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A) Brainstorm as many jobs as you can and complete the table below:

B) Choose a job from above to describe for the other students to guess.
C) Complete the table below with work-related idioms and their meaning:

D) What is your dream job? Explain.


E) Answer the questions below:

1. What do your parents do?

2. At what age do people usually start working in Portugal?
3. Do you think it is more important to earn a lot of money or to enjoy your job?
4. If you could own your own business what would it be?
5. Are there jobs for men and jobs for women?
6. What are some common jobs in Faro?
7. What jobs do you think are boring?
8. What jobs do you think are exciting?
9. What jobs would you never do? Why?
10. What jobs earn a lot of money?

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