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Phys Ed: Strand B: Active Living Rubric

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My performance was My performance was My performance was so- I wasn’t really in the
excellent! I’m open to good. so but I wasn’t willing to mood to exercise. I didn’t
trying new activities. I take short breaks and tire myself out because I really make an effort. I
I was focused throughout rehydrate. didn’t like the activity. did the bare minimum. My
the entire fitness session. I need to remember that I spent more time doing teacher encouraged me
When I was tired, I took safety comes first. my own thing instead of to participate, so I did
short breaks and started My teacher reminded me following instructions. for a bit. I didn’t like the
again. I showed good to share the equipment My teacher talked to me activity, so I didn’t do
sportsmanship by sharing and pass to others and on the penalty bench too much.
equipment and praising not to get mad if I don’t about safety concerns
others. I did not get come first or win. I’m and gave me time to think
discouraged if I lost a learning that good about my choices.
challenge or a game. sportsmanship is very
I participated safely the important.
entire time without
needing any reminders.
I demonstrated that
fitness is fun!

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