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Teacher Tuấn


The two maps below show the changes in the town of Denham from 1986 to the present day.

The maps illustrate the main changes which have taken

 Simply stating what the map is about
place in the town of Denham from 1986 to the present by paraphrasing the question.


Overall, the town has most notably shown an increase in  Describing general changes by picking 2
housing development, which indicates a higher population or 3 of the most noticeable differences in
the map and writing a general statement
and a move away from agriculture and farming. for each.

One change that stands out is that there has been a  Writing in more detail some of the most
significant redevelopment over the whole period. To the noteworthy changes by grouping the
information either by time or location.
east of the river stoke, housing now dominates the area of  Showing location: to the north of; to the
east of; in the west; to the south of; north
what was once farmland. In 1986 there were shops and just west of
 Describing location: on; next to;
a handful of residential properties. Now there are neither
near; from north to south; from east to
shops nor farmland left, although the post office is still west; by; across from; nearby; between;
beside; over; along
there. The bridge over the river stoke still stands as it did in  Describing changes: demolished;
redeveloped; extended; enlarged;
1986. expanded; cut down; erected;
constructed; modernised; renovated;
Another noticeable change is that more roads have been replaced; relocated; made into; knocked
down; torn down; converted; opened up;
built around the housing complex. Additionally, the gardens
make way for; give way for; provide space
that were in front of the large house in 1986, have been for, make room for.
 Grammar: present perfect and present
removed and the house has been expanded and converted perfect passive.
 Time expressions: over the 20 year
into a retirement home. The primary school still stands and
period , from 1990 to 2000, over the
has been extended in the decades since 1986. years, in the last 10 years, in the years
after 1990…
(175 words)
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