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"Stop Bullying at School for the Better Life Generation"

-A.Aulia Nur Fatihah (IAIN BONE)-

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Dear judges, and happy audiences.

First of all, let us praise and thank the presence of Allah Almighty, for the abundance of
grace and the joy of all of us can still gather in this place without any barriers at all and in
good health. Not forgetting the salawat and greetings we pour out to the Prophet Muhammad
who has brought us out of the dark ages to the era of bright light today, namely Islam.

Let me introduce my self, my name is A.Aulia Nur Fatihah and I am a representative of IAIN
Bone. On this occasion, let me stand here to deliver a few sentences about bullying in school.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Acts of violence often occur around us. For example, bullying that occurs a lot in schools. I
will raise one of the bullying cases that occurred in North Sulawesi, in 2022. An MTs student
in Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi died as a result of being bullied on June 8, 2022. The victim,
a student with initials BT (13), was rushed to the hospital for treatment after complaining of
abdominal pain. But unfortunately, BT's life was not saved. Based on a statement, the
Kotamabagu police chief said that initial information was obtained that the bullying occurred
in the school area and was not known to the school authorities, until the next day the victim
became ill. After the victim's passing, one of the victim's family members reported that BT
had been bullied at school. Based on information, the perpetrators are suspected to be fellow
students. The existence of serious cases of bullying that result in death is something that
deserves attention from the school.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Why did this case happen?

This bullying case in Kotamobagu, can occur due to the lack of education and concern of the
community in schools about the violence committed. This of course cannot be tolerated,
because it can make a student feel insecure and uncomfortable in the school environment.

This bullying case has a bad impact on the lives of the victim and perpetrators. The victim
will feel excessive trauma and fear or worse lead to death as in the case I described earlier.
The perpetrators will be charged with punishment in accordance with applicable rules.
The alleged perpetrators of bullying that caused the death of BT, face 15 years in prison.
Head of Public Relations of the North Sulawesi Regional Police, Kombes Pol Jules Abraham
Abast said, regarding the application of threats of punishment against child perpetrators, Law
Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection will be applied. The law explains that
everyone is prohibited from placing, allowing, committing, ordering to commit, or
participating in violence against children.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Should we see more victims of violence around us? NO! Every child has his right to live.

Therefore, to reduce cases of violence such as bullying, especially in schools, all educators in
schools are responsible for educating all students regarding the dangers of bullying. In
addition, there is a need for appropriate punishment for perpetrators to get a deterrent effect,
so that no more similar cases occur.

My brother and sister,

Is it only the job for the school? NO!! It’s also our job! Our responsibilty!

C’mon brother and sister!

As the next generation of our nation, we must raise awareness to look after and love one
another. Helping each other and not discriminating among friends are the simplest thing to
prevent bullying. Because we all deserve to be happy and successful.

For the victims of bullying out there, let's rise up! Show our ability to keep the spirit of
achieving dreams. Don't listen to other people's words and stay focused on loving yourself.

Those were the things about school violence that I had said. May we always be protected by
Allah from all acts of harassment and violence around us. Thank you for your attention.


5 Kasus Pelajar Meninggal karena Tindak Kekerasan di Sekolah

5 Fakta Siswa MTs di Kotamabagu Tewas Setelah Di-bully Temannya

Hukuman pelaku bullying, Bisa dijerat Pidana dan Perdata

Kasus Bullying di Sulawesi Utara, Anak Kasatpol PP Ikut Jadi Korban Penganiayaan

Terduga Pelaku yang Menyebabkan Siswa MTs Kotamobagu Meninggal Terancam 15 Tahun

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