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The aim of this report is to put forward/outline/provide an overview of the

_______________________________________. The final section makes recommendations as
to how the situation could be improved.


According to some interviews conducted with a random selection of scholars, the vast
majority of respondents stated that (resources were bad or not enough. General topic)

Moreover, a considerable proportion suggested that (here you introduced the areas or topics
you are going to talk about) not only the blablabla, but also bla bla bla


It was said by the ones polled that__________________(problem that you imagine or create
in the plan).

Although the enormous size of it(cosa positive del problema para putearlo después) the fact
of (not having spaces for teamwork causes conflicts among students) _______________.
(hablas del problema de nuevo)


Nearly the quarter of those enquired, stated that______________________ (metes otro

problema que has inventado). Taking into account that 85% of the subjects have an exam the
students suggested________


Clearly, more could be done to______________________. In light of the above, I would make
the forthcoming suggestions:

 Solutions to the problems

 Different spaces (solución al primer problema)
 Offer learning techniques to improve memorising skills (solución al segundo problema)

Should the recommendations outlined in this report be carried out, I have no doubt that the
college resources will be a resounding success.

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