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Every Child Is Special

Every child has unique abilities and every child has a unique purpose.

Those are some of the things that I have realized deeply after viewing the movie.

When I was teaching my niece in the past, who I later discovered has learning

disabilities, I learned several mistakes I had made that I was not aware of. She was

having a hard time focusing and tend to ignore my instructions. She was not stubborn,

it was a disability. I realized that as I observe her as well recently. After watching the

said movie, I realized as well that us grown ups must observe every child that is being

entrusted to us, that we must have the patience, and most of all, we should understand


I wasn’t aware of Dyslexia before, but right after watching the movie, I just realized

that a lot of children has the disability. We thought that some of them are just too lazy

to study or saying no to instructions, but the truth is they are just ashamed to admit

that they don’t understand or can’t process the instructions that was given to them. It

was heartbreaking that a lot of children nowadays are neglected and left undiagnosed

with the disability and just left behind, or worst abandoned. I learned from the movie

as well that there are things a children with disability can’t do, but there are other

things that they are good at and it is our job or responsibility as adults to know that, to

help them nurture those abilities. The movie was so helpful to me as soon to be

teacher to widen my understanding on this matter so that no more children would be

like Ishaan, the child from the movie and I promised myself that I would be a part of

guiding children to achieve their dreams.

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