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Chapter III 

: Nuclear power plants


Aroud 80% of the electrical energy us de to nuclear energy

The source is uranium

The steam comes from the water boiled by the heat producted by
the nuclear fission of Uranium.

A nuclear power plant uses nuclear energy to provide alectrical


Advantage Disadvantage
No emission of green hous gases Radioactive residues
Great production of energy Health risks
Environmental catastophs in cas of accident
Hot water in lake and oceans
Non reswable sources
To retain : nuclear energy is udeed to provide lectrical energy at the
end. It has advantages and disadvantages. A nuclear power plan use
Uranium as its source of energy. Hthanks to it we get thermal energy
that is converted into mechanical enregy in water. Then it has to use
an ALTERNATOR to get electrial energy. Once it’s done, the power
plant has not producted greenhouse gases but radioactive reidues,
than can be harmful

Hypothesis : the power indicated means the house’s electrical couter

must provides this power to make the light bulb work properly. The
lumen are here to choose the good lightning, depending of the room

Reminder :
Intensity Voltage (tension) Power
symbol I U P
Unity of measure Amp Volt Watt
Symbol unity A V W
Device of measure Ammeter Voltmeter Wattmeter
ampèmètre Voltmèter wattmètre
As the nominal power of the lightbulb is 6W and as the generator
delivers the nominal Vostage 12 V, we can find the link between, I, U
and P

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