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Active Intrinsic Calibration Using Vanishing Points

Konstantinos Daniilidis and Jorg Ernst

Computer Science Institute, Kiel University
Preusserstr. 1-9, 24105 Kiel, Germany
email: kd@informatik,

Abstract the described requirements we present in this paper

Durang a fixed axas camera rotatzon every z m a g e a new approach for the computation of the intrinsic
poant zs movang on a conac sectaon If the poant as parameters making following two assumptions:
a vanashang poant the conac sectaon LS rnvaraant to pos-
sable translataons of the observer. Gwen the rotataon 1. The only assumption on the world is the existence
axas and the anter-frame correspondence of a set of of one set of parallel lines.
parallel lanes we are able t o compute the antransac p a - 2. The active camera should be able t o rotate
rameters wathout knowledge of the rotataon angles W e around the two axes of the camera coordinate sys-
propagate the error covaraances and we remove the tem (tilt and pan).
baas an the computataon of the conac We experzmen-
tally study the sensztzvaty of calabrataon t o the amount Lines are image features with parameters that can be
of rotatzon and we compare our performance to the estimated robustly. If the line direction is not paral-
performance of a recent actave calabrataon technzque lel to the image plane the projections of parallel lines
intersect at the vanishing point. When a camera is ar-
I Introduction bitrarily moving the vanishing points change their po-
The intrinsic parameters of a camera fix the rela- sition only due to camera rotation. In practice, large
tion between image pixel coordinates and ray direc- rotation angles are required to obtain accurate esti-
tions in the 3D camera coordinate system. In the mates. The family of parallel lines should thus sub-
nineties many approaches were proposed that solve tend a wide visual angle. However, this requirement
visual tasks without knowledge of the intrinsic param- can be attenuated by allowing the camera t o translate
eters. However, any visual capability involving metric since translation does not, affect the vanishing points.
information necessitates the mapping between image If the rotation axis remains fixed the projection is
plane and ray directions. The transition between ab- a conic section. The coefficients of the conic section
sent and complete knowledge of the intrinsic param- contain information on the axis and the intrinsic pa-
eters has been formalized in geometric terms in the rameters. We illustrate in Fig. (1) such a hyperbola in
exposition [I]. t,he image plane produced by a rotation of the camera
We are interested here in calibration procedures around the vertical axis. No iterative minimization
suitable for active camera systems mounted on mo-
bile robots. The use of the degrees of freedom of the
camera introduces additional information compared to
static camera systems. However, the use of an active
camera on a mobile robot poses some requirements
which might not be met by traditional calibration as
used for 3D-measurement tasks in a static environ-
ment. This implies the need t o get rid of special
calibration objects like plates and cubes with known
geometry in world coordinates. Second, the camera
should be able to be calibrated without interruption
of the robot’s motion. Third, calibration should use
image features that allow accurate image position es-
timation and robust matching among multiple views. Figure 1. A rotation of the camera around the ver-
Fourth, calibration of the intrinsic parameters should tzcal axas as equavalent t o the rotataon of a poant. The
be decoupled from the computation of the extrinsic circular cone zncludang the poant trajectory antersects
parameters which relate a fixed world coordinate sys- the amage plane an a hyperbola.
tem with the camera coordinate system. Of course, we
do riot expect to achieve the same precision as well es- is needed in any of the algorithmic steps. We put spe-
tablished techniques like Tsai’s [a]which use hundreds cial emphasis on the propagation of the error through
of points with exactly known world coordinates as well covariances in the intermediate estimates. Using the
as data from the camera specification. According to methodology proposed by Kanatani [3] we eliminate

1063-6919/96$5.00 0 1996 IEEE
the bias in the computation of the coefficients of the feasible rotation.
conic section. We will explain and show in the ex-
periments that the image centers can be computed 3 From parallel lines t o conic sections
more reliably than the scaling factors. The main fac- To describe the camera model we introduce three
tor affecting accuracy is the amount of rotation carried coordina.te systems: The standard coordinate system
out by the camera. We test the sensitivity of the ap- (?,, ys , z,) with origin at the projection center (or op-
proach to error in the line parameters. We compare tical center or nodal point) and z,-axis parallel to the
our results to results obtained by the implementation optical axis of the camera, the normalized camera co-
of another active calibration approach that uses point ordinate system ( z n ,yn) on the plane zs == l with ori-
trajectories under varying zoom to compute the image gin at (01,0,1)of the standard coordinate system, and
center and orthogonal sets of parallel lines (conjugate the image coordinate system ( z p , , y p ) where the im-
vanishing points) to estimate the scaling factors [4]. age data are measured in pixel units. The perspective
projection from a point (zRys,z , ) in space to a point
2 Related Work ( z n ly n ) i!n the plane z, = 1 is given by z, = zs/.zs and
Considering related work we will refer only to ap- yn = ys/z,. Thus, a point (zn yn) in the normalized
proaches that use motion in order to calibrate the in- system defines the ray A(zn, ynl 1) through the point
trinsic parameters without knowledge of world points in space. The mapping from the norma.lized to the
or angles. Since the seminal paper by Maybmk image coordinate system is an affine transformation
and Faugeras [5] it is known that intrinsic parame-
ters encoded in the image of the absolute conic (can
be obtained from point correspondences in four views.
Later it was proven [6] that the image of the absolute
conic can also be obtained from point correspondences 5, S 5,
of three views if they are projections from points on
the plane at infinity. For projections of points with The task of intrinsic calibration is to correspond ray
finite depth this is equivalent t o three views arising directions to pixel positions. Since a ray direction is
from two pure rotations of the camera [7]. Although given by a point in the normalized coordinate system
the computation of the intrinsics is in principle linear intrinsic calibration means recovering the affine trans-
according to the latter approaches a non-linear refine- formation defined above. The parameter pair (zo, yo)
ment step is applied to increase accuracy. Dron's wsxk is the image center (or principal point) defined as the
[SI can be classified in the same framework of absent intersection of the optical axis with the image plane in
or known translation, however, it uses only linear least image coordinates (pixel units). The parameter sy is
squares techniques. equal to -thefocal length divided by the vertical dimen-
We proceed with approaches using point correspon- sion of a. cell in the CCD chip. The parameter s+ is
dences and known rotation angles. Du and Brady [9] equal to the focal length divided by the horizontal di-
as well as Basu [lo] use the optical flow arising from mension of a cell and multiplied by the saimpling ratio
small rotations. Basu applies two independent rata- between the digitizer and the CCD-signal. The pa-
tions (pan and tilt), uses contours instead of points, rameter szcycounts for non-orthogonality of the pixel
and makes an initial hypothesis on the location of the grid and will be regarded as negligible (see [l]for its
image center. Du and Brady use the conic sections interpretation). Furthermore, we do not consider in
from tjhe trajectories of points to obtain a more accu- this study non-linear radial distortioiis that appear in
rate image center estimate. Stein [ll]and Vieville [ l a ] case of wide-angle lenses.
solve the nonlinear equations of motion arising from The description given above is not sufficient
a rotation around a fixed axis using known rotation to model projections of points or lines at infin-
angles. Vieville gives also a solution for the unknown ity, therefore we introduce homogeneous coordinates
but constant rotation axis.
The most closely related work to ours is the ap-
(Zs, cs, ?:$,,.is)in P3 for the standard coordinate sys-
tem, iZn = ( E n , ?jnl &) in P2 for the normalized, and
proach by Beardsley et al. [13]. They use the trajec-
tories of the vanishing points arising from the fixed gP = (i+,,?jp, Gp)also in P2 for the image coordinate
axis rotation of parallel lines on a turntable. Since system. We obtain always the inhomogeneous coordi-
they can produce a full cycle rotation they obtain a nates by dividing by the last homogeneouij coordinate
full ellipse on the image. As they do not know the ro- if the latter is not zero. The equations '6,= 0 and
tation axis one trajectory is not enough t o recover hhe 221,. = 0 define the plane at infinity in P3 and the line
intrinsic parameters. From three ellipses the aspect at infinity in P2, respectively. As a 2D affine transfor-
ratio as well as the image center - intersection of Lhe mation leaves the line at infinity invariant its mapping
major axes - can be obtained. The focal length is then on the image coordinate system is also GF, = 0.
computed from t,he locus of vertices of circular cones A set of parallel lines with direction ( ( I z , I,, l z ) in
that could give rise to the given ellipse. Our approach projective space meet at the point of the plane at in-
avoids the use of a special apparatus (turntable) by finity ( I z , I,, 12, 0). The projection of this point on the
producing the trajectories with camera rotations. We image plane is the vanishing point - the initersection of
gain in the sense that the fixed axis is then known the projections of the parallel lines. Its normalized ho-
but we pay in accuracy since thc arising hyperbolic mogeneous coordinates are (lzl ly,lz) and its position
arcs are of limited extend due to the small amouni, of on the image plane is at infinity if 1, = 0.

Suppose now that a camera moves from ose 1 to
pose 2 with translation T and a rotation R b4):

Figure 2 . T h e vergence axes of the binocular head

We can see that if a point lies at infinity then only el.,are moving w i t h the tilt axis 4.
the rotation affects the new position of the point. The
normalized and the image coordinate transformations parallel to the zz-plane. In the former case the cone
read axis reads N = (0,1,0) and from (6) we obtain

%,I zz RXn2 and ikpl = SRS-‘ikp2. (3)

Both transformations are invertible, hence they are
collineations in P 2 . They express the transformation This is the equation of a hyperbola with transverse
of an image point in case of pure rotation and finite axis the rotation axis y. The image center coincides
3D-point depth or in case of arbitrary motion and a with the hyperbola center as expected but the scaling
3D-point at infinity. The second equation in (3) gives factor s can not be recovered from the four coeffi-
two constraints in inhomogeneous coordinates used by cients oE/ the conic.
all approaches (see for example [7, 121) for estimation In the second case of a rotation axis (cos a , 0, sin&)
of intrinsic parameters from rotations. the conic varies from a hyperbola for a = 0 - rotation
Let us suppose that the camera rotates around a around the z-axis - t o an ellipse for a = ~ / rotation
fixed axis N (llNl1 = 1 . Then the trajectory of the
3D-point in the standar coordinate system is a circle.
The resulted cone in the standard coordinate system
around the optical axis. The latter is the case when we
rotate around the pan axis 90 degrees and then tilt.
We restrict ourselves t o the case of an axis ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) .
with vertex at, the optical center (Fig. 1) and axis N The conic equation then reads
( N T z S ) ’= g211zs112 i z p - zo)2 1 - g2
2 + - (Yp - YOl2 = 1. (8)
: = ( z s ,y s , 2,) and y equal to the cosine of the
with z ST Y2 4
opening angle of the cone. Since z, = (l/zs)zsthe
equation in normalized coordinates reads Although the image center can be theoretically ob-
tained from either (7) or (8) only one of its coordinates
can be reliably estimated each time because points on
(5) only one of the hyperbola arcs are given in the image.
The computation is broken into two steps:
and after rearranging terms and transforming to image
coordinates 1. Rotate around the y-axis and fit a conic t o the
data points. From the coefficients of the conic
compute center and the axes of the hyperbola to
recover x o and sT ( 7 ) - see also Fig. 8c.
which is as expected the equation of a conic section
2 . Rotate around the z-axis and fit a conic to the
in Bl’~ The five coefficients of the conic section de- data points. From the coefficients of the conic
pend on the two parameters of the rotation axis, the and (8) obtain yo and sy - see also Fig. 8f.
four intrinsic parameters, and the parameter g which
depends on which point is tracked in the scene. As
already shown [13] more than one conic section aris- 4 Statistical estimation
ing from a different rotation axis is needed t o recover The computation of the intersection of lines in the
the intrinsic parameters. Instead, we will study here image and in particular the fitting of a conic need spe-
the special cases where the rotation axis is known. cial care regarding error treatment (see also [3]).
The reason in not only the mathematical simplifica- +
Let x p cos q, yp sin qd - di = 0 be the equation of
tion. Active camera platforms have specific mechanic the i-th line in the image. The line parameters ( q ,d )
constraints. In the case of our binocular head (Fig. 2) are obtained with the Hough-Transform. To com-
the vergence motor 0 (called pan in the rest of the pa- pute the line intersection point we apply Maximum-
per) is inounted on the tilt axis C#I so that its rotation Likelihood estimation which maximizes the density
follows the rotation of the tilt motor. It can be easily e=
proven tha.t it is impossible to produce a rotation with e- ‘I”,’
more than two poses around an arbitrary but fixed where ti = z p cos 7;+ yp sin q z - di
a,xis. It turns out that only two possibilities exist: A
constant axis rotation around the pan axis y and a and a: is the error variance approximately equal to the
constant axis rotation around an axis (cos a , 0, s i n a ) variance ci of the distance from the origin to the line

according to the applied resolution of the Hough space. space limitations). Hence, E[Gu] in (13) is also un-
The MLE yields a least squares minimization of the equal zero and the estimate d is biased. 'To eliminate
linear system cos qixp sin qiyp = di for i = 1 . . . N . the bias we just have to subtract this variance from
The equation of the conic (6) can be written a s a every data matrix Ci. The final minimization that
quadratic form x F A x p where A is a symmetric ma- yields an unbiased estimate reads
trix with ,412 = A21 = 0 because the rotation axis N
in (6) is either (1,0,0) or (0,1,0). Decoupling the van-
ishing point coordinates from the unknowns we obtain
d T a = 0 with
As simulation tests by [16] showed the Kanatani pro-
(9) cedure is superior for data from small portions of the
conic. The same authors experimentally showed that
and this algorithm does not always detect the desired conic
UT = ( All A22 2A13 2A23 A33 ). (10) kind - here hyperbola - for high noise levels. However,
We also apply here MLE estimation which result:; to such estimates were observed in our experiments in a
the weighted minimization of much smaller extent than the one given in [16].

M 5 Experiments
(dTu)2 We begin with experimental results on synthetic
z=1 Var[dTu] ' data. The image lines used are noise corrupted images
of the lines on a cube covered with a checker-board
similar pattern. Noise is added in the line parameters
If we exactly compute the variance Var[dTu] we will (17, d ) subject t o a normal distribution. Computation
obtain a nonlinear minimization problem because the of the vanishing points and the conic coefficients is
unknown a will appear in the denominator of every carried out as described in the previous section. We
summation term. Therefore, we apply approximate present the results only in the computation of 20 and
weights equal to the trace t r ( C ; ) of the covariance ma- s, from a rotation around the y-axis. 'The compu-
trix of the vanishing point estimates. As the vector of tation of yo and sy using synthetic data is exactly
unknowns a has a degree of freedom we have to imro- symmetric.
duce a constraint if we do not use the exact weight- We compare our approach with the two-step ap-
ings in (11) where the coefficients appear in the de- proach in [4]. In this approach the image center
nominators. As Kanatani [3] argues minimizing with ( 2 0 , yo) is computed from the intersection of the radial
respect to translation and rotation invariance - con- point trajectories arising from a varying focal length
straint, ATl A& = 1 - does not apply in the case of (zooming). Then, the scaling factors (s,, sY) are esti-
points with anisotropic and unequal weightings. He mated from three vanishing points arising from three
proposes the usual constraint llull = 1 leading t o the mutually orthogonal sets of parallel lines. Of course
minimization we expect that this approach exhibits a much better
performance than ours since three sets of ]parallel lines
M .
and over twenty zoom point trajectories are exploited.
We first inspect the sensitivity to the noise level in
the imag;eline parameters. The rotation amount is 120
degrees around the y-axis. We observe (Fig. 3 ) that
The solution is the eigenvector of C corresponding to the relative error in the image center (x-coordinate z g )
the smallest eigenvalue. From the perturbation theo- is an order of rnagnitude lower t,han the error in the
rem for eigenvectors [3: 151 of symmetric matrices we scaling s, .
can derive the bias of the solution iL as To better explain the sensitivity behavior we pro-
ceed by varying the most important factor of our ap-
proach: the total amount of rotation. We see in
Fig. 4(a-b) the distribution of the vanishing points
for rotation amounts of 120 and 20 degrees. As ex-
pected the relative error in the intrinsics (Fig 5) de-
where (A, U ] ) are the four remaining eigenvalue-

creases with growing rotation amount. The reason

eigenvector pairs. We observe that the bias is equal
is that when the region expanded by the same num-
zero only if the expectation of SC vanishes. The ex- ber of points grows the hyperbola to be fitted is more
pectation of C can be written as constrained. Again we observe an order of magnitude
difference between error in the image center and the
scaling f<sctor.
We next inspect how the position on the hyperbola
of the vamishing points affects the computation. This
factor called symmetry index is determined by the me-
The latter term E[Sd;Sd7]is the variance of the data dian angle during the rotational course. Symmetry in-
coefficients and does not vanish (proof omitted due t o dex 0 means rotating from -40 to 40 degrees whereas

40, 2.2

3 222 60 60 Ea ‘cc 120

Figure 3. The relatzve error an xo ( a ) and zn s, Figure 5. The relatave error an xo ( a ) and s, as
( b ) as a functzon of the standard devzatzon of nozse a functzon o f the rotataon amount. The dashed lane as
zn the lzne parameters. The amount of rotataon was the error zn the zoom-vanashzng poant approach which
120 degrees. The lower curve shows the error of the does not use rotatzons.
zoom-vanzshzng poant algorathm.
for 2 0 ,9.8% for yo, 2.7% for s,, and 5.3% for sy . With
symmetry index 45 means moving from 5 to 85 de- respect to the data used and the fact that the rota-
grees. We see the two extrema1 distributions in Fig. 6. tion was not 360 degrees like in other approaches the
The total amount of rotation in this experiment is 80 results are more than satisfactory.
degrees. The relative error in the x-coordinate of the
iiiiage center increases if symmetry is violated. Since
ZO gives the position of the transverse symmetry axis
of the hyperbola it is expected that asymmetric distri-
bution destabilizes the transverse axis. On the other
hand, the error in the scaling factor s, decreases as
more points lie laterally on the hyperbola because the
slope of the asymptote is constrained.

Ll Figure 6. The vanishing points and the fitting con-

ics f o r symmetry index 0 degrees ( a ) and 45 degrees

35, . . 8 I . . . . . . . :

Figure 4. Vanishing points and fitted hyperbolae for

a. rotation amount of 120 degrees ( a ) and 20 degrees
(b), respectively. The rectangle is the image boarder
drawn to illustrate the relative position of the vanish-
zng poznts.

0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 5 3 5 3 5 4 5

; L L J
0 5 1 0 , 5 2 0 2 5 5 3 5 3 5 4 5


a) b)
In all the experiments our algorithm could never
compete with the zoom-vanishing points approach [4] Figure 7. The relatave error an x o ( a ) and s, (b)
due to the much less amount of information used here. as a functzon of the symmetry zndex. A s the sym-
We tested both steps of our algorithm with two se- metry index uarzes f r o m 0 t o 45 degrees the set of
quenc,es of the image of a wall obtained with one of t>he vanzshzng poznts as shzfted to the left of the hyper-
cameras of an active binocular camera mount. The bola. For comparason as shown the constant error an
left column in Fig. 8 shows a pan movement and the the zoom-vanashang poant approach (dashed lane)
right column a tilt movement. The image lines were
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