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Y, (TAHUN) ISSN: 2337-3539 (2301-9271 Print) 1


Ausa R, Agustawijaya, Ira M. Anjasmara, dan Putra Maulida
Departemen Teknik Geomatika, Fakultas Teknik Sipil Perencanaan dan Kebumian,
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Abstract— Indonesia''s geographic location and high tectonic Hot mud and gas emerged from the drilling site of PT.
activity result in frequent occurrences of natural events. The Lapindo Brantas in Balongnongo Hamlet, Renokenogo
Sidoarjo mud was one of the natural occurrences that took place Village, Porong sub-District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java,
in Indonesia. The emergence of hot mud and gas from PT.
which then caused ground subsidence within the area [2]. The
Lapindo Brantas drilling site in, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java,
causes an event known as Sidoarjo Mud. The occurrence in the mud eruption rate was between 7,000 and 150,000 cubic
Sidoarjo phenomena Mud is referred to as a "mudflow". In meters each day. But, the most catastrophic event was to
order to collect the data from GPS devices located on the cause the disappearance of 642 hectares of land and displace
mudflow embankment and in its vicinity were used to observe about 3000 people (Mazzini et al., 2007). Besides the
the area. For the processing strategy the point TTG-1304 as the discovery of facts and data on mud eruptions as a mud
refrence point, where the data observed for 3 hours static
volcano phenomenon, it was also found that this phenomenon
method and with differential method. International GNSS
Services (IGS) used for global reference point which considered was also followed by other phenomena, namely ground
stable. GAMIT/GLOBK software, GAMIT is used to estimate subsidence [3]. The impact of mudflow events, particularly in
three-dimensional position, GLOBK has a special function in Sidoarjo, is a decline phenomenon and/or subsidence in the
terms of processing daily observation data to produce average surrounding area. Gradual or abrupt subsidence of the earth's
station coordinates from multi-data observations. The surface is brought on by the movement of the earth's material.
Horizontal movements before Sunda Block reduction tends to
Located in densely populated settlements, land subsidence
move in to southeast with veocity 25.60 mm/yr – 28.95 mm/yr
from 2021 until 2022. After reduction of Sunda Block shift speed is one of the factors that must be monitored. The amount of
horizontally on northing between -9.33mm/yr until -9.70mm/yr ground surface subsidence that has accumulated over a
and for easting 22.94mm/yr until 23.18mm/yr and the delta certain period will be able to reach a decrease of up to several
northing from -0.65mm/yr until 4.26mm/yr and for easting from meters more [4]. Land subsidence monitoring can be carried
0.39 mm/yr until 4.90 mm/yr. The vertical movements velocity out by several methods, one of which is using the Global
CORS -12.53 mm/yr of subsidence and 15.52 mm/yr of uplift.
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), especially the Global
Where the CLMG station has the highest subsidence with the
rate of standard deviation 0.49 mm/yr and CPAS 15.52 mm/yr Positioning System (GPS, a satellite belonging to the United
uplift with rate of 0.49 mm/yr, and for CMJT stations has the States).
smallest movements with 0.49 mm/yr. Campaign Observation The magnitude of land subsidence is observed not
result has vary velocity rate and direction, the subsequent result significantly so it is not possible to use a handheld GPS
was subsidence with maximum value of subsidence occured on receiver, because the accuracy of the tool ranges from only to
PSPD stations with -423.52mm/yr and for uplift 30.06 mm/yr for
meters (m) only. Minimal land subsidence occurs in the
station PTGG. The high value of PSPD station was also followed
by high value of standard deviation. Kendeng Faults dominated Sidoarjo mudflow area, so it is necessary to have methods and
with strain model of compression resulted from Delaunay tools that are able to detect it [5]. The use of Geodetic GPS
triangulation and strain interpolation. based on the result there receivers tied to Continuously Operating Receiver Stations
are displacements, the displacements occurred on CORS Station (CORS) can increase accuracy to millimeters (mm), making
and GPS Campaign station was horizontal and vertical. the it possible to detect land subsidence [6].
global processing result indicating the movements to southwest
In this study, measurement and analysis of land subsidence
and for local processing result indicating the vector into
different directions. monitoring in Sidoarjo mud was carried out on Porong
regency focused on the embankments and outside near the
Keywords— Mudflow, Embankments , GPS, Displacments. embankment using Geodetic GPS and tied to the 6 Stations
CORS. In addition to the use of Geodetic GPS and CORS,
this research data conducted by GAMIT/GLOBK software.
This research was conducted with temporal period of 2

I ndonesia is located in active tectonic area where

earthquake and other natural hazard often occurred within
the area. The Sidoarjo mudflow was one of these hazards
years from 2021 until 2022 The values obtained from the
processing results can be correlated with topographic data to
see predictions of inundation that can affect the vulnerability
occurred in Sidoarajo District of East Java Province in of the Porong area. The results of the analysis from this
Indonesia. The Sidoarjo mudflow is well known as the LUSI research are expected to be one of the considerations in
(lumpur Sidoarjo), which is the eruption of mud initially mitigating efforts to reduce the risks that occur due to land
considered as a remote seismic event consequence, but more subsidence that occurs around the Sidoarjo mudflow
likely has an association with a geothermal phenomenon [1]. embankment area.
JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. X, No. Y, (TAHUN) ISSN: 2337-3539 (2301-9271 Print) 2


A. Research Location B. Data and Tools
The research location was caried at the Sidoarjo Mudflow Data that was used in this research are as follows:
area and GPS CORS station located on East Java, as shown 1. Primary Data (GPS Observation)
on the figure 1 & figure 2 below. a. GPS Observation 2021 -2022.
b. Cors Stations with total of 9 stations.
2. Additional Data
a. IGS Stations with total of 15 stations suroundings
b. Precise Ephemeris Data with .sp3 type of file
c. Broadcast Ephemeris Data with name brdcDDD0.Yyn
d. Ionex Data.
The tools used in this research are as follows:
1. Hardware
a. Sokkia GRX 2 GNSS Receiver used for campaign
observation, with specification L1+L2 H: 3mm +
Figure 1. Observed CORS Stations 0.5pm and V: 5mm + 0.5ppm
2. Software used for data processing are:
a. GAMIT/GLOBK software, GAMIT for baseline
processing, GLOBK produce avarage stations
coordinates and transformation coordinates to ITRF
b. GMT for plotting vector and producing map.
c. Matlab for calculating velocity, plotting time series,
calcultating of sunda block reduction.
C. Data Processing Stages
The stages of implementation in this research are described
on the flow chart as follows:

Figure 3. Observed Campaign Stations

In this research there are 3 phases, Preparation Phases,

Processing Phase, and Phase Phases. In the first phase data
Figure 2. Observed Campaign Stations
collection was conducted including the GPS campaign,
CORS, IGS, and Supporting data. The second phase was data
Tabel 1. processing there are several strategy conducted on this
Observed CORS Stations research, all the collected data was processed using
Latitude Longitude City GAMIT/GLOBK and MATLAB.
CLMG -7.092596793 112.3265242 Lamongan
CMJT -7.465579463 112.441616 Mojokerto 1. CORS Processing using GAMIT/GLOBK
CPAS -7.651407816 112.9010375 Pasuruan First using CORS data proceeded GAMIT with differential
CSID -7.374581424 112.7819167 Sidoarjo
CSBY -7.334335506 112.7243675 Surabaya baseline was conducted with reference to the parameter
CSMP -7.195448306 113.2519488 Sampang results of RMS, If the specified conditions or criteria are
fulfilled, the process can be proceed to the next stage.
However, if the root mean square (RMS) value does not meet
the desired threshold, the data must be reprocessed. This
JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. X, No. Y, (TAHUN) ISSN: 2337-3539 (2301-9271 Print) 3

involves reevaluating the parameters and criteria to ensure movement reduced to 0 (zero), the reduction was conducted
they meet the required standards before progressing further. due to eliminates the effects of local fault movement, the
Using GLOBK the coordinates was transformed to the UTM elimination of local fault movement will change the value of
and Geodetic coordinates, and from the output of .org can be velocity from GPS campaign, for this research the stable
converted to .pos for output and plotting the time series on station chosen was CMJT CORS station located on
MATLAB, the output of time series of CORS pattern was Mojokerto.
observed for the most stable station to be chosen as reference
to be connected to campaign station and conducted the local 4. CORS Station With Respect To Sunda Block
processing. The third strategy was reduced the Sunda Block for CORS
station, the acquired activity was local activity not affected
2. Velocity Calculation by Sunda Block. The reduction was formed using Euler Pole
Velocity calculation was conducted after the output of the parameter of Sunda Block calculated using MATLAB Euler
coordinate from .pos file where the coordinate was Pole Calculator (EPC), the parameter inputted are -89.4°
Geocentric coordinate and then converted into topocentric longitude, 46.2° latitude, and angular velocity 0.327° m/yr
coordinate for velocity of horizontal and vertical, the [7]. And then the calculation using this equation,
calculation of velocity based on this equation [].
𝑣 = 𝜔 𝑅 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝛿 (7)
𝑛𝑝 ∆𝑥 Where,
[ 𝑒𝑝 ] = 𝑅(𝜑𝑄 , 𝜆𝑄 ) [∆𝑦] (1) R: Radius of the earth
𝑢𝑝 ∆𝑧 𝜔: Angular velocity
with, 𝛿: co-latitude
−𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜑𝑄 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜆𝑄 −𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜑𝑄 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜆𝑄 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑𝑄
𝑅(𝜑𝑄 , 𝜆𝑄 ) = [ −𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜆𝑄 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜆𝑄 0 ] The reduced velocity of Sunda Block inputted into strain
𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑𝑄 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜆𝑄 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑𝑄 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜆𝑄 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜑𝑄 calculation using strain interpolation method [8]. This
(2) method analyzes strain as a continuous function using the
and modified least squares method. The calculation using this
∆𝑥 𝑋𝑃 − 𝑋𝑄 equation [9],
[∆𝑦] = [ 𝑌𝑃 − 𝑌𝑄 ] (3)
∆𝑧 𝑍𝑃 − 𝑍𝑄 𝑉𝑒1 1 0 −𝑛1 𝑒1 𝑛1 0 𝑡𝑒
Where 𝑛𝑝, 𝑒𝑝, 𝑢𝑝 are topocentric coordinate, 𝜑𝑄 , 𝜆𝑄 are 𝑉𝑛1 0 1 𝑒1 0 𝑒1 𝑛1 𝑡 𝑛

latitude and longitude, Δ𝑥, Δ𝑦, Δ𝑧 are difference between 𝑉𝑒2 1 0 −𝑛2 𝑒2 𝑛2 0 𝜔
= (6)
coordinate observed station and refrenced station, where 𝑅 𝑉𝑛2 0 1 𝑒2 0 𝑒2 𝑛2 𝜀𝑒𝑒
rotational matriks. And then for the calculation after 𝑉𝑒3 1 0 −𝑛3 𝑒3 𝑛3 0 𝜀𝑒𝑛
topocentric coordinate obtained is the velocity calculation
[𝑉𝑛3 ] [0 1 𝑒3 0 𝑒3 𝑛3 ] [𝜀𝑛𝑛 ]
using this equation,
𝜀𝑒𝑒 +𝜀𝑛𝑛 𝜀𝑒𝑒 +𝜀𝑛𝑛
𝑉𝑛,𝑒,𝑢 =
(4) 𝜀1 = + √( ) + 𝜀𝑒𝑛 2 (7)
𝑡−𝑡0 2 2

Where, 2
𝜀𝑒𝑒 +𝜀𝑛𝑛 𝜀𝑒𝑒 −𝜀𝑛𝑛
Xt0 = Initial observation coordinate 𝜀2 = − √( ) + 𝜀𝑒𝑛 2 (8)
2 2
Xt = Last observation coordinate
t = Last DOY observation 2𝜀𝑒𝑛
tan 2𝜃 = (9)
t0 = Initial DOY OBSEVATION 𝜀𝑒𝑒 −𝜀𝑛𝑛

Vn,e,u = Velocity in toposentric Coordinate

Where, e1 = Easting Coordinate each stations
And for the overall horizontal velocity was carried out . n2 = Northing Coordinate each stations
using this equation, 𝜀1 = Principal strain indicating vectors change
𝑉ℎ = √𝑉𝑒 2 + 𝑉𝑛2 (5)
Vh = Horizontal Velocity
Ve = Easting Velocity A. Horizontal Movements Results
Vn = Northing Velocity 1. Horizontal Movements of CORS Stations
The velocity at which CORS moves is generated from the
And then for angle for the direction of velocity vector was processed tsview plugin on MATLAB . Velocity shift value
determined using this equation, of easting and northing in 2021 until 2022 at 6 observation
stations along with standard deviation values obtained shown
𝜃 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (6) in table 2 are as follows:

Table 2.
3. Local Processing of GPS Campaign
Velocity Value of Horizontal Movements
The second strategy was conducting the local processing
CORS Ve Vn σe σn
of campaign GPS data, the most stable CORS station Stations (mm/year) (mm/year (mm/yr) (mm/yr)
connected to campaign station and the CORS station CLMG 23.57 -9.9800 0.17 0.13
JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. X, No. Y, (TAHUN) ISSN: 2337-3539 (2301-9271 Print) 4

CMJT 26.57 -7.02 0.15 0.13

CPAS 27.84 -7.93 0.14 0.15
CSID 24.8 -5.25 0.51 0.45
CSBY 25.01 -8.7 0.17 0.13
CSMP 24.34 -11.33 0.15 0.13 Based on the table 4 indicating the minimum and
maximum value of velocity which are, -12.53 mm/yr of
subsidence and 15.52 mm/yr of uplift. Where the CLMG
station has the highest subsidence with the rate of standard
2. CORS Stations Horizontal Movements Analysis deviation 0.49 mm/yr and CPAS 15.52 uplift with rate of 0.49
Horizontal movements of CORS station was obtained mm/yr, and for CMJT stations has the smallest movements
based on the equation of horizontal velocities from Easting with 0.49 mm/yr.
and Northing component as shown on table 3 and equation

Table 3.
Horizontal Movements Velocity
Stations (mm/year) (mm/year
CLMG 25.60 0.21
CMJT 27.48 0.20
CPAS 28.95 0.21
CSID 25.35 0.68
CSBY 26.48 0.21
CSMP 26.85 0.20

Based on the figure 3 indicating the horizontal movement

of global processing of CORS station toward southeast with
value of velocity 25.60 mm/yr – 28.95 mm/yr from 2021 until
2022. Figure 4. Vertical Movements Of Observed CORS Stations

C. GPS Campaign Local Processing

1. Horizontal Movements Results of GPS Campaign
The result of GPS campaign local processing indicating
velocites that occured on the embankment and near it, the
value of velocities based on the local processing with
connected to CMJT cors as 0 point with time span 2021 –
2022, with total of 21 stations as shown on the table 5 below,

Table 5.
Horizontal Velocities Value GPS Campaign
CORS Ve Vn σe σn
Stations (mm/year) (mm/year) (mm/yr) (mm/yr)
PCPO 13.3 0.9 6.99 2.4
PDLM 32.83 122.45 5.54 15.05
PDMK 71.96 -21.22 40.5 18.09
PGPL -23.02 -2.5 5.56 15.95
PITB -10.78 11.8 22.95 7.11
PKTL 20.82 -2.93 3.35 4.33
PKTR 17.19 20.23 9.61 21.31
PLPG 32.99 -102.94 9.19 22.08
Figure 3. Global Horizontal Movements of CORS Station PMKM -110.16 -2.08 63.04 6.7
PNMJ 27.8 -6.48 11.2 10.86
B. Vertical Movements of CORS Station Results POVK 23.63 7.91 12.48 12.09
PPDU -11.97 73.56 1.94 12.53
The vertical movements of CORS station indicating PRPM -6.35 4.97 25.21 8.4
various results, there are several stations that occurred uplift PSPD 152.97 -71.76 32.33 4.72
and there are several occurred subsidence, with different PTGG -15.29 31.92 17.59 19.69
PTGJ 7.09 24.16 5.03 6.33
velocity each stations, as shown on table 4. PTJB 55.65 31.06 6.54 10.64
PTJG 15.25 -18.7 9.27 6.63
Table 4. PTJP -17.91 107.71 14.02 4.99
Velocity of Vertical Movements
CORS Vu σu 2. Horizontal Movements of GPS Campaign Analysis
Stations (mm/year) (mm/year)
CLMG -12.53 0.49
Based on the previous given equation of value of velocities
CMJT -11.2 0.47 of easting and northing, on table 6 show the result based on
CPAS 15.52 0.49 velocities.
CSID 4.41 0.53
CSBY -5.34 2.02
CSMP 0.52 0.5
JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. X, No. Y, (TAHUN) ISSN: 2337-3539 (2301-9271 Print) 5

velocity each stations, as shown on table 7.

Table 6.
Horizontal Movements Velocities Table 7.
CORS Vh σh Velocity Results of Vertical Movemetns
Stations (mm/year) (mm/yr) CORS Vu σu
PCPO 13.33 7.39 Stations (mm/year) (mm/yr)
PDLM 126.77 16.04 PCPO 4.21 63.08
PDMK 75.02 44.36 PDLM -239.87 32.2
PGPL 23.16 16.89 PDMK -60.04 131.79
PITB 15.98 24.03 PGPL -66.66 -17.55
PKTL 21.03 5.47 PITB -143.08 52.56
PKTR 26.55 23.38 PKTL -16.52 17.82
PLPG 108.10 23.92 PKTR -71.66 64.92
PMKM 110.18 63.40 PLPG -246.35 30.12
PNMJ 28.55 15.60 PMKM -20.82 54.7
POVK 24.92 17.38 PNMJ -195.51 40.14
PPDU 74.53 12.68 POVK 9.38 52.29
PRPM 8.06 26.57 PPDU -82.66 11.91
PSPD 168.97 32.67 PRPM -45.81 50.59
PTGG 35.39 26.40 PSPD -423.52 138.51
PTGJ 25.18 8.09 PTGG 30.06 31.33
PTJB 63.73 12.49 PTGJ -48.39 10.11
PTJG 24.13 11.40 PTJB -306.25 26.82
PTJP 109.19 14.88 PTJG -110.75 54.84
PTJP -347.22 142.48
Based on the table 6 indicating the horizontal movement of
local processing GPS campaign station head toward different Based on the result of table 7 indicating the trend for
direction wihth value of velocity 13.33 mm/yr – 168.97 subsidence and uplift from 2021 – 2022 also with the standard
mm/yr from 2021 until 2022, and the sigma value 7.89mm/yr deviation. There are several stations that has high value of
– 63.40mm/yr. The variety velocity value indicating in the standard deviation, the high value can be occured due to the
embankment there are various phenomena where the position of observation is not in proper condition, there are
embankment is dynamic due to the mudflow factor and the obstruction and time of record observation also affected the
work that occurs on the embankment. quality of time series. The vertical displacements in this area
of observation classified into value of uplift and subsidence.
There are 15 stations occured a subsidence and there are 3
stations occured uplift. Based on the result indicating on the
observation area mainly occured a subsidence with less uplift
The maximum value of subsidence occured on PSPD
stations with -423.52mm/yr and for uplift 30.06 mm/yr for
station PTGG. The high value of PSPD station was also
followed by high value of standard deviation.
D. CORS Stations With Respected to Sunda Block
The calculation for local movements of CORS stations was
using the parameters of (46.2°N, 89.4°W), respectively and
their angular velocities 0.327° M/yr. The calculation based on
equation 8.
Based on the calculation using the parameters of Euler Pole
the rotation of respected to Sunda Block obtained shown on
the table 8 below.
Table 8.
Rotation of Velocity With Respected to Sunda Block on CORS Station
CORS Ve dVn dVe
Stations (mm/yr) (mm/yr) (mm/yr)
Figure 5. Horizontal Movements Of Observed Campaign Station. CLMG -9.33 23.18 -0.65 0.39
CMJT -9.37 23.01 2.35 3.56
Based on the figure 5, indicating the movements was CPAS -9.56 22.94 1.63 4.90
differed each section, on the eastside of embankments CSID -9.51 23.06 4.26 1.74
indicating southeast on 3 stations, towards east 2 stations, and CSBY -9.49 23.08 0.79 1.93
2 stations toward northeast. On the west side of embankments CSMP -9.70 23.15 -1.63 1.19
6 stations toward southeast, toward northeast 4 stations. CLMG -9.33 23.18 -0.65 0.39

3. Vertical Movement of GPS Campaign

The vertical movements of CORS station indicating The result of local velocity for each CORS stations was
various results, there are several stations that occurred uplift shown in the dVn and dVe or the delta of velocity easting and
and there are several occurred subsidence, with different velocity of northing. There is a difference in the value of the
JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. X, No. Y, (TAHUN) ISSN: 2337-3539 (2301-9271 Print) 6

horizontal velocity vector after being reduced by the Sunda

Block where the reduction results with the Sunda Block
produces a shift speed horizontally on northing between -
9.33mm/yr until -9.70mm/yr and for easting 22.94mm/yr
until 23.18mm/yr and the delta or local velocity northing
from -0.65mm/yr until 4.26mm/yr and for easting from 0.39
mm/yr until 4.90 mm/yr. The value was changed significantly
indicating the CORS station affected by the Sunda Block. The
result from reduction vector shown in figure below.

Figure 7. Visualization of Delunay Triangulation Method

Based on figure visualized the plotting by GMT for provide

information for strain value. The extention and compression
value resulted was variative. Activity of the strain that occurs
is dominated by events of compression and little of
ekstension. The compression visualized by blue color and the
ekstension with red color. Based on the result indicating the
area often occured energy accumulation. The energy will be
released by tectonic earthquake[6]. And the area of sidoarjo
mudflow didn’t have big impact based on the plotting result
where the activity of strain mainly occured near Kendeng’s
Figure 6. Plotting Horizontal Movements after Respected to Sunda Block
Based on the results of figure 6 indicating different
directions of each CORS observation stations, the CORS IV. CONCLUSION
stations was the speed of deformation is massively affected Conclusion obtained from this research are as follows:
by the Sunda block as shown by the length of the vector line. 1) The Horizontal movements before Sunda Block
The CPAS, CMJT, AND CSBY station head toward reduction tends to move in to southeast with veocity
northeast, but the angle direction was different based on the 25.60 mm/yr – 28.95 mm/yr from 2021 until 2022
velocity differs each stations, and for CLMG and CSMP head 2) After reduction of Sunda Block shift speed horizontally
toward to southeast. on northing between -9.33mm/yr until -9.70mm/yr and
for easting 22.94mm/yr until 23.18mm/yr and the
E. Strain Analysis difference northing from -0.65mm/yr until 4.26mm/yr
Calculation of the strain value using VISR (Velocity and for easting from 0.39 mm/yr until 4.90 mm/yr.
Interpolation for Strain Rate) strain interpolation. Result of 3) The vertical movements velocity CORS -12.53 mm/yr of
horizontal speed at any existing CORS station reduction was subsidence and 15.52 mm/yr of uplift. Where the CLMG
carried out with the Sunda Block used as data input to station has the highest subsidence with the rate of
calculate the strain parameter. standard deviation 0.49 mm/yr and CPAS 15.52 uplift
1. Results of Velocity Interpolation for Strain Rate Method with rate of 0.49 mm/yr, and for CMJT stations has the
smallest movements with 0.49 mm/yr.
This method analyzes strain as a continuous function using 4) Campaign Observation result has vary velocity rate and
the modified least squares method. The result of strain shown direction, the subsequent result was subsidence with
in figure below, maximum value of subsidence occurred on PSPD
stations with -423.52mm/yr and for uplift 30.06 mm/yr
for station PTGG. The high value of PSPD station was
also followed by high value of standard deviation.
5) Kendeng Faults dominated with strain model of
compression resulted from Delaunay triangulation and
strain interpolation.

The author thanks the lecturer supervisor, Mrs. Ira Mutiara
Anjasmara S.T., M.Phil, Ph.D and Mr. Putra Maulida, ST,
MT.,Ph.D for the willingness to guide in this research. In
addition, the authors did not forget to thank the Geospatial
JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. X, No. Y, (TAHUN) ISSN: 2337-3539 (2301-9271 Print) 7

Information Agency (BIG) and the Sidoarjo Mud Control

Center (PPLS) for providing data and information, then to the
geodynamics lab relatives who participated in writing this
research, as well as all parties who assisted in the preparation
of this research.

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