manipulative for Ug P2
nity community sentences Whole class
Role play

Page 9
Class and Do not play in Gives examples of class and Participating Giving Responsible
school classroom school rules examples of
rules Do not eat from class class and

Lit II
Do not fight one school rules
Do not climb trees
Our Causes of Forming plurals of Identifying irregular nouns and Brain storming Reading Effective Text books Standard 2
school problems irregular nouns e.g. their plurals Whole class Writing communicati Chalkboard read and
and between Tooth – teeth discussion Spelling on illustration write pg 29

neighbo school and Man – men Interview Punctuation Tactile
urhood neighbourh Goose – geese Imitation
Number names 0 – Writing number names correctly Observation Matching Sharing Real objects
20 Reading the number names Explanation Naming Unity Cards

20 – 100 Match number names to number Question and Reading Love

Writing in tens symbol answer
Our Cultural Sound ‘th’ Writing patterns, words and Brainstorming Reading Appreciation A chart Primary
home practices sentences Whole class Writing Care and Chalkboard school
and and values discussion Spelling concern illustration curriculum
commu in the Story telling Punctuation Effective for Uganda
Lit I

nity community communicati P2

Our Things found on the Gives the uses and things found Whole class Giving the Concern Extract of class
timetable timetable on the timetable discussion uses and timetable
Time, days of the things found
Lit II

week, names of on the

teachers, subjects/ timetable
learning areas
Vocabulary Reading Brainstorming Reading Effective A chart A new
Grandmother, Identifying Whole class Writing communicati Text books thematic

nephew, niece Making sentences discussion on Eng bk2 pg

Structures Interview Tactile 13 – 15
Show me your…. Imitation
Counting from 200 – Arranging numbers in order Observation Matching Sharing Real objects
500 Reading Explanation Naming Unity Cards

Writing number names Question and Reading Love


Page 10
Comprehension Reading Brainstorming Reading Critical Prepared Primary
A passage about a Interpret questions Whole class Answering thinking paper work school
cake in the armpit Ask and answer oral question discussion Written & Appreciation curriculum

Lit I
Story telling oral Respect for Uganda
questions Conflict P2
Our needs Examples of school Give examples of school needs Whole class Giving Sharing Real objects
at school needs discussion examples of Self –

Lit II
Furniture, balls, pens school awareness
Our Relationshi Personal pronouns Writing out pronouns Discussion Identifying Love Text books Thematic
home p among He/ she/ it/ they Identifying pronouns Guided pronouns Care Chalkboard pupils bk 2
and family Matching discovery Matching pg 18 – 21

commu pronouns
nity Writing out
Place values (ones Identifying place value Brainstorming Counting Problem Abacus Fountain
and tens) Using the abacus to show place Whole class Identifying solving Counters bk2
Tying bundles to values discussion Writing Critical Mk bk2 pg

show place values of Filling in tens and ones thinking 15

ones and tens Drawing sticks and bundles Creative
Our Cultural Composition Reading Brainstorming Reading Critical Prepared Primary
home practices Jumbled about Interpret Whole class Answering thinking paper work school
and and values cultural practices Re – arrange correctly discussion oral and Appreciation curriculum
Lit I

commu in the Story telling written Respect for Uganda

nity community questions Conflict P2
Ways in Parents pay school Gives the ways in which the Guided Giving ways Sharing
which the fees school needs are met discussion in which Effective
school Some schools have school communicati
Lit II

needs are sponsors needs are on

met Some school have met
Our Cultural Composition Reading Brainstorming Reading Critical Prepared Primary
home practices Jumbled about Interpret Whole class Answering thinking paper work school
and and values cultural practices Re – arrange correctly discussion oral and Appreciation curriculum
Lit I

commu in the Story telling written Respect for Uganda

nity community questions Conflict P2

Page 11
Our Relationshi Revision of midterm
home p among and writing them

and family
commu members
Tying bundles to Identifying place value Brainstorming Counting Problem Abacus Fountain
show place values of Using abacus Whole class Identifying solving Counters bk2
hundreds, tens and Filling in hundreds, tens and discussion Writing Critical Mk bk2 pg

ones ones thinking 15
Drawing bundles to show Creative
hundreds, tens and ones thinking
Name the parts of the Mentioning Brainstorming Identifying Critical A chart Primary
body Reading Whole class sounds thinking Chalkboard school
Lit I

Uses of the body part Constructing sentences discussion Constructing Problem illustration curriculum
from the Write words, patterns and Story telling sentences solving for Uganda
substitutional table sentences P2
Problems in Some school do not Giving problems in meeting Guided Giving the Sharing
meeting have enough money school needs discussion problems in
Lit II

school Some parents cannot meeting

needs pay school fees school
Our Roles of Going through
home different midterm exams

and people in
commu the
nity community
Expanded form Identifying place values Brainstorming Identifying Problem Chalkboard
Writing in expanded form Whole class place values solving illustration
Finding the expanded number discussion Writing Critical

Story telling thinking

Sound ‘oa’ Reading Brainstorming Reading Creative A chart Primary
Soap, boat, goat, Writing words, patterns, and Whole class Writing thinking Chalkboard school
coat etc sentences discussion words, Appreciation illustration curriculum
Lit I

The goat bought a Story telling patterns and Respect for Uganda
coat from the shop Imitation sentences Conflict P2

Page 12
Ways of Parents should help Gives the ways of solving school Guided Giving the Sharing
solving the school to meet its problems discussion ways of

Lit II
school needs solving
problems School property school
should be kept safely problems
Our Roles of Punctuation marks Writing sentences with capital Brainstorming Reading Confidence Text books Eng. Bk2
home different Capital letters and full letters and full stops Whole class Writing Expression Chalkboard pg 23

and people in stops discussion Spelling Listening illustration Bk2 pg 20
commu the Interview Punctuation Manipulative
nity community Imitation
Operation Addition of two and Adding given numbers correctly Brainstorming Adding given Creative Real objects Primary
of numbers three digit numbers Horizontally and vertically Whole class number thinking i Counters mtc for Ug
without regrouping discussion correctly Appreciation bk 2 pg 11

Word statement s horizontally Respect – 14, 16 –

and Conflict 19
vertically resolution
Conversation about Reading Brainstorming Reading Creative A chart Primary
Sam and the goat Writing words, patterns, and Whole class Writing thinking Chalkboard school
sentences discussion words, Appreciation illustration curriculum
Lit I

Story telling patterns and Respect for Uganda

Imitation sentences Conflict P2
Keeping Things we use to Lists the things we use to keep Guided Listing the Sharing Real objects
the school keep the school clean the school clean discussion things we Critical
Lit II

clean Brooms, rags, rake, Brainstorming use to keep thinking

hoe the school
Our Roles of Short forms which Writing sentences with capital Brainstorming Reading Confidence Text books Eng. Bk2
home different require full stops letters and full stops Whole class Writing Expression Chalkboard pg 23

and people in Months of the year, discussion Spelling Listening illustration Bk2 pg 20
commu the days of the week Interview Punctuation Manipulative
nity community Imitation
Addition using a Adding the given numbers Explanation Adding Confidence Chalkboard
number line correctly Discussion Drawing Logical illustration

Presenting the given number on Counting thinking

the number line Writing

Page 13
Letter pattern ‘gr’ Writing patterns, words and Brainstorming Reading Appreciation A chart Primary
sentences Whole class Writing Care and Chalkboard school
discussion Spelling concern illustration curriculum
Story telling Punctuation Effective for Uganda

Lit I
communicati P2
Activities Reading Gives the activities done at Brainstorming Giving the Critical Chart
done at Writing school activities thinking
Lit II
school Drawing done at
Our Roles of Question marks e.g. Writing sentences with question Story telling Reading Appreciation Text books Standard 2
home different why are you late? marks Brainstorming Writing Care and Chalkboard English pg
and people in Whole class Spelling concern illustration 11
commu the discussion Punctuation Effective

nity community Interview communicati

Imitation on
Multiplication Relating addition to multiplication Brainstorming Grouping Critical Chalkboard Mk book 2
As repeated addition Grouping Whole class Addition thinking illustration pg 85 – 100

Grouping Reading the given statements discussion Real objects

Word statements Interpretation
A revision exercise Reading words, Reading Creative Prepared Primary
about work done by Answering oral and written Answering oral Brainstormin thinking paper work school
different body parts questions and written g Appreciation curriculum
Lit I

questions Whole class Respect for Ug Bk2

discussion Conflict
Role play resolution
Benefits to Who is a neighbor? Defines Guided Defining Effective
the school A neighbor is Gives the things found in our discussion Giving the communicati
from the someone who stays neighbourhood things in our on
Lit II

neighbourh near you neighbourho

ood Things found in our od
Mosque, church

Page 14
Vocabulary Reading, spellings, Story telling Reading Tactile A chart Primary
Doctor, teacher, pronunciation, making sentences Brainstorming Spelling Critical Chalkboard school
nurse, carpenter, Whole class given words thinking illustration curriculum

cobbler discussion Writing Effective for Ug Bk2
Imitation communicati
Subtraction of two Identifying place values Brainstorming Subtraction Creative Counters Mk bk 2 pg
and three digit Subtraction Whole class thinking Chalkboard 21 – 22

numbers without Interpretation of key words discussion Appreciation illustration
regrouping Whole class Problem
discussion solving
A poem about Reading words Brainstorming Reading Creative Prepared Primary
personal hygiene Answering oral and written Whole class Answering thinking paper work school
questions discussion oral and Appreciation curriculum
Lit I

Role play written Respect for Ug Bk2

questions Conflict
Work of Barber cuts our hair Gives the work of school Whole class Giving the Effective
school Police officer keeps neighbours discussion work of the communicati
neighbours law and order school on
Lit II

Herdsman looks after neighbours

Teacher teaches
Our Cultural Commas Use the comma correctly in the Explanation Reading Critical Chalkboard A new mk
home practices We use commas to sentences Observation Writing thinking illustration thematics

and the and values separate words in a bk2 pg 27

commu in the list and items
nity community After, No, Yes, please
Addition using a Subtracting the given numbers Explanation Subtracting Confidence
number line correctly Discussion Drawing Logical

Presenting the given numbers on Counting thinking

the number line
A conversation about Writing Brainstorming Chalkboard Primary
personal hygiene Whole class illustration school
Lit I

discussion curriculum
Role play for Ug Bk2

Page 15
Benefits to We get people to Gives the benefits to the school Whole class Giving the Effective
the school work in the school from the neighbourhood discussion benefits to communicati
from the We get food from the the school on

Lit II
neighbourh farms from the
ood We get medicine neighbourho
Our Cultural Vocabulary Reading Brainstorming Forming Creative Text books Mk bk2
home practices Walk, sing, pray, Using given words correctly Whole class sentences thinking Chalkboard pg29
and and values play, cook, clean discussion Appreciation illustration

commu in the Respect
nity community Conflict
Number Counting in ones Counting in Explanation Counting Effective A chart Mk bk2 pg
sequences Counting in twos Ones, twos, threes, fives, tens Question and communicati Showing 62 – 645
Counting in threes answer on number

Counting in fives Guided Critical Real objects

Counting in tens discussion thinking
Sound ‘str’ Reading Brainstorming Reading Creative A chart Primary
Writing words, patterns and Whole class Writing thinking Chalkboard school
sentences discussion words, Appreciation illustration curriculum
Lit I

Story telling patterns and Respect for Ug Bk2

Imitation sentences Conflict
Benefits of the school Identifying Story telling Story telling Effective A chart Monitor SSt
to the neighbourhood Describing Imitation Writing communicati Text books bk2 pg 42
Brainstorming Pronunciatio on
Lit II

Whole class n Critical

discussion thinking
Our Cultural Using apostrophe Use the apostrophe correctly in Story telling Writing Critical Text books Junior
home practices showing ownership sentences Brainstorming sentences in thinking Chalkboard English bk

and the and values Cat’s tails, dog’s Whole class present Problem illustration 2 pg …
commu in the meat discussion simple tense solving
nity community
Graphs Graphs Interpreting the pictograph Explanation Drawing Appreciation Real objects Mk bk2
Pictograph / picture Drawing Demonstration Interpreting Effective pg66 – 67

graph Counting communicati


Page 16
Riddles Writing patterns, words and Brainstorming Reading Appreciation A chart Primary
sentences Whole class Writing Care and Chalkboard school
discussion Spelling concern illustration curriculum
Story telling Punctuation Effective for Ug Bk2

Lit I
How the Identifying Story telling Story telling Effective A chart Monitor
neighbourhood Describing Imitation Writing communicati Text books SST bk2 pg
serves the school Brainstorming Pronunciatio on 42
Lit II Whole class n Critical
discussion thinking
Our Cultural Using apostrophe in Use the apostrophe in short Explanation Reading Critical Chalkboard
home practices short forms forms Question and Writing thinking illustration

and the and values Cannot – can’t answer

commu in the It is – It’s
nity community
Graphs Bar graph Interpreting the bar graph Fountain
Drawing primary mtc

bk2 pg 56 –
Food The food Fill in composition Reading the words Brainstorming Reading Effective Chalkboard Primary
and we eat about food and Fill in the composition correctly Whole class Writing communicati illustration school
Lit I

nutrition nutrition discussion Spelling on curriculum

A guided composition Story telling Punctuation Tactile for Ug Bk2
about food
Lit II

Human Parts of the Present continuous Identifying the verbs that add Discussion identifying Effective Chalkboard A new mk
body body tense (now tense) ‘ing’ communicati illustration thematic
Key words on bk2 pg20
Is, are, am, now

Wash – washing
Eat – eating
Kick – kicking
Page 17
Geometry Shapes Identifying shapes of different Explanation Drawing Effective Real objects Fountain
Identifying shapes objects Brainstorming Naming communicati primary mtc

Naming shapes Naming, drawing and matching Matching on bk2 pg 60 –
Drawing shapes 65
Matching shapes
Food The food Fill in composition Reading the words Brainstorming Reading Effective Chalkboard Primary
and we eat about food and Fill in the composition correctly Whole class Writing communicati illustration school

Lit I
nutrition nutrition discussion Spelling on curriculum
A guided composition Story telling Punctuation Tactile for Ug Bk2
about food
Our Causes of Problems in our Identifying problems and causes Story telling Story telling Effective A chart Primary
home problems neighbourhood and Imitation Writing communicati Text books school
between their causes Brainstorming Pronunciatio on curriculum
school and Whole class n Problem for Uganda
neighbourh discussion solving P2
ood Critical
Lit II

Care and
Now tense Removing ‘e’ and put ‘ing’ Explanation Reading the Self – A chart A new mk
Verbs that end with written verbs awareness showing thematic

‘e’ then put ‘ing’ tenses bk2 pg20

Drive – driving

Sound ‘sw’ Identifying words with sound ‘sw’ Brainstorming Identifying Creative A chart Primary
Sweep, swallow, and construct sentences Whole class words with thinking Chalkboard school
swing, discussion sound ‘sw’ Appreciation illustration curriculum
Lit I

We should always Story telling and Respect for Ug Bk2

sweep our Imitation constructing Conflict
classrooms sentences resolution
Ways of preventing Writing , drawing, telling Story telling Story telling Effective Chalkboard Primary
the problems in our Imitation Writing communicati illustration school
Lit II

neighbourhood Brainstorming Pronunciatio on curriculum

Whole class n for Ug Bk2
Page 18
Now tense Doubling the last letter then add Demonstration Spelling Self – Chalkboard Mk primary
Verbs that double the ‘ing’ esteem illustration Eng bk2 pg
last letter 23 – 29

Clap – clapping
Swim – swimming

Sound ‘ai’ Identifying words with sound ‘ai’ Brainstorming Identifying Creative A chart Primary
Tail, sail, fail, pain, and construct sentences Whole class words with thinking Chalkboard school
said discussion sound ‘ai’ Appreciation illustration curriculum
Lit I

Story telling and Respect for Ug Bk2

Imitation constructing Conflict
sentences resolution
Our Causes of Topical questions
school problems
and between
Lit II

neighbo school and

urhood neighbourh
Present simple tense Adding ‘s’ to the given verbs Explanation Problem Chalkboard Mk primary
Add ‘s’ solving illustration Eng bk2 pg

Play – plays 23 – 29
Dance – dances
Kick – kicks

Sound ‘pl’ Reading Brainstorming Reading Critical A chart Primary

Splash, play etc. Spelling and writing Whole class Writing thinking Chalkboard school
Lit I

discussion sentences Problem illustration curriculum

Story telling solving for Ug Bk2

Page 19
Our Relationshi Types of families Giving the meaning of a family Story telling Story telling Appreciation A chart Teacher’s
home p among Nuclear family Identifying types of families Imitation Writing Care and Text books own
and family Describing a nuclear family Brainstorming Pronunciatio concern Chalkboard collection
commu members Whole class n Effective illustration

Lit II
nity discussion Drawing communicati
Changing verbs to Adding ‘es’ to verbs Brainstorming Writing Critical Text books Primary
present simple tense Whole class words and thinking school
by adding ‘es’ discussion sentences in Appreciation curriculum
Eng present Respect for Uganda
simple tense Conflict P2

Comprehension story Reading words Brainstorming Reading Creative Prepared Primary

about good feed Answering oral and written Whole class Answering thinking paper work school
Jumbled sentences to questions discussion oral and Appreciation curriculum
Lit I

form correct Role play written Respect for Ug Bk2

sentences questions Conflict
Our Relationshi Extended family Tell what an extended family is Story telling Story telling Appreciation A chart Teacher’s
home p among Single parent family Mentioning the members of an Imitation Writing Care and Text books own
and family extended family Brainstorming Pronunciatio concern collection
commu members Whole class n Effective
Lit II

nity discussion Drawing communicati

Verbs that end with Change ‘y’ to ‘ies’ Brainstorming Writing Critical Text books Primary
‘y’ Whole class words and thinking school
Remove ‘y’ and put discussion sentences in Appreciation curriculum

‘ies’ present Respect for Uganda

Marry – marries simple tense Conflict P2
Bury – buries resolution

Page 20
A puzzle (identifying Reading Brainstorming Reading Critical Prepared Primary
words) Interpreting Whole class Interpreting thinking paper work school
Answering questions discussion Answering Appreciation curriculum

Lit I
Story telling questions Respect for Ug Bk2
Our Relationshi Roles of people in the Identified Story telling Story telling Confidence A chart Teacher’s
home p among Lit II family Describing roles of people in the Imitation Writing Expression Text books own
and family family Brainstorming Pronunciatio Listening collection
commu members Whole class n Manipulative
nity discussion Drawing

A puzzle (filling in
correct answers to
Lit I

complete the puzzle)

Our Roles of Categories of people Naming categories of people in Story telling Story telling Confidence A chart Teacher’s
home different in the community the community Imitation Writing Expression Text books own
Lit II

and people in Doctors, carpenters Drawing Brainstorming Pronunciatio Listening collection

commu the , policeman etc Whole class n Manipulative
nity community discussion
Vocabulary Reading the words correctly Brainstorming Identifying Critical Text books Mk bk2 pg
Head, finger, nose, Using the structures given Whole class parts of the thinking Chalkboard 118
mouth, knee, discussion body Appreciation illustration

Structure Respect
Show me your … Conflict
How many…? resolution
Have/ has…?

Page 21
Lit I
Our Roles of People role and their Naming different people Story telling Story telling Confidence A chart Teacher’s
home different places of work Giving their roles Imitation Writing Expression Text books own
and people in Doctors treat sick Brainstorming Pronunciatio Listening collection
Lit II
commu the people Whole class n Manipulative
nity community Carpenters make discussion
things out of wood
Past simple tense Changing verbs to past simple Explanation Reading and Confidence A chart Abc
Add ‘ed’ tense Discussion writing past Effective showing thematic

simple tense communicati tenses bk2 pg22 –

on 23
Lit I

Our Roles of Places of work of the Naming different people Story telling Story telling Appreciation A chart Teacher’s
home different people in the Giving places where they work Imitation Writing Care and Text books own
and people in community Brainstorming Pronunciatio concern collection
commu the Teacher – school Whole class n Effective
Lit II

nity community Doctor – hospital discussion communicati

Carpenter – worship on
Vocabulary Reading Story telling Reading Critical A chart Primary
Boil, throw, wash , Spelling Brainstorming Spelling thinking Chalkboard school
sweep, burn, Writing Whole class Writing Problem illustration curriculum

Structures Making sentences discussion Making solving for Uganda

What are you doing? Imitation sentences P2
I am / we are.

Page 22
Lit I
Our Cultural Cultural practices and Identifying cultural practices and Brainstorming Greeting Creative Text books Teacher’s
home practices values in the values Whole class Praying thinking Chalkboard own
and and values community Writing discussion Cooking Appreciation illustration collection
Lit II
commu in the Story telling Serving Respect
nity community Conflict
Conjunction ‘and’ Using the conjunction properly Brainstorming Reading the Critical Text books Junior
Was – were Whole class joined thinking Chalkboard English bk2

Is – are discussion sentences Problem illustration pg..

Role play solving
Lit I

Cultural practices e.g. Identifying different practices Brainstorming Singing Creative Text books Teacher’s
introduction, singing, Explain each practice Story telling Burial thinking Chalkboard own
marriage, burial, Imitation Dancing Appreciation illustration collection
Lit II

dancing, Whole class Circumcision Respect

circumcision, twins discussion Marriage Conflict
- Conjunction Using the conjunction well Brainstorming Reading the Critical Text book Junior
‘and’ Whole class formed thinking English bk2
- Has – have discussion (joined Appreciation pg…

- Joining two sentences) Respect

sentences Conflict

Page 23
Lit I
Cultural foods Identifying Brainstorming Creative A chart Teacher’s
Describing Story telling thinking Text books own
Imitation Appreciation Chalkboard collection

Lit II
Whole class Respect illustration
discussion Conflict
Vocabulary Reading the words given Brainstorming Reading Critical Chalkboard Mk
Cabbage, sweet, correctly Whole class Writing thinking illustration thematic
potatoes, geese etc Writing sentences discussion sentences Appreciation bk2 pg36

Structure Respect
What are these/ Conflict
those? resolution
These/ those are…
Lit I

Topical questions
Lit II

Using ‘a’/ ‘an’ Identifying things that use ‘a’ and Brainstorming Using ‘a/an’ Critical Chalkboard Junior
An apple ‘an’ Whole class thinking illustration English bk2
An umbrella Naming things discussion Appreciation
An insect Respect
A boy Conflict

A cow resolution
We use ‘an’ with
vowel sound
We use ‘a’ with

Page 24
Lit I
The Parts of the Parts of the body Naming parts of the body Brainstorming Naming the Creative Pupils Monitor
human body and Singing Whole class parts of the thinking A chart science bk2
body their Drawing discussion body Appreciation Text books Mk
Lit II
and functions Drawing, Respect standard
health colouring Conflict scie bk2
and naming resolution
Adjectives Reading and identifying Story telling Constructing Creative Text books Junior
Examples adjectives Brainstorming sentences thinking English
Fat , thin, Ugly , big Writing out adjectives Whole class Appreciation book 2

Underling adjectives discussion Respect

Imitation Conflict
Lit I

The Parts of the Functions of the body Mentioning way of different parts Brainstorming Describing Creative A chart Monitor
human body and parts of the body work together Whole class ways body thinking Text books science bk2
body their discussion parts work Appreciation Mk
Lit II

and functions together Respect standard

health Conflict scie bk2
Opposites of Reading and identifying Story telling Constructing Creative Text books Junior
adjectives adjectives Brainstorming sentences thinking English
Fat – thin Writing out adjectives Whole class Appreciation book 2
Ugly – beautiful/ Underling adjectives discussion Respect

handsome Imitation Conflict

Smaller – bigger resolution
Longest/ tallest –

Page 25
Lit I
The way different Identifying Brainstorming Identifying Creative A chart Monitor
body parts work e.g. Describing Whole class and thinking showing parts science bk2
eating discussion describing Appreciation of the body Mk
Lit II
Story telling the way Respect standard
Role play different Conflict scie bk2
body parts resolution
Food Classificati Comparing adjectives Comparing adjectives Discussion Effective Effective A chart Thematic
and on of food Adjectives that add communicati communicati curriculum

nutrition ‘er and ‘est’ on on

Tall/taller/ tallest
Poor/ poorer/ poorest
Lit I

The Sanitation Definition of Explaining what sanitation is Brainstorming Explaining Critical A chart Monitor
human sanitation Name areas to be kept clean Whole class Identifying thinking School science bk2
body Areas that need to be Mentioning why we keep those discussion areas that Appreciation environment Mk
and kept clean areas clean need to be Respect standard
Lit II

health e.g. bathroom, toilets kept clean Conflict scie bk2

and compound resolution
around the

Page 26
Adjectives that Comparing adjectives Guided Self – Effective A chart Thematic
double the last letter discovery awareness communicati curriculum
before adding ‘er and on

Thin/ thinner/ thinnest
Hot/ hotter/ hottest

Lit I

The Sanitation How to clean these Mentioning ways of cleaning Brainstorming Describing Creative Brooms Monitor
human areas e.g. sweeping, different areas Whole class ways of thinking Hoes science bk2
body mopping Writing clean (practical) discussion cleaning Appreciation Slasher Mk
Lit II

and Story telling Respect Rug standard

health Imitation Conflict Water scie bk2
resolution Soap
Adjectives that end Comparing adjectives Demonstration Self – Realia A chart Thematic
with ‘y’ esteem curriculum
We remove ‘y’ and

put ‘ier’/ ‘iest’

Happy/ happier/
Lazy/ lazier/ laziest
Lit I

Tools / materials Naming materials used Brainstorming Reading Creative A chart Monitor
used e.g. brooms, Drawing and naming Whole class Writing thinking Chalkboard science bk2
soap, water, paper discussion Drawing Appreciation illustration Mk
Lit II

basket Story telling ‘ Naming Respect standard

Imitation Colouring Conflict Scie bk2

Page 27
Adjectives that add Comparing adjectives Listen, say, Creative Effective A chart
‘more’ and ‘most’ use thinking communicati
Active / more active/ on

most active
Honest/ more honest/
most honest

Lit I

The Personal Personal hygiene Describing personal hygiene Brainstorming Describing Critical Soap, water, Monitor
human hygiene Skills for keeping our Identifying ways of keeping our Whole class personal thinking sponge, towel science bk2
body body clean body clean discussion hygiene Problem Mk
Lit II

and Things we use to Story telling Identifying solving standard

health keep clean Imitation ways of scie bk2
keeping our
body clean
Lit I

The Personal Practical activities on Demonstrating Brainstorming Demonstrati Critical Text books Monitor
human hygiene personal hygiene Describing Whole class on thinking science bk2
Lit II

body Practicing discussion Problem Mk

and Story telling solving standard
health Imitation scie bk2

Page 28
Lit I
Common disease and Naming diseases and their Brainstorming Naming Critical Text books
their prevention prevision Whole class diseases thinking
Making a table discussion and their Problem
Lit II
Story telling prevention solving
Imitation Making a
Lit I

Food Classificati Definition of food Defining food Brainstorming Writing Creative A chart Monitor
and on of foods Naming classes of Classifying energy giving food Whole class Naming thinking Text books science bk2
nutrition food Drawing discussion Drawing Appreciation Mk
Lit II

Energy giving foods Story telling Coloring Respect standard

Imitation Conflict scie bk2

Page 29
Lit I
Food Classificati Body building foods Identifying foods Brainstorming Identifying Creative A chart Monitor
and on of foods (proteins) eggs, milk, Drawing Whole class foods thinking Text books science bk2
nutrition fish, meat etc Naming discussion Drawing Appreciation Mk

Lit II
Story telling Naming Respect standard
Imitation Conflict scie bk2

Lit I

Food Classificati Healthy giving foods Identifying foods Brainstorming Identifying Creative A chart Monitor
and on of foods Balanced diet Drawing Whole class foods thinking Text books science bk2
nutrition Naming discussion Drawing Appreciation Mk
Lit II

Story telling Naming Respect standard

Imitation Conflict scie bk2

Page 30
Food Classificati Effects of poor Mentioning the effects of poor Brainstorming Mentioning Creative Chalkboard Monitor
and on of foods feeding and signs of feeding Whole class the effects of thinking illustration science bk2
nutrition malnutrition e.g. Naming signs of malnutrition discussion poor feeding Appreciation Mk

Lit II
weakness, blindness Story telling Respect standard
and death Imitation Conflict scie bk2

Page 31
1 - Going through
MON holiday work
TUE - Going through
holiday work
1 Our Common MTC - Going through
environment animals holiday work
WED - Vocabulary on Pronouncing Whole class Pronounci Creative A chart Junior
common given words. discussion ng given thinking. showing English bk
animals. Spelling words. Critical thinking. animals and 2 pg 41 -
- Structure words Answering their young 42
- What is this/that Use the questions. ones.
THU ENG Animal young ones Naming Whole class Drawing Creative Chalkboard Mk
Examples animal young discussion. animal thinking. illustration. thematic
Kitten, calf, cub one Brain storming. young Critical thinking. pg47 – 52
Lit I Sound “ng” Identifying Whole class Measuring Creative Text books Teachers
Wing, sing, bring. Reading discussion. different thinking. C/illustrations collection
Sentences. Writing Brain storming objects Appreciation
Letter pattern Practical respect
KK KK KK approach
2 Our Common Lit II Domestic and wild Giving Whole class Writing. Creative Text books. MK
environment animals animals. difference btn discussion. Naming thinking. A chart integrated
Definition of wild and Brain storming. Drawing. Effective C/B pr. Scie bk
domestic and wild domestic communication. illustration. 2 pg 7 - 9
animals. animals. Critical thinking.
Examples of
domestic and wild Naming.
animals and their
Maths Capacity Measuring Whole class Measuring Creative Text bks Teachers
Measuring liquids liquids using discussion different thinking C/illustrations collection
Using nonstandard different Brain storming objects Appreciation
measures e.g. jugs objects Practical respect
Our Common English Animal homes Matching Guided Matching Creative A chart Mk
environment animals Examples animals to discovery Naming thinking. thematic

Page 32
Cow – kraal / byre their homes Effective bk2 pg 51
Dog – kennel communication
Rabbit – hutch Critical thinking.
Lion – den
Our Common Lit I Spelling and Pronouncing Whole class Spelling Critical thinking. A chart
environment animals dictation. given words. discussion Writing. Creative C/illustrations.
spelling thinking.
Brain storming. Effective
Tue Lit II Animal products Naming Whole class Naming Critical thinking. A chart Teachers’
comparing discussion. the young Creative C/illustrations. collection.
ones of thinking.
Brain storming. the Effective
animals. communication
Maths Comparing Comparing Whole class Comparin Critical thinking Bottles
capacity of different capacity discussion g capacity Cups
containers. Jerrycans of
Brain storming. water
English Animal sounds Mentioning Whole class Writing Critical thinking. C/b
Examples the animal discussion given Creative illustration.
Dog – barks sounds words in thinking.
Lion – roars Brain storming. alphabetic Effective
Cow – low/ mows al order. communication
Cat – mews/ purrs
Elephant –
Lit I Composition about Reading Whole class Reading Creative C/B MK
domestic animals Writing discussion Writing thinking. illustrations integrated
Answering Answering Effective pri. Scie
questions Brain storming. questions communication bk 2 pg 1
Critical thinking.
Critical thinking
WED Lit II How animals and Identifying Whole class Identifying Critical thinking. A chart MK
birds move. Naming discussion Naming Creative C/illustrations integrated
Birds – fly writing thinking pri. Sci bk
People – walk Brain storming. 2 pg 2 - 3
Snakes – glide
Reasons why
animals move from
one place to

Page 33
Maths -Measuring Measuring -Whole class Filling Critical thinking C/illustrations
capacity using liquid using discussion containers Problem solving Bottles
standard units. different Brain storming. Text bks
-Practical work containers -Practical work Tins
using half litre Cups
English Alphabetical order Arranging Explanation Arranging Critical thinking Chalkboard Junior
by the first letter words in Discussion words in illustration English
Examples alphabetical abc order bk2 pg28
Zoo, tree ball, hen, order English
ball, hen, tree, zoo, practice
Child, boy, girl, bk2 pg 34
man – 38
boy, child, girl, man
Thur Lit I Sound “le” Pronouncing Whole class Reading Creative C/b
Let the given discussion Writing thinking. illustration
Letter sounds. Effective
Letter pattern Brain storming. communication
Ss ss ss ss
Lit II How animals Naming Imitating Naming Creative Text books MK
protect Identifying Brain storming writing thinking. Chart integrated
themselves/weapo Describing Effective C/B pri. Scie
ns communication illustration bk 2 pg 5.
Bee/wasp – sting Critical thinking.
Animal sounds and
what they say.
Reasons why
animals make
Maths Addition of litres -Counting -Whole class -Adding Creative
-Adding litres discussion. -Counting thinking.
1. 2l + 3l = 5l -Writing -Explanation -Writing Effective
-Observation communication
2l + 3l = 5l Critical thinking.
Critical thinking
2. 4ltrs+5ltrs = 9ltrs
English Abc order by the Arranging Whole class Arrange Creative C/illustrations Junior Eng
second letter words in discussion the words thinking. bk 1 pg 31
Examples alphabetical in abc Effective Text bks bk 2 pg 9.

Page 34
Boy, bag, best, bird order Brain storming. order communication
Bag, best, bird, boy Critical thinking.
Most, meat, mat, Critical thinking
Mat, meat, milk,
Our Common Lit I Riddle Reading Whole class Reading Critical thinking. A chart
environment animals Writing discussion Writing Creative C/illustrations
Answering Answering thinking.
questions Brain storming questions Effective
Lit II Uses of animals Naming Whole class Writing Creative Text books MK inte
and birds Identifying discussion Answering thinking. charts prim scie
(domestic) Describing questions Effective bk 2 pg 7
Brain storming. communication – 9.
Critical thinking.
Critical thinking
OUR Common Maths Addition of 2 digit Adding 2 digit Whole class -Adding Creative Text bks MK inte pri
ENVIRONM animals numbers with numbers with discussion -Counting thinking. c/b illustration scie bk 2
ENT regrouping regrouping -Problem Effective pg 107-
Brain storming. solving communication 109
Critical thinking.
Critical thinking
Common English Alphabetical order Writing given Whole class Writing Problem solving Chalkboard Junior
animals considering the words in discussion words in Critical thinking illustration English
third letter alphabetical abc order bk2 pg 47
Examples order Brain storming.
Smell, small, smile,
Drip, drum, dream,
Drag, dream, drip,
Our Common Lit I Spelling and Spelling the Whole class Spelling Creative Text bks MK
environment animals dictation given words. discussion Writing thinking. c/b illustration integrated
Stems, roots, water Effective pri scie bk
etc Brain storming. communication 2 pgs 63 –
Critical thinking. 73.
Critical thinking
Lit II Names of common Naming Whole class Oral and Creative Some insects MK

Page 35
insects. Identifying discussion written thinking. Chart integrated
Xteristics of Grouping work. Effective c/b illustration pri. Scie
insects. Describing. Brain storming. communication bk 2 pg
Useful insects e.g. Critical thinking. 19.
grasshoppers. Critical thinking
Maths Word problems in -Reading and Whole class Written Creative Text bks MK MTC
addition of 2 digit interpreting discussion work. thinking. c/b illustration Bk.2
numbers with -Word Effective Pg. 110
regrouping problems Brain storming. communication
Critical thinking.
Critical thinking
English Vocabulary on Pronounce Guided Reading Creative A chart Mk
common insects words discussion Writing thinking. showing thematic
Bee, wasp, correctly Effective insects and bk2 pg52
cockroach, communication their names – 54
grasshopper, Critical thinking.
mosquito, butterfly, Critical thinking
spider, ant
Our Common Lit I Guided Reading Whole class Reading Creative C/B
environment animals composition about Writing discussion Writing thinking. illustration
plants, animals and Answering Answering Effective
trip questions. Brain storming. questions. communication
Critical thinking.
Critical thinking
Lit II Harmful insects Identifying Whole class Identifying Creative MK integrated Teacher’s
These are insects dangerous discussion writing thinking. prim scie bk 2 collection.
which are insects. Effective pg 17
dangerous to us. Brain storming. communication
Parts of an insect Critical thinking.
(main and others). Critical thinking
How insects are
How to protect
ourselves from
harmful insects.
Maths -Dividing two digit Sharing Whole class Dividing Creative MK pri. MTC
numbers by 3 equally, discussion given thinking. bk 2
without a interpreting numbers Effective Pg. 74 - 77
remainder. word Brain storming. and communication
-Word problems. problems and solving Critical thinking.

Page 36
solving. word Critical thinking
English Structures Use Whole class Reading Critical thinking A chart Mk
What is this? structures discussion Writing Respect Chalkboard thematic
This is a… correctly Guided illustration bk2 pg52
What are these? discovery – 54
These are…
Is this a …?
Yes, it is a …
No, it isn’t …
Lit I Sound “oo” Spelling Whole class Spelling Critical thinking. A chart on Teachers’
sentences Reading discussion Reading pronouns collection.
Letter patter Ee Brain storming. Writing
Lit II The life cycle of a Naming Whole class Naming Creative Text bks MK inte.
housefly explaining discussion Drawing thinking A chart Scie bk 2
Effective pg 15.
Brain storming. communication
Maths Dividing two digit Sharing Group Dividing Critical thinking Text books
numbers by 4 equally discussion given sharing Real objects
without a Reading word Brain storming numbers
remainder and problems and and
word problems. interpreting solving
them. word
English Using ‘was’ and Using was Observation Fill in the Effective Chalkboard Junior
‘were’ and were Explanation gaps with communication illustration English
Was is used for correctly to fill Guided was or Fluency bk2
one in the gaps discussion were
Were is used for
more than one
Our Common Lit I Comprehension Reading Whole class Reading Creative C/B
environment animals about plants. Writing discussion Writing thinking. illustration
Answering Answering Effective
questions. Brain storming. questions. communication
Critical thinking.
Critical thinking
Lit II Life cycle of a Drawing and Whole class Writing Creative Text book MK inte
butterfly naming the discussion drawing thinking. A chart scie bk 2
stages of a Brain storming Effective pg 13
butterfly. communication

Page 37
Critical thinking.
Critical thinking
Maths Fractions Identifying Whole class Cutting Critical thinking Proper pairs MK pri
Cutting, folding and Describing discussion Folding Problem solving of scissors MTC bk 2
naming fractions. Naming Demonstration Naming fruits pg 95
(Practical lesson) fractions Practical fractions
English Vocabulary on Pronouncing Whole class Written Creative Chalkboard Primary
plants words discussion work thinking. illustration curriculum
Spelling Brainstorming Effective English
words learnt communication practice
Critical thinking. bk2 pg 40
Critical thinking
Our Common Lit I Spelling and Spell the Whole class Spelling C/b illustrations
environment animals dictations given words discussion Writing A chart.

Brain storming
Lit II Life cycle of a Drawing and Whole class Oral and Creative Real insects MK inte
cockroach. naming the discussion written thinking. A chart prim Scie.
stages of a work. Critical thinking. Pupils bk
cockroach. Brain storming 2 pg 17
MTC Drawing fractions Drawing Whole class Drawing Creative Text books MK pri.
and naming Naming discussion Naming thinking MTC bk 2
shaded fractions shaded shaded Critical thinking pg 93 - 94
fractions Brain storming fractions Self awareness

English Structures Pronouncing Whole class Written Creative Chalkboard Primary

What are these/ words discussion work thinking. illustration curriculum
those? Spelling Brainstorming Effective English
Those / these are. words learnt communication practice
Critical thinking. bk2 pg 40
Critical thinking
Lit I Underline the odd Reading Whole class Reading Creative C/b
one out Writing discussion Writing thinking. illustrations
Answering Answering Effective
questions Brain storming questions communication
Critical thinking.

Our Common Lit II Examples of Naming Whole class Oral and Creative Real plants MK inte
environment plants common plants Drawing discussion written thinking. scie bk 4

Page 38
work. Effective pg 21
Brain storming communication
Critical thinking.
MTC Reading fractions Reading Whole class Writing Creative Text bks MK prim
and writing them in fractions discussion. and thinking c/b MTC bk 2
words. Writing reading Appreciation illustrations
fractions. fractions. respect
English Adjectives Read and Discussion Writing out Appreciation A chart Junior
Examples write the the English
Fat, ugly, thin, big, adjectives adjectives bk2 pg
beautiful, tall, short Underline out
the adjectives
Lit I Comprehension Reading Whole class Reading Creative C/b Monitor
about break time. Writing discussion Writing thinking. illustrations Eng. Bk 2
Answering Answering Effective
questions. Brain storming questions. communication
Critical thinking.
Our Common Lit II Parts of a plant Naming Whole class Drawing Creative Real plant MK inte
environment plants drawing discussion Colouring thinking. A chart Scie bk 4
Answering Effective pg 21
Brain storming oral and communication
written Critical thinking.
MTC Comparing -Comparing Whole class -Cutting Critical thinking Real objects. Understan
fractions fractions discussion objects Problem solving ding MTC
Practically using -Describing like fruits bk 2
bigger than and -Cutting Brain storming - MK pr.
less than. Comparin MTC bk 2
-Using signs <, > or g pg 96
English Opposites of Matching the Explanation Matching Self esteem A chart Precise
adjectives adjective the bk5 pg
Examples correctly adjective
Fat – thin correctly
Ugly – beautiful Under the
Tallest – shortest adjectives
Sweet – sour
Heavier – lighter

Our Common Lit II Uses of a plant for Naming Whole class Answering Creative Fruits

Page 39
environment plants food. Drawing discussion oral and thinking. Leaves
Food crops and written Effective Banana
cash crops. Brain storming work. communication fibres,
Definitions and Critical thinking. charcoal
Products of crops.
MTC -Fractions of the -Identifying Whole class Drawing -Critical thinking Text books Teachers’
unshaded part. the fractions discussion Sharing c/b illustration collection.
of the -Creative
unshaded Brain storming thinking
English Comparing Comparing Demonstration Comparin
Creative A chart
adjectives by adjectives g and
adding ‘er’ and ‘est completin
Tall taller tallest g the table
Short shorter shortest correctly
Critical thinking.
Critical thinking
Lit I Substitution table Pronouncing Whole class Oral and Creative C/b
the given discussion written thinking. illustrations
words. work. Effective
Brain storming communication
Critical thinking.
Our Common Lit II Harmful plants Defining Whole class Oral and Creative Real plants MK int pri.
environment plants Naming discussion written thinking. Scie bk 2
work. Effective pg 71, bk
Brain storming communication 3 pg 10.
Critical thinking
MTC -Addition of -Adding Whole class Addition of Sharing Text books MK pri.
fractions with the fractions discussion fractions. estimation c/b illustration Mtc bk 2
same denominator correctly. Critical thinking and 3
-Reading Brain storming Kenya
-Counting MTC bk 2
pg 117 -
English Comparing Comparing Demonstration Comparin Creative A chart
adjectives that adjectives g and thinking.
double the last completin Effective
letter before adding g the table communication

Page 40
‘er’ and ‘est’ correctly
Critical thinking.
Thin thinner thinnest Critical thinking
Lit I Arrange sentences Reading Whole class Reading Creative C/b
to form a Writing discussion Writing thinking. illustrations
meaningful story Answering Brainstorming Answering Effective
questions questions communication
Critical thinking
Lit II Seeds (definition) Naming Whole class Oral and Creative Real seeds Understai
Examples of seeds observing discussion written thinking. A chart ng int scie
Conditions of seed Brain storming work. Effective bk 2 pg 45
germination communication
Stages of plant Critical thinking
MTC Subtraction of Identifying Whole class Subtractio Creative Papers MK prim
fractions with the Describing discussion n of thinking. Cutters MTC bk 2
same denominator Naming Brain storming fractions. Effective Razorblade and bk 3.
fractions. communication Fruit txt books
Critical thinking
English Adjectives that end Comparing Discussion Writing out Appreciation A chart Junior
with ‘y’ adjectives adjectives English
We remove ‘y’ and bk2
put ‘ier’
Lazy lazier laziest
Happy happier happiest
Lit I Comprehension Reading Whole class Reading Creative Text books
Mrs. Budongo’s Writing discussion Writing
thinking. c/b illustration
craft shop Answering Answering
questions Brain storming questions
Critical thinking
Our Common Lit II Dangers of plants Identifying Whole class Oral and Creative Text books MK inte pri
environment plants Conditions dangerous discussion written thinking. Scie bk 3
necessary for plant plants Brain storming work. Effective pg 10
growth. communication understan
Sunlight Ways of Critical thinking ding scie
Air caring for bk 2 pg 49
Moisture (water) plants.
Caring for plants
e.g. watering them,
weeding them etc)
MTC Revision about -Reading Whole class Drawing Creative Text books MK pri.

Page 41
fractions -Working out discussion Shading thinking. MTC bk 2
fractions Brain storming Effective
Critical thinking
English Adjectives which Comparing Whole class Oral and Creative Text books Basic Eng
are compared by adjectives discussion written thinking. c/b illustration 2 – 3 pg
adding more and using more work. Effective 21.
most. and most Brain storming communication
Critical thinking.
Lit I A guided Spelling Whole class Answering Creative C/b
composition about Writing discussion oral and thinking. illustrations
crafts written Effective
Brain storming work. communication
Critical thinking
Things we Things we Lit II Play materials Naming Whole class Oral and Creative Real play Teachers,
make make in Ropes, dolls, sticks identifying discussion written thinking. materials collection
the etc Brain storming work. Effective
communit Define crafts. communication
y Drawing Critical thinking
MTC ALGEBRA Finding Whole class Oral and Creative -C/b Text
-Finding missing missing discussion written thinking. illustrations books
numbers in addition numbers Brain storming work. Effective -Counters -MK MTC
communication Bk.2 pg.
Critical thinking 98 - 99
Adjectives English Comparing Comparing Whole class Written Creative Text books Basic Eng
irregular adjectives irregular discussion activities thinking. c/b illustration 2 – 3 pg
e.g. bad, worse, adjectives. Effective 20.
worst Brain storming communication Spell well
Critical thinking. pg 32.
Lit I Sound ‘p’ Pronouncing Whole class Oral and Creative A chart
given words. discussion written thinking. c/b
Brain storming work. Effective illustrations.
Drawing Critical thinking
Things we Things we Lit II Things we use in a Identifying Whole class Oral and Creative Real objects Teachers
make make in home e.g. kitchen Naming discussion written thinking. own
the stove, plate, etc Describing Brain storming. work. Effective collection
communit communication
y. Critical thinking
MTC Addition of 2 digit Adding two Whole class Oral and Critical thinking Text books. MK pri.

Page 42
numbers with re- digit numbers discussion written Problem solving MTC bk 2
grouping. with Brain storming work. Prim sch
regrouping. MTC bk 2
English Pronouns Reading the Discussion Matching Self esteem A chart Standard
These are words pronouns pronouns 3 english
used instead of with nouns pg 35
They, we, it, he,
she, I
Lit I A rhyme “ding dong Reading Whole class Oral and Creative Text books Junior eng
bell” Writing discussion written thinking. c/b illustration bk 2 pg
Answering Brain storming. work. Effective 43.
questions communication
Critical thinking
Things we Things we Lit II Materials used and Naming Whole class Oral and Creative Real objects Teachers’
make make in their sources e.g. describing discussion written thinking. own
our banana fibres, Brain storming. work. Effective collection
communit mud, palm leaves, communication
y. straws etc Critical thinking
MTC Revision Multiplication Whole class Oral and Creative C/b Fountain
of two digit discussion written thinking. illustration MTC bk 2
numbers. Brain storming. work. Effective
Critical thinking
English Possessive Identifying Whole class Identifying Creative A chart on Std 3 Eng
pronouns e.g. hers, possessive discussion possessive thinking. pronouns pg 35
theirs, his pronouns pronouns Effective Eng aid bk
Brain storming. Underlining communication 3 pg 61
Lit I Sound ‘tr’ Reading Whole class Reading Creative Text books Teachers
Writing discussion Writing thinking. resource
Brain storming. Answering
Effective bk pg 54,
communication 57
Critical thinking
Lit II Whole class Oral and Creative Text books Teachers
discussion written thinking. c/b illustration own
Brain storming. work. Effective collection.

Page 43
Critical thinking
MTC ALGEBRA Finding the Class Oral and Creative Text books MK Maths
-Finding missing middle discussion written thinking. c/b illustration 2000 bk 2.
numbers in missing Brain storming. work. Effective Pg.100
subtraction number communication
a) 9 – 3 = Critical thinking
b) 10 - = 4
Things we Things we English Use of some and Sentences to Whole class Reading Creative a chart English
make in the make in any fill in with discussion Writing thinking. aid bk3 pg
community the some and any Brainstorming Effective 46
communit communication
y Critical thinking.
Lit I A story about a Identifying Whole class Oral and Creative Text books Teacher’s
busy town Making discussion written thinking. own
sentences Brain storming work. Effective collection
Writing communication
Critical thinking.
Lit II Importance of Naming Whole class Oral and Creative Balls, ropes, Teachers
things we make. Drawing discussion written thinking dolls, tables collection.
Brain storming work. Critical thinking.
Lit I Arrange the words Identifying Whole class Oral and Creative Text books Teacher’s
to form a Making discussion written thinking. own
meaningful sentences Brain storming work. Effective collection
sentence Writing communication
Critical thinking.
Transport in Means Lit II Define transport. Naming Whole class Oral and Creative A chart MK
our and uses Types of transport. Means of discussion written thinking c/b illustration standard
community of Means of transport. transport. Brain storming work. Critical thinking. SST bk 3
transport Grouping pg 80, bk
in our meaning of 2 pg 94 –
communit transport. 96.
MTC Algebra Finding the Whole class Oral and Creative Text books MK pri.
first missing discussion written thinking counters MTC bk 2
numbers in Brain storming work. Critical thinking. fountain
subtraction MTC bk 2
Things we Things we English Vocabulary on Pronounce Whole class Spelling Creative C/b Basic Eng
make in the make in things we make in words discussion writing thinking. illustrations 2 – 3 pg
community the the community. correctly. Effective A chart 44.
communit Structures Spell given Brain storming communication Eng aid 3

Page 44
y Where is the…? words. Critical thinking. pg 52.
Lit I Sound ‘sp’ Reading Whole class Oral and Reading Text books Teachers
Writing discussion written Writing c/b illustration resource
Answering Brain storming work. Answering bk pg 58
questions questions
Transport in Means Lit II Uses of transport. Listing the Whole class Oral and Creative Read sings Teachers
our and uses Carrying people, uses of discussion written thinking Text bks own
community of carrying food, water transport. Brain storming work. Critical thinking. collection.
transport etc.
in our People who Naming
communit operate the means
y. of transport.
MTC Algebra Finding Whole class Oral and Creative Text books Mk Pri
Identifying missing missing discussion written thinking Counters MTC bk 2
numbers in a numbers in Brain storming work. Critical thinking. pgs 98 –
mathematical addition. 99.
statement in
addition and
English Reflexive pronouns Identifying Whole class IdentifyingCreative A chart about
reflexive discussion underlinin
thinking. pronouns
pronouns. g Effective
Underline Brain storming. communication
reflexive Critical thinking.
pronouns. Critical thinking
Lit I Sound ‘sp’ Reading Whole class Oral and Reading Text books Teachers
Writing discussion written Writing c/b illustration resource
Answering Brain storming work. Answering bk pg 58
questions questions
Lit II Road safety. Reading and
Un safe ways of pronouncing
using the road. words.
safety ways.
MTC Revision exercises -Reading Whole class Oral and Co-operation MK bkk 2
about Algebra -Working out discussion written Creative pr. MTC
Brain storming work. thinking. Text bk 2
c/b illustrations
English Interrogative Identifying Whole class Identifying Creative Textbooks Basic

Page 45
pronouns interrogative discussion
interrogati thinking. Chalkboard English 2
Asking words pronouns Brain storming
ve Effective illustrations – 3 pg 44
Examples Fill in correct pronouns communication English
What, which, why interrogative Fill in Critical thinking aid 3 pg
pronouns correct 52
Lit I A picture about Pronouncing Whole class Reading Creative Prepared Teachers’
Traffic lights the given discussion Writing thinking paper work own
words. Brain storming Answering Critical thinking. c/b illustration collection.
questions. Effective
Lit II Road signs Drawing
MTC -Measures Measuring Whole class Oral and Critical thinking -Body parts MK bk 2
-Length comparing discussion written Problem solving -Strings Pr. MTC
-Measuring length using Brain storming work. bk 2
using nonstandard nonstandard pg.135-
units units. 136
English Prepositions of Identifying Whole class Written Creative Text books Basic
place prepositions discussion activity thinking. Chalkboard English 2
of place Brain storming Effective illustration – 3 pg 20
communication Spell well
Critical thinking pg 32
Lit I Sentences Pronouncing Whole class Reading Creative Prepared Teachers’
Letter pattern mm the given discussion Writing thinking paper work own
words. Brain storming Answering Critical thinking. c/b illustration collection.
questions. Effective
Transport in Means Lit II Un-safe ways of Drawing Whole class Oral and Creative Real objects MK prim
our and uses using the road e.g. Naming discussion written thinking e.g. mails, scie bk 4
community of playing on the dangerous Brain storming work. Effective broken pg 71 –
transport road, etc. things on the communication. glasses. 72.
in our road.
MTC Comparing length Comparing -Whole class -Counting Cooperation -Strings MK bk 2
using non-standard length using discussion - Appreciation -Sticks and 3
units longer than or -Brain storming Comparin Problem solving Pg.135-

Page 46
shorter than. -Practical g 136
approach -
English Prepositions of Identifying Whole class Oral and Creative Text books Basic
verbs propositions discussion written thinking. Chalkboard English 2
of verbs Brain storming work. Effective illustration – 3 pg 21
Filling in communication Mk
correctly Critical thinking thematic
Lit I Comprehension Reading Whole class Reading Creative Prepared Teachers
about accidents/ Writing discussion Writing thinking paper work resource
composition / Answering Brain storming Answering Effective c/b illustration bk pg 65.
conversation about questions questions communication
Lit II Dangerous things Naming Whole class Oral and Creative Real objects Teachers
on the road e.g. discussion written thinking collection
broken bottle, nails, Brain storming work. Effective
wires etc communication.
MTC Solving algebraic Interpreting Whole class Oral and Cooperation Text bks MK bk 2
problems in algebrical discussion written problem solving c/b and 3
subtraction. word Brain storming work. illustrations
4- =1 problems
English Revision for Mid- Whole class Answering
Creative C/b
term discussion oral and
thinking. illustrations
Brain storming work.
Critical thinking
Lit I Composition Reading Whole class Reading Creative Prepared
Writing discussion Writing thinking paper work
Answering Brain storming Answering Effective c/b illustration
questions questions communication
Lit II People who help in Identifying Whole class Oral and Effective A chart Teachers
traffic e.g naming discussion written thinking own
policemen, parents. Brain storming work. Effective collection.
Critical thinking
Maths Measures Measuring Whole class Measuring Creative Text bks MK bk 2
Length practical Comparing discussion length of thinking rulers pg 137 –
work. using stand Brain storming different Appreciation 140.

Page 47
Introducing units. objects. Respect.
standard unit
English Mid-term Whole class Reading Creative Pencil and
discussion Writingthinking. papers.
Brain storming Answering
Critical thinking
Lit Jumbled sentences Pronouncing Whole class Oral and Effective Chart
to form a good the given discussion written thinking c/b illustration
story words. Brain storming work. Effective
Critical thinking
Accidents Causes of Lit II Common accidents Listing Whole class Oral and Effective Text books MK inte
and safety accidents Types of accidents causes of discussion written thinking c/b illustration Scie bk 3
in our Causes of common common Brain storming work. Effective pg 135.
communit accidents in our accidents. communication Fountain
y community Critical thinking prim scie
Define accident bk 2 pg
102 – 109.
Transport in Means Maths Subtracting of Subtracting Whole class Oral and Appreciation Prim sch
our and uses length horizontally length discussion written Creative MTC bk 2
community of and vertically Brain storming work thinking pg 55.
in our
English Vocabulary for Pronouncing Whole class Oral and
Creative Text books English
materials and their the words. discussion written
thinking. c/b illustration practice
sources. Spelling the Brain storming work.
Effective bk2 pg 44
structures words. communication
Critical thinking
Lit I Calendar Spelling the Whole class Oral and Creative A chart
given words. discussion written thinking C/B
Brain storming work. Effective illustration.
Lit II How to prevent Listing ways Whole class Oral and Effective Text books MK inte.
accidents. of preventing discussion written thinking c/b illustration Scie bk 3
accidents. Brain storming work. Effective pg 143 –
communication 145

Page 48
Critical thinking Fountain
bk 2 pg
107 – 109.
MTC Distance0
English -Conjunction “and” Join Whole class Oral and Creative Text books Better Eng
Is – are sentences discussion written thinking c/b illustration bk 2 pg
Was – were using “and” Brain storming work. Critical thinking. 31.
Has – have Jr Eng bk
2 pg 16.
Lit I An advertisement
First aid Lit II First aid (define) Explaining Whole class Oral and Effective Chart MK int pri.
Things found in a applying discussion written thinking Real objects Scie bk 4
first aid box and Brain storming work. Effective pg 72 –
their uses. communication 75, bk 3
Where do we find Critical thinking pg 138 -
first aid box? 140
Causality (define)
First aid.
MTC Weight (Defn) Identifying Whole class Oral and Effective Text books MK MTC
Things which we things we can discussion written thinking c/b illustration bk 3
can weigh. weigh. Brain storming work. Effective Kenya
communication MTC bk 2
Critical thinking
English Vocabulary on Pronounce Whole class Constructi Creative A chart on Monitor
means and uses of words discussion ng thinking transport Eng bk 2
transport in our correctly. Brain storming sentences Critical thinking. pg 43 –
community. Use the . Effective 46.
structures Spelling communication
correctly words
Lit I Jumbled sentences
Accidents Causes of Lit II Why we give first
and safety common aid?
MTC -Introducing Whole class Finding Crative Text bks MK MTC bk 3
standard units (kg discussion perimeter of thinking C/b illustrations Kenya MTC
& g) Brain regular figures. appreciati bk 2.
-Addition of weight storming on Pg. 146-147
English Structures (means Pronounce Whole class Constructi Creative A chart on Monitor
of transport) words discussion ng thinking transport Eng bk 2

Page 49
Is this………? correctly. Brain storming sentences Critical thinking. pg 43 –
Are these….? Use the . Effective 46.
structures Spelling communication
correctly words
Lit I Special Reading Whole class Reading Effective Prepared Teachers
announcement Writing discussion Writing thinking paper work Resource
Answering Brain storming Answering Effective c/b illustration bk pg 66.
questions. questions. communication
Critical thinking
Lit II
MTC Subtraction of Subtraction of Group -Counting Appreciation C/b Teachers’
weight weight discussion -Writing illustrations collection.
English -Conjunction “but” Join Whole class Oral and Creative Text books Better Eng
sentences discussion written thinking c/b illustration bk 2 pg
using “but” Brain storming work. Critical thinking. 31.
Jr Eng bk
2 pg 16.
Lit I Omulo timetable”
Lit II
Road English Vocabulary on road Pronounce Whole class Spelling Effective Text books Pri. Curr.
safety safety the words discussion words thinking c/b illustration Bk 2.
correctly. Brain storming correctly. Effective
Spell the Constructi communication
given words ng Critical thinking.
correctly. sentences
Lit I A tongue twister
“Betty and bitter
Lit II
English Structures Pronounce Whole class Spelling Effective Text books Pri. Curr.
What shouldn’t you the words discussion words thinking c/b illustration Bk 2.
do on the road? correctly. Brain storming correctly. Effective
I shouldn’t …. Spell the Constructi communication
given words ng Critical thinking.
correctly. sentences

Page 50
Lit I A special
Lit II
English Opposites using Pronounce Whole class Oral and Effective Text books Junior eng
un. the words discussion written thinking c/b illustration bk 2 pg
correctly. Brain storming work. Effective 34.
Write communication
opposites Critical thinking
using u.
Lit I Sound ‘ei’ letters
Lit II
English Vocabulary about Pronounce Whole class Oral and Effective Real objects Pri curr.
dangerous things words discussion written thinking c/b illustration Bk 2
on the road. correctly Brain storming work. Effective
structure Spell words communication
correctly. Critical thinking
Lit I Identifying answers
from the puzzle
Lit II
English Vocabulary on Pronounce Whole class Oral and Effective C/b Pri. Curr.
common accidents. words discussion written thinking illustration Bk 2
structures correctly. Brain storming work. Effective
Spell given communication
words. Critical thinking
Lit I
Lit II
English Collective nouns Identify nouns Whole class Oral and Effective C/b Junior Eng
e.g. A herd of cattle and collective discussion written thinking illustration bk 2 pg
A flock of sheep nouns. Brain storming work. Effective 35.
etc. communication
Critical thinking
Lit I
Lit II
English Revision for end
Page 51
term ii exams

Page 52
Theme Sub/ theme Content Competence Methods Activities Life skills Material Ref

PEACE Importance Sound ‘au’ in letters Identifying words with sound ‘ou’ Brainstorming Reading Communicat Thematic
AND of ‘ou’ Forming sentences with sound Teacher Writing ion curriculum

Lit I
SECURI promoting Out, hour, house ‘ou’ guided Constructing Critical for Uganda
TY peace and discussion sentences thinking
security Sharing
People who keep Defining peace and security -do- Defining and -do- A chart
peace and security Naming people who keep peace. naming
Lit II

Vocabulary Pronounce words correctly Whole class Constructing -do- Chalk boarding Primary
Teacher, child m Construct sentences using the discussion oral and illustration a school

prefect, army, parent, given words Brain storming written wall chart curriculum
prison , priest , sentences Bk 2
church , imam, nun, using given
matron etc. words
Days of the week Identifying days of the week Demonstration Writing days Creative A calendar MK MTC
Months of the year Mentioning months of the year Participatory of the week. thinking Bk 2

and the days in a Reciting Critical

year. months of thinking
the year
Comprehension Reading the given Whole Answering Creative Prepared work
about child abuse comprehension and answer oral sentence oral and thinking on sheets
Mr. Mugaga’s family” questions method written Effective
Lit I

Question and question communicati

answer Reading on
Guided Writing Critical
discovery thinking
Roles of teachers, Giving the roles of people who Brain storming Giving the A chart Comprehen
children parents , keep peace and security Teacher roles of showing sive studies
Lit II

police , religious guided people who people who

leaders, local discussion keep peace keep peace
councils and security and security

Page 53
Structure Pronounce words correctly Whole class Constructing -do- Chalk boarding Mk
Show me a / an / the Construct sentences using the discussion oral and illustration a thematic

This/ that is a/ an given words Brain storming written wall chart English bk2
sentences pg 91 – 94
using given
Calendar Tell days and dates on a Observation Reading A calendar cut MK MTC
Study the calendar calendar Class days and outs of Bk 2

Tell dates and days in Answer questions discussion dates on a
the given month. calendar
Composition about Reading the composition Whole Reading Audibility Prepared work Thematic
child protection (child Answering questions sentence Writing Creative on sheets curriculum
abuse) method Answering thinking for Uganda
Lit I

Question and questions Effective

answer communicati
Guided on
People who keep Defining peace and security Whole class Reading and Creative A chart
peace and security at Naming people who keep peace discussion writing thinking showing
school and security Brain storming Answering Critical people who
Teacher , children , questions thinking keep peace
prefect, guards , Self esteem and security
Lit II

At home
Parents , maids ,
Police , guards ,
Present continuous Change the verbs to now tense Explanation Reading Effective A chart
tense (now tense) Discussion Writing communicati
Key words on

Is, are
Wash – washing
Eat – eating
Kick – kicking

Page 54
Telling time in hours Telling time in hours Observation Telling and Clock faces
Class showing Round objects

discussion time in hours

Composition about Studying the composition Observation Studying the Creative Prepared Teacher’s
children and their Answer the questions Look and say pictures thinking paper work own

Lit I
responsibilities Whole class Answering Appreciation collection
discussion questions
Roles of teachers Identifying and describing roles Role play Identifying Effective Chalk boarding Thematic
Children of different categories of people. Debate Describing communicati Illustration curri for Ug
Lit II Parents interview Demonstrati on
Police Mapping on Critical
Religious leaders Whole class thinking
Local council discussion Appreciation
Now tense Change the verbs to now tense Explanation Reading Effective A chart
Verbs that end with by dropping ‘e’ Discussion Writing communicati
‘e’ on

We remove ‘e’ and

put ‘ing’
Drive – driving
Move – moving
Telling time in half Telling time in half past Observation Telling and Clock faces

past Class showing Round objects


discussion time in half

People who Sound ‘dr’ Identifying words with sound ‘dr’ Brainstorming Identifying Fluency Sound and
keep peace Drank, dreamt, dress Constructing sentences Guided words with Effective read
Lit I

and discussion sound ‘dr’ communicati

security Reading the on
given words
Effect of insecurity Role play Identifying Effective Chalk boarding Thematic
Death, hunger , fear , Debate Describing communicati illustration curriculum
famine , trauma, interview Demonstrati on for Uganda
Lit II

divorce, fights, Mapping ng Critical

domestic Whole class thinking
discussion Appreciation

Page 55
Fri Measures Now tense Double the last letter then add Explanation Reading Critical A chart
(Time) Verbs that double the ‘ing’ Discussion Writing thinking
last letter

Clap – clapping
Swim – swimming
Cut – cutting
Telling time in a
quarter past

Maths Sound “br” Identifying words with sound “br” Brain storming Reading and Communicat Chalkboard Thematic
Write sentences Making sentences from the given Whole class writing ion curriculum
Lit I

words. discussion Constructing Sharing for Ug

Pronouncing the words sentences
Roles of Definition of child Roles play Identifying Effective A chart Them Cur
people who abuse Debate Describing communicati Chalkboard for Ug
keep peace Ways in which interview Demonstrati on illustration
Lit II

and children are abused Mapping ng Critical

security Whole class thinking
discussion Appreciation
Present simple Write and read sentences in Whole class Defining Creative Chalk boarding Oxford Eng
Tense present simple tense discussion peace and thinking illustration Bk 2 pg 64.
Talk about activities Brain storming security Critical Text books Std 3 Read

they do everyday Naming thinking & writ Pg

Words which add ‘s’ people who Self esteem 46 – 47
Play - plays keep peace
Kick – kicks and security
Addition of re – Brain storming Reading and Communicat Chalkboard Thematic
grouping Whole class writing ion curriculum

discussion Constructing Sharing for Ug

PEACE Ways of Comprehension Reading the given Whole Reading Creative

& promoting comprehension sentence Writing thinking

Lit I

SECURI peace & Which one is the Answering questions method Answering Fluency
TY security greatest Question and questions Sharing

Page 56
Definition of child Defining child abuse Brain storming Defining Negotiation A chart Pri Sch Cur
abuse Identify ways in which children Whole class child abuse Copying with BK 2
Ways in which are abuse. discussion Identifying stress and

Lit II
children are abused Teacher ways in emotions
guided which Honesty
discussion children are


Comprehension Reading the advertisement Whole class Reading Creative Teacher’s

An advertisement Answering questions discussion Writing thinking own
Lit I

Question and Answering Effective collection

answer questions communicati
Effects of child Giving effects of child abuse Giving effects Teacher Decision A chart Prim Sch
abuse. of child abuse guided making Curr Bk 2
Hunger , sadness , discussion Negotiation
school dropouts, Brain creative
Lit II

loneliness , pain storming thinking

hatred, death, worry ,
lame , blind , deaf ,
fear , shame ,
Verbs which add ‘es’ Write and read sentences in Whole class Defining Creative Chalk boarding Oxford Eng
Teach – teaches present simple tense discussion peace and thinking illustration Bk 2 pg 64.
Brush – brushes Brain storming security Critical Text books Std 3 Read

Naming thinking & writ Pg

people who Self esteem 46 – 47
keep peace
and security

Page 57
Word problems in

Sound pr -Identifying words with sound pr. -Brain storming Reading and Communicat Chalkboard Sound and
-Making sentences from the -Whole class writing. ion read
given words discussion Construction -Listening
-Pronouncing the words -Teacher sentences _Critical

Lit I
guided thinking
discussion -Critical
Ways of child Child to child mentoring Naming ways Teacher Creative A chart
protection Reporting of child guided thinking
Lit II

Reporting incidents using protection discussion Critical

educational messages Brain thinking
PIASCY messages storming Self esteem
Present simple tense Write, and read sentences in Whole class Reading Creative Chalk boarding Primary sch
ie verbs that changes present simple tense discussion sentences in thinking Illustration curr Bk 2
to present simple Brain storming present Critical Pg 48
tense by dropping simple tense thinking

last letter “y” and Self esteem

adding “ies” eg try ----
Carry -----carries
Money Identifying different forms of Roles play Reading Creative
New words. Eg trade, money Debate new words thinking
rupees , coins notes interview Giving brief Critical

currency features. Mapping background thinking

Back ground of Whole class of money Self esteem
money discussion
Sound bl Identifying words with sound bl Syllabic Reading Creative Prepared Thematic
Black , bleed Making sentences method Writing thinking paper work curriculum
Lit I

Whole word Answering Confidence for Uganda

method questions

Page 58
Effects of child abuse Pronounce words correctly Brainstorming Reading Communicat Chalkboard Primary
Fear, worry, pain, Construct sentences using given Discussion Writing ion illustration curriculum
lame, blind, deaf, words Constructing

Lit II
angry cry, structures oral sentences
Are you……?
Yes, I am …….
Vocabulary Pronounce words correctly. Whole class Constructing Creative Chalk boarding Pri Sch cur
Thank , obey , give , Construct sentences using the discussion oral and thinking Illustration Bk 2 Pg 48
friend , share, help, given words. Brain storming written Critical
joy, pray, gift, forgive, sentences thinking
greet. using given Self esteem
Eng Structure words
What do you like? I
like -------
Do you like?
Praying / playing
Addition of money Adding Explanation Adding Appreciation Money Oxford prim
Arranging money Problem Arranging Creative mtc bk2 pg
solving Counting thinking 57

Sharing Fountain
bk2 pg 136
– 139
A rhyme about days Reciting the rhyme Brainstorming Reading and Critical
of the week Answering questions Whole writing thinking
Lit I

Solomon Grandy sentence Answering Appreciation

Calendar Answering questions about days Demonstration Answering -Creative A calendar
Days of the week. and months of the year Class questions thinking
Lit II

Day of the month discussion about days Critical

Months of the year and months thinking
of the year Self esteem
Structure Pronounce words correctly. Whole class Constructing Creative Chalk boarding Pri Sch cur
What do you like? I Construct sentences using the discussion oral and thinking Illustration Bk 2 Pg 48
like ------- given words. Brain storming written Critical

Do you like? sentences thinking

Praying / playing using given Self esteem

Page 59
Word statements in Reading Explanation Reading
addition of money Interpreting Problem Interpreting

Adding solving
Comprehension Reading Whole Reading Appreciation Prepared Thematic
about seasons Writing sentence Writing Effective paper work curriculum
“seasons’ Answering questions method Answering communicati resource

Lit I
Whole class questions on book
discussion Self
Definition Giving the meaning of height -Explanation Measuring Creative Mk
Things we measure Measuring height -Whole class height thinking Integrated
in height discussion -critical Pri
Lit II

Things we use to Experiment thinking Sci Bk 2 Pg

measure height -Self esteem 74
Measuring height
Homophones Find out words with same Whole class Pronouncing Creative Chalk boarding Pri sch cur
These are words with sounds different meanings discussion words thinking illustration Bk 2 Pg 48

same sounds but Write out a word from given Brain storming Critical
different meaning words in bracket to fill in gaps thinking
Sentences correctly Self esteem
Multiplication of Arranging
money Multiplying

Sound ‘ng’ Identifying words with sound ‘ng’ Brainstorming Reading Fluency Sound and
Long, song, ring Making sentences Whole class And writing Audibility read
Lit I

Pronouncing the words discussion Constructing Effective

sentences communicati

Page 60
Definition Defining weight -Explanation Measuring Creative Mk
Things we measure Naming -Whole class height thinking Integrated
in weight discussion -critical Pri
Things we use to Experiment thinking Sci Bk 2 Pg
measure weight -Self esteem 74

Lit II
Measuring height
balancing things
Comparing weight
Making things we use
to measure weight
Practical lessons
Vocabulary Pronouncing the words correctly Brain storming Spelling Creative c/b illustration Pri Sch Cur
Work, share , Use the give structure Whole class words oral thinking Bk 2 Pg 48
people , beat, bite, discussion Critical

slap, steal, push , thinking

abuse, pinch Effective
Word statement in Reading Explanation Reading Sharing Chalkboard
multiplication of Interpreting Interpreting Creative illustration

money Multiplying Multiplying thinking

Lit I

Recreational activities -Defining Whole class -Defining Communicat C/b illustration Pri Sch Cur
at home. -Naming discussion -Naming ion Bk 2
Definition of -Brain storming -Listening
Lit II

recreation -Critical
-Examples of thinking
recreation activities at -Sharing

Page 61
Structure Pronouncing the words correctly Brain storming Spelling Creative c/b illustration Thematic
Is it good to----- Use the give structure Whole class words oral thinking English bk
It is good to share discussion Critical 2 pg 97 –

thinking 99
Price list Reading the price list Practicing Demonstrati Decision Class shop MK MTC
Practicing language Using the right language when buying and on making BK 2
used in shopping. Eg shopping selling using illustration Negotiation Prim MTC
Good morning, Answering questions about the class shop Explanation Creative
may I------ shopping thinking
Questions about
Comprehension Reading and writing Whole Reading Critical
about measures Answering questions sentence Writing thinking
Lit I

Aminah and Henry method Effective

Question and communicati
answer on
Learning Identifying -Whole class Describing -do- C/b illustration
amusement , Describing discussion and naming
Lit II

enjoyment, fun, -Brain storming

exercises, rest,
Vocabulary Pronouncing the words correctly Brain storming Spelling Creative c/b illustration Pri Sch Cur
Work, share , Use the give structure Whole class words oral thinking Bk 2 Pg 48
people , beat, bite, discussion Critical
slap, steal, push , thinking

abuse, pinch Effective

Structure communicati
Is it good to----- on
It is good to share
Finding the total Identifying the cost of the items Reading the Dicision Chalkboard Mk mtc bk2
expenditure from the list price list making illustration
Finding total Negotiation

of the given

Page 62
A calendar Identifying the month and the Observation Reading Orderliness A calendar
year on a calendar Whole class Writing Accuracy
Answering questions discussion Answering Creative

Lit I
Look and say questions thinking
Naming cultural Describing and naming Whole class Describing
festival, Imitation etc discussion and naming

Lit II
Importance of -Brain storming
Structure Pronouncing the words correctly Brain storming Spelling Creative c/b illustration Pri Sch Cur
Is it good to----- Use the give structure Whole class words oral thinking Bk 2 Pg 48
It is good to share discussion Critical

Finding balance Finding change after buying an -Class Finding -Creative A/b illustration MK MTC
item discussion balance thinking Bk Pri MTC

- -Critical Bk 2
Demonstration thinking
-Self esteem
Sound ‘cl -Identifying words with sound cl -Brain storming Reading and Communicat Chalk board Them Curr
Cloud, clap, clay -Making sentences from the -Whole class writing ion for Ug
given words discussion Constructing -Listening
Lit I

-Pronouncing the words -teacher sentences -Critical

guided thinking
discussion -Sharing
Types of holidays -Describing types of holidays _Brian Describing Problem C/b illustration Them Curr
-School holiday -Giving importance of holidays storming types of solving for Ug
-Religious holiday -Whole class holidays Critical
Lit II

Independence discussion -Giving thinking

holiday -Teacher importance
Importance of guided of holiday
holidays discussion

Page 63
Synonyms Read the words and give those Constructing Whole class Creative Chalk boarding Prim Sch
These are different that have the same meaning oral and discussion thinking illustration Cur Bk 2
words with the same written Brain Critical
meaning sentences storming thinking

Eg stop – halt gift – using given Self esteem
present filing in the words
gaps with similar
words with those in
Revision Defining capacity Demonstrating Defining Confidence cups, bottles, Them. Curr.
Capacity Naming liquids Participatory Drawing Creativity Charts, For Ug. MK
Math Definition Comparing capacity of different Discussion Naming Critical Jerrycans Bk. 2
Examples of containers thinking
Examples of liquids
Sound nd Identifying words with sound nd Brainstorming Pronouncing Accuracy Cards
Sand band send Reading words and sentences Whole class Reading Fluency
Lit I

Constructing sentences discussion Writing Effective

Question and Constructing communicati
answer sentences on
Revision Revising the covered work Brain storming Revising the Revising the C /b illustration Them Cur
-Teacher covered covered for Ug
Lit II

guided work work

Vocabulary Pronounce words correctly -Whole class Constructing -Creative Chalk boarding Pri Sch Cur
Fear, worry, pain Construct sentences using the discussion oral and thinking illustration Bk 2
lame, blind . given words Brain storming written -Critical

Deaf , angry cry sentences thinking

Structure using given -Self esteem
Are you----? words
Yes I am
Introduction of the Measures in litres and ½ litres Measuring Telling Self esteem Tins, cups Thematic
standard measures of Drawing Chalkboard Curriculum

capacity (litres) Comparing illustration for Uganda.

Page 64
Comprehension Reading and writing Whole word Reading Critical Prepared Thematic
about recreation Answering questions method Writing thinking paper work curriculum
activities Whole class Answering Sharing for Uganda

Lit I
“A Christmas holiday” discussion questions Friendship
Question and formation
Revision Revising the covered work Brain storming Revising the Revising the C /b illustration Them Cur
-Teacher covered covered for Ug

Lit II
guided work work
Structure Pronounce words correctly -Whole class Constructing -Creative Chalk boarding Pri Sch Cur
Are you----? Construct sentences using the discussion oral and thinking illustration Bk 2
Yes I am given words Brain storming written -Critical

sentences thinking
using given -Self esteem
Subtraction with Subtracting and regrouping Discussion Subtraction Critical work cards Primary
regrouping of three correctly Arranging thinking School

digits (1st digit ) Re-grouping Logical Curriculum

reasoning Bk. 2
Puzzle Identifying words from the puzzle Brainstorming Reading Accuracy Prepared Sound and
Reading words and sentences Question and Writing Creative paper work read
Lit I

answer Answering thinking

and question
Revision Revising the covered work Brain storming Revising the Revising the C /b illustration Them Cur
-Teacher covered covered for Ug
Lit II

guided work work

Vocabulary Read the words correctly Question and Reading Effective Flash cards
Parent advise gift answer spelling communicati

friend on

Word problems in Interpreting questions correctly Discussion Solving Confidence Work cards MK Bk. 2
subtraction problems Teamwork Counters MTC

Arranging Accuracy

Page 65
Sound cr -Identifying words with sound cr -Brain storming Reading and Communicat Chalk boarding Them Cur
Crown , crop, creep -Making sentences from the -Whole class writing ion for Ug
given words discussion Constructing -Listening

Lit I
-Pronouncing the words -Teacher sentence -Critical
guided thinking
discussion -Sharing
Revision Revising the covered work Brain storming Revising the Revising the C /b illustration Them Cur
-Teacher covered covered for Ug

Lit II
guided work work
Structures Answer the structures correctly Discussion Reading Critical Chalkboard
What should we do Explanation Writing thinking illustration

We should always.
Addition with Adding of 2 digits correctly Discussion Adding Logical Chalkboard MK BK. 2
regrouping of 2 digits Participatory Counting Reasoning illustration MTC

Arranging Charts

Jumbled sentences Reading and writing Whole Reading and Creative Prepared
Rearranging the sentences sentence writing thinking paper work
method Rearranging Critical
Class sentences thinking
Lit I

discussion Orderliness
Revision Revising the covered work Brain storming Revising the Revising the C /b illustration Them Cur
-Teacher covered covered for Ug
Lit II

guided work work

Vocabulary Pronounce words correctly. -Whole class Constructing -Creative Chalkboard
Parent, advice, guide, Construct sentences using the discussion oral and thinking illustration
listen , friend given words -Brain storming written -Critical

Structure sentences thinking

We should always? using given Self esteem

Page 66
Word problem of Interpreting Discussion Interpreting Charts MK BK. 2
addition with re- Problem Arranging Paper work MTC

grouping solving Accuracy

Sound ‘ea’ Identifying words with sound ‘ea’ Brainstorming Reading Accuracy Sound and
Reading words and constructing Whole class Writing Creative read

Lit I
sentences discussion Answering thinking
Revision Revising the covered work Brain storming Revising the Revising the C /b illustration Them Cur
-Teacher covered covered for Ug
Lit II guided work work
Gender Give the female for the male -Whole class Read the -Creative Chalk boarding Pri Sch Cur
Male Female discussion words thinking illustration Bk 2

He She -Brain storming -Critical

-Self esteem
Division Divides Discussion Dividing Critical charts MK BK. 2
Arranges Participation Arranging thinking Work cards MTC

Counts Self esteem Prepared

Confidence paper work
Sound kn Identifying words with sound kn Brainstorming Reading
Knew know Reading words and sentences Whole class Writing
Lit I

knowledge Constructing sentences discussion Answering

Whole word questions
Revision Revising the covered work Brain storming Revising the Revising the C /b illustration Them Cur
-Teacher covered covered for Ug
Lit II

guided work work


Page 67
Past simple tense Give the past tense of the given Explanation Reading Critical Chalkboard
Verbs that add ‘d’ words Discussion Writing thinking illustration
Move – moved
Wave – waved

Dance – danced
Verbs that add ‘ed’
Cook – cooked
Play – played
Word problem with Interprets Discussion Dividing Critical Charts MK BK. 2
Math division Divides Participatory Interpreting thinking Chalkboard MTC
Arranges Logical illustration
Graphs Reading and writing Observation Reading Critical Prepared Thematic
Answering questions Explanation Writing thinking paper work curriculum
Lit I

Answering Creative for Uganda

questions thinking
Self esteem
Revision Revising the covered work Brain storming Revising the Revising the C /b illustration Them Cur
-Teacher covered covered for Ug
Lit II

guided work work

Verbs that double the Double the last letter than add Explanation Reading Critical Chalkboard
last letter before ‘ed’ Discussion Writing thinking illustration
putting ‘ed’

Mop – mopped
Scrub – scrubbed
Nod – nodded
Fractions Names Explanation Defining Creativity Oranges MK
Defines Discussion Shading Shading tomatoes

Draw Demonstration Accuracy Accuracy Papers

Shading Comparing Comparing

Page 68
A conversation Reading the comprehension Whole Answering Audibility Prepared Teacher’s
In court today Answering questions sentence oral Fluency paper work own
method questions Creative collection

Lit I
Question and Reading thinking
answer Writing
Revision Revising the covered work Brain storming Revising the Revising the C /b illustration Them Cur
-Teacher covered covered for Ug

Lit II
guided work work
Verbs that end with Change ‘y’ to ‘ied’ to form past Explanation Reading Fluency Chalkboard
‘y’ tense Discussion Writing illustration
We remove the ‘y’
and add ‘ied’

Cry – cried
Marry – married
Worry – worried
Bury – buried
Addition of fractions Adds Explanation Adding Confidence Charts MK Bk. 2
Arranges Demonstration Counting Accuracy MTC


A passage Reading the passage Whole Answering Fluency Prepared Resource

A busy home Answering questions sentence oral Accuracy paper work book for P2
method questions Creative
Lit I

Question and Reading thinking

answer Writing
discover y
Revision Revising the covered work Brain storming Revising the Revising the C /b illustration Them Cur
-Teacher covered covered for Ug
Lit II

guided work work


Page 69
Past tense of Changing irregular verbs to past Brainstorming Changing Creative Test books
irregular verbs tense Whole class words to thinking Chalkboard

Using the words in brackets discussion irregular Critical illustration
correctly verbs thinking
Word problem Interprets Discussion Interpreting Critical Text books MK Bk. 2
Solves problem Explanation Problem thinking Charts MTC

Adds Teacher solving Confidence Chalkboard
guided Accuracy illustration
Poem Reciting the poem Whole Answering Fluency Prepared
A little cough sir Answering questions sentence oral Accuracy paper work
method questions Creative
Lit I

Question and Reading thinking

answer Writing
discover y
Revision Revising the covered work Brain storming Revising the Revising the C /b illustration Them Cur
-Teacher covered covered for Uganda
Lit II

guided work work

Forming adjectives by Forming adjectives by adding ful Brainstorming Forming Critical Text books Junior
adding ful to a noun to a noun Illustration adjectives thinking English bk2

e.g hope – hopeful Completing sentences with Guided by adding sharing pg 76

correct form of adjectives in discovery full to a noun
Subtraction of Subtraction Discussion Subtracting Critical Text book MK BK. 2
fractions Arranges Explanation Arranging thinking Charts MTC
Lit I

Peace Peace People who keep naming the people who keep Brain storm Naming Awareness Chart KOBTA Bk.
and peace / security at peace and security at school Guided Answering Effective Pictures 2 Pg. 130
Lit II

Security school discovery Drawing communicati Text books

Guided Discussion on
discussion Reading

Page 70
Vocabulary Pronounce words correctly Whole class Constructing Creative Chalkboard Primary
Monday Tuesday Construct sentence using the discussion oral and thinking illustration school bk 2
Thursday Friday days of the week Brainstorming written Critical pg 48

Structures sentences thinking
using given Self esteem

Lit I

Factors that promote naming / identifying discussion identifying sharing chalkboard KOBTA Pg.
peace / security at naming illustration 131
Lit II

school. discussing

Cardinal and Read the cardinals and write Discussion Reading Critical Chalkboard
Ordinal numbers their ordinals Writing thinking illustration

1 – one – first
2 – two - second
3 – three – third
Algebra Filling missing numbers Discussion Filing Critical Chalkboard MK BK. 2
Counts Counting thinking illustration MTC

Adds Logical work cards

Subtracts reasoning
Lit I

People who keep naming the people Brain storming Naming Awareness Chats KOBTA Pg.
peace and security at Discussion Answering Communicat Pictures 131
Lit II

home Guided Reading ion Text books

discovery Discussion Concern

Page 71
Time Months of the year Read and write the months of the Discussion Reading Fluency A chart
January, February, year Writing
March, April, May,

June, July, August,
September, October,

Lit I

Factors that promotes identifying the factors Discussion Identifying Sharing Chalk board KOBTA Pg.
peace, security at Discussion Fluency illustration 131
Lit II

home Naming

Short forms Write the short forms for the Explanation Reading Fluency Chalkboard
Key words months of the year Writing illustration
Before / after
Monday – mon.
February – Feb.
October – Oct

Which day comes
….comes after..
Which month comes
..comes before…

Page 72
Lit I
People who keep naming/identifying Discussion Identifying Awareness Text books Pg. 132
peace/ security in the Role play Charts KOBTA

Lit II
community Magazines

Calendar (months of Use the calendar correctly Discussion Reading Fluency A calendar
the year Writing
Lit I

Roles of people who identifying Discussion Reading Awareness Resource pple Pg. 133
keep peace and Naming brain storming Writing Sharing KOBTA
Lit II

security Identifying Creativity

Telling time Tell the time in hours Explanation Reading Fluency A clock face
Vocabulary Writing
Minutes, hours, a
quarter, a half past, of

the clock
Telling time in hours
(emphasize writing

Page 73
Lit I
Things we sue to naming/drawing discovery Drawing Awareness Pictures Pg. 134
keep peace /security Discussing Reading Real objects KOBTA

Lit II

Telling time in a half Tell time in half past Discussion Reading Fluency A clock face
past Explanation Drawing
Lit I

Importance of Mentioning the importance of Mentioning Reading Awareness Resource Pg. 134
promoting peace / peace / security discussion Writing Appreciate people KOBTA
Lit II


Telling time in a Tell time in a quarter past Explanation Drawing Fluency A clock face
quarter past Reading
Lit I

Page 74
Insecurity Insecurity Identifying Brainstorming Reading Critical Pictures Pg. 135
What is insecurity? Mentioning Mentioning thinking

Lit II
Causes of insecurity

Apostrophe used with Putting apostrophe in the right Explanation Reading Critical Chalkboard
persons and animals places where necessary Writing thinking illustration

Lit I

Effects of insecurity naming Explanation Reading Awareness Pictures Pg. 135

Identifying Writing Videos
Lit II

Apostrophe short Use the apostrophe in short Explanation Reading Critical Chalkboard
forms forms Writing thinking illustration

Is not – isn’t
Lit I

Child Child protection Mentioning Brainstorming Role play Effective Chart KOBTA Pg.
protection Roles of children at Identifying Discussion Mention Communicat Showing some 140
Lit II

home Discuss ion roles


Page 75
Commas Using commas correctly Brainstorming Using Do Text books Standard
Using commas to Whole class commas English Bk
separate list of words discussion correctly 3 pg 17


Lit I

Children’s needs Mentioning Qtn. / Answer Do Real objects KOBTA Pg.

Identifying Discussion 141
Lit II


Vocabulary Pronounce words correctly Whole class Constructing Creative Chalkboard Primary
Money, coins shillings Construct sentences using the discussion oral and Critical illustration school
note etc given words Brainstorming written thinking

Structures sentences Self esteem

May I have …please using given
It costs…. words
Lit I

Child abuse Mentioning Explanation Mentiong Awareness Videos Pg. 142

Forms of child abuse Naming Brainstorming Reading DEfence Picautes
Lit II

Page 76
Conjunction and Conjunction and to join Explanation Reading Critical Chalkboard
sentences correctly Discussion Writing thinking illustration

Lit I

Causes of child Mentioning Discussion Reading Awareness Videos Pg. 143

abuse Identifying Explanation Writing Self defense Pictures
Lit II

Adjectives Read and write the adjectives Discussion Reading Critical

Examples Writing thinking

Thin, beautiful, good,

lazy, active
Lit I

Effects of child abuse Mentioning Discussion Mentioning Awareness Pictures KOBTA

Identifying Explanation Identifying Chart Pg. 143
Lit II

Page 77
Opposites of Give the opposites of the given Explanation Give the Critical
adjectives words Discussion opposites thinking
Good – bad

Fat – thin
Clean – dirty
Lazy - active

Lit I

Ways of protecting a Mentioning Discussing Mention Awareness Do KOBTA Pg.

child naming Explanation Name Defense 143
Lit II

Comparing adjectives Compare the given adjectives Explanation Compare the Fluency
Fat …… fattest Discussion adjectives

Lazy lazier …
Honest more honest
Lit I

Children’s’ rights Identifying Explanation Reading Awareness Pg. 144

mentioning Brain storming Answering Appreciation
Lit II


Page 78
Vocabulary Pronounce words correctly Whole class Constructing Creative Chalk board Primary
Circle, square, Construct sentences using the Brainstorming oral and thinking illustration school bk2
rectangle, triangle, given words written Critical pg. 48

centres, corner sentences thinking
using given Self esteem

Lit I

Measures Naming Question / Naming Creative Chart showing KOBTA Pg.

Seasons Identifying answer Identifying thinking weather 147
Lit II

Types of seasons Discussion Reading Self-reliance condition

Activities in wet
Using conjunction Use ‘but’ to join the sentences Brainstorming Revising the Revising Chalkboard
‘but’ Whole class covered covered illustration
discussion work word

Lit I

Activities in the dry Mentioning Identifying Qtn. / answer Mention Self reliancy Chart Pg. 148
seasons Explanation Identify Creative
Lit II

Reading thinking

Page 79
Similes Read and write the similes Brainstorming Revising the Revising Chalkboard
Examples Whole class covered covered illustration
As black as coal discussion work word

As easy as ABC Teacher

Lit I

Weather types Naming drawing Questions / Draw Awareness Chart Pg. 150
answers Name
Lit II

Explanation Read

Using conjunction Use because to join sentences Brainstorming Revising the Revising the Chalkboard
‘because’ covered covered illustration

work work
Lit I

Activities in different Mentioning Discussion Mention Awareness Chart Pg. 149

weather conditions Identifying Question / Identify Self reliancy Text books
Lit II

Answer Read Creative


Page 80
Future tenses Using shall and will in correctly in Whole class Using shall Creative Text books
The use of shall and oral and written exercise discussion or will in thinking Chalkboard
will Brainstorming given Critical illustration

Shall is used for ‘T’ sentences thinking
and we Self esteem
Will for he and she I
they it”

Lit I

Revision Revise learnt work Write work

Lit II

One by one makes a

Two heads are better
than one

Page 81

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