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Articular/Hyaline Cartilage - To provide a smooth, lubricated surface for delivery and to facilitate the

transmission of loads with a low frictional coefficient. Also, helps with the ability for that part of the
anatomy to move on one or more planes.

Ligaments – Protects the tissues and lower body muscles, Allows the joint to move in the direction it
was meant to move, it hold bones together, makes sure that joints do not twist, stabilize muscles
and bones, strengthen joints, prevent bones from dislocating.

Synovial Membrane – Provides separation between tissues which helps with movement and
provides disconnection between solid tissues, controls volume of fluid in the cavity to allow solid
components to move freely against each other.

Synovial fluids - lubricates the joints and permits smooth movement.

Menisci – Helps the knee work properly. Decreases stress from weight and forces that act upon the
knee. Work like a shock absorber by supporting the weight of the body by compressing and evening
out the weight evenly within the knee.

Fat pads - protect the feet’s bones, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels and nerves. This allows the
body to stay safe from internal damage and gives the organs protection from being damaged while
playing sports.

Bursae - reduce friction between your body’s bones and muscles, tendons, and ligaments. They help
structures glide and slide past one another while movement occurs. A bursa may also provide a bit
of shock absorption to allow the body to do sports without pain being inflicted.

Joint Capsules – Vital to the function of the synovial joints by sealing the joint space, limits
movement, provides active stability and forms surfaces for the synovial joints.

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