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Data Collection

To gather the data needed for the study, the researcher will use interview method or

observation method in gathering the data.


Interviews are a method of data collection method in which two or more people exchange

information via a series of questions and answers. A researcher creates the questions in order to

stimulate information from interview participants. These interviews are conducted face-to-face

and can last anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours or more. The interview is conducted face to

face to give a better opportunity to read the body language of the respondents and match the

responses (Bhasin, 2019). For this study the researcher will be using a semi-structured interview

since these are appropriate and applicable to this study. In this method, the interviewer uses a set

of predetermined questions and the respondents answer in their own words. The researchers use

a topic guide that serves as a checklist to ensure that all respondents provide information on the

same topics. The interviewer can probe areas based on the respondent’s answers or ask

supplementary questions for clarification.

This will also let the researchers to explore the participants’ thoughts, feelings and beliefs

about the application of budgets and budgetary control measures of non-profit organization in

Aklan. This benefits the researchers to prepare the questions ahead of time and allow researchers

to be prepared and appear competent during the interview.

For this study, the researcher first will locate the respondent location since the interviews will be

conducted through face-to-face conversation. Second, the researcher will obtain permission to

conduct the interview and then once the permission will be accepted the researcher will ask the
questions and will record the answer given by the respondent by using a recording audio device.

The interview participants will be reminded of the purpose of the study, research procedures,

expected benefits, and protection of confidentiality. The researchers will prepare letters of

approval for administration and selected research participants as part of the data collection

procedure. The researchers must perform the interviews correctly during data gathering. After

gathering the relevant data for the goal of this research, the data will be objectively transcribed,

evaluated, analyzed, and summarized.

1. Bhasin, H. (2019). Interview Method of Data Collection: Types, Advantages and

Limitations. Marketing91. Retrieved from:

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