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21st Century Literature

21st century literature is an avenue for the present and future generations to subscribe

and keep important parts of history alive. When we immerse ourselves in literature, we

are taken into different journeys and events that influenced the lives we lead today. It

enriches our lives and inspire each other. It can greatly impact how we want to pursue

our lives as individuals. In learning more about the 21 st literature we can gain more

knowledge and be better people.

Genres such as fiction, nonfiction, drama, poetry, folktale and more are represented in

each corner of the world. More than highlighting literature in the academe, both

teachers and students alike are provided new discoveries to appreciate stories from the

past and create new ones for the people that will come after us. As citizens of the world,

it is our responsibility to recognize the greats, poets and poems, authors and stories,

and so much more. It’s our duties to research questions and research meaningful

answers. We also have to realize our roles as the audience and how we can help shape

the future of literature.

In the Philippines, looking the 21st century literature through a magnifying glass is

essential for young Filipinos to preserve cultures and traditions. As a Filipino student, I

know there are many unfamiliar waters to tread when it comes to our country’s

literature, much more the world. It doesn’t mean just fulfilling assignments and
answering exams, it means we are obliged to highlight the contributions of Philippines

literature in the 21st century. While it may be difficult to accomplish this overnight, we

also have technological advances to help us on this cause. Life as a Filipino is amazing.

We can get more appreciation on that through poetry. We are a nation comprised of

diverse people and stories. We have many stories to tell. One great example would be

how Filipinos survived the pandemic. In various ways of storytelling, we are able to get

better understanding of diseases and death. Through many forms of resources, we can

share each other’s experiences and help stay connected.

Through history, poetry has been popular when it comes to studying literature. Many

extraordinary poets deserve idolizing for their undying works of art. Each one is able to

leave a unique imprint and brand. They share desire and tensions. They impart valuable

lessons. Their experiences our broad and interesting. We have choice which authors

and stories we can relate to and emulate. However, recent times have made poetry

underrepresented. It deserves more recognition. It’s the present generation’s job to be

more reflective and appreciate poetry in all its forms.

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