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Name Homework

Start date 11/20/2022 1. Observe, describe and participate

2. Wise mind.
Life worth living goals:
I want to have a life of my own, preferably in a
completely new city. I want to have a close group of
friends and a home of my own. I would like to
ideally be at a job that I enjoy and feel fulfilled in. I
want to enjoy life and be happy and at peace.

A/T/NO Emotions rate 0-5

Suicidal Self harm Sadness Anger Irritation Envy
Wise Mind: Accessed wisdom. Know truth. Be centered and calm. Balanced Em
Observe: Just notice the experience. “Teflon mind.” Control your attention. Smel
Describe: Put experiences into words. Describe to yourself what is happening. Pu
Participate: Enter into the experience. Act intuitively from wise mind. Practice ch
Nonjudgmental Stance: See but don’t evaluate. Unglue your opinions. Accept ea
One-mindfully: Be in-the-moment. Do one thing at a time. Let go of distractions
Objective effectiveness: DEAR MAN Describe. Express. Assert. Reinforce. Mindf
Interpersonal skills Relationship effectiveness: GIVE: Gentle. Interested. Validation. Easy manner.
Self-respect effectiveness: FAST: Fair. no Apologies. Stick to values. Be Truthful
Acquire Positives in the short term: Doing pleasurable things that you can do now
Acquire positives in the long term: Making choices that match morals and value
Build MASTERy. Try to do one (hard or challenging) thing a day to make yourse
Emotion regulation Cope Ahead: Imagine how you would skillfully cope with a situation before you a
PLEASE: (STRONG) Reduce Vulnerability treat: Physical illness, balance Eating
Mindfulness of current emotions
Opposite-to-emotion action: Change emotions by acting opposite to the current em
Distract: Wise Mind ACCEPTS Activities. Contributing. Comparisons. Emotion
Self-soothe with the 5 senses. Enjoy sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touch. Be m

Distress tolerance
IMPROVE the moment: Imagery. Meaning. Prayer. Relaxation. One thing in the
Half-smile: If you can’t change your feelings, change your face
Distress tolerance
Mindfulness of current thoughts
Radical Acceptance: Choose to recognize and accept reality. Freedom from suffe
Turning the mind: Choosing over and over again to accept even though emotion
Willingness: Doing what is needed in each situation.
escribe and participate.

Emotions rate 0-5 Personal target- behaviours to increase

Shame Guilt Disgust HappinessLove >Binge and decrease
<Moveme <Reading <Self care
eating nt
Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursday Friday
and calm. Balanced Emotional Mind and Reasonable Mind. Meditate.
trol your attention. Smell the roses. Experience what is happening.
lf what is happening. Put words on the experience.
m wise mind. Practice changing the harmful and accepting yourself.
your opinions. Accept each moment.
me. Let go of distractions. Concentrate your mind on the task at hand.
Assert. Reinforce. Mindful. Appear confident. Negotiate.
alidation. Easy manner.
ck to values. Be Truthful. Cheerleading.
hings that you can do now
match morals and values
ng a day to make yourself feel competent and in control.
h a situation before you are in it.
al illness, balance Eating. Avoid drugs, balance Sleep. Exercise daily

opposite to the current emotion (when it isn’t justified). Approach rather than avoid.
Comparisons. Emotions. Pushing away. Thoughts. Sensations.
ls, tastes and touch. Be mindful of soothing sensations.
axation. One thing in the moment. Vacation. Encouragement.
ur face

lity. Freedom from suffering = acceptance of facts from deep within / not approval
ept even though emotion mind wants to reject reality
Saturday Sunday

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