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Lab Report

ArcGIS for Basic GIS Operations

GROUP Class: A (ITS Exchange Student Program)

DR. Nabilah Naharudin
Maisarah Abdul Halim (Sr)

Created by:
Ausa Ramadhan Agustawijaya (2021653296)

1.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………..1
1.2 Background…………………………………………………………………..1

2.1 Procedure Of Exercise 1……………………………………………………..2
2.2 Result Of Exercise 1........................................................................................4

3.1 Procedure Of Exercise 2……………………………………………………...6
3.2 Result Of Exercise 2………………………………………………………….7

4.1 Procedure Of Exercise 3……………………………………………………...9
4.2 Result Of Exercise 4………………………………………………………...10

Discussion for Task……………………………………………………………..12

Prepared by : Ausa Ramadhan Agustawijaya


1.1 Introduction
In this Exercise and assignment of course GIS, we intruced into ArcGIS where ArcGIS is
on of the software that was used to processing geographical data. The use of the software
immensely facilitates geospatial analysis activities. for this course we creating a map for
each exercise for the first exercise we try to plot the data that have been given and try to
create a layout for the map.

1.2 Background
A Geographic Data Framework (GIS) may be a computer framework that analyzes and
displays geographically referenced data. It employments information that's connected to a
unique area. Geographic Data Frameworks (GIS) can be utilized to show spatial
information and to fathom issues that include spatial components. GIS is especially
valuable for relating, joining, and analyzing data from these diverse subjects (or layers) of
spatial data. In this manner, anything that can be put on a outline could be a candidate for
GIS, and so the assortment of employments are very extensive.
Common employments of GIS incorporate stock and administration of assets, wrongdoing
mapping, setting up and observing courses, overseeing systems, checking and overseeing
vehicles, overseeing properties, finding and focusing on clients, finding properties that
coordinate particular criteria and overseeing rural edit information, tending to open
wellbeing concerns, mapping fierce blaze chance and readiness, modeling hazmat hazard,
to begin with reaction, and mapping/monitoring/mitigating intrusive species. And ArcGIS
is a software that ultilized as a tools for processing a geographical data and widely used for
creating map with lots of information included.


2.1 Procedure of Exercise 1

In this Section of Exercise tools that we used is ArcMap that the output for the exercise
is creating a layout of map. Therefore there are procedures that has to be done those are:
1. The first thing that we do is connecting the folder to the ArcMap, beforehand we
activate all the extensions that needed for processing the map.
2. Connect the ArcGIS to online map so, we can use the downloaded data and work on
the online servers. In this section we use the online servers for the online basemap for
our project. To check it online by “Run Connection Now” it is on the taskbar.
3. We setup the interface in our ArcMap for when processing it make us easier to find the
tools that we needed, so in this part the tools needed are Editing, Geoprocessing,
Arctoolbox, and the Catalog.
4. For creating our project is consistent and the information of our project is accurate, we
set up for the projection system by set up the spatial refrence coordinates and the
location of the project. If it has been done we can get the consistent data information
and we can visualize it.
5. We need to set the workspace that for the project directory to be done, it is for storing
our outputs of the Geoprocessing operation, because if its not set it will be stored in our
default installement of files.
6. For starting we connect the Arcmap to the folder directions of the project. It is done by
choosing the Connect to folder in the ArcCatalog. We make suire that the data can be
detected by the system.
7. Because ArcMap is a shapefile base (.shp) we need to convert any data that besides the
.shp format. For converting the data we do changing by doing adjust data of x and y by
selecting the “display x and y data” , then we export it as feature class of .shp file, and
then by that we can visualized and projected according to the location by the attribute
table. For kmz file we converte it into .shp file using in the arcToolbox namely KML
layer to layer, so by thaht we can convert it into feature class and .shp file.
8. The data frame was already specified the map coordinate system, but the data is not the
same location of projection system. We need to change it so it can be accurate, to do it
we choose the arcToolbox then we choose the Management Tools, then choose the

projection and transformation and then we choose tbe define projection according the
projection that has been determined before.
9. We identified the location visualization right after data has been displayed. To identify
it we must add a basemap that suitable trough the online ArcGIS server to visualize the
10. Change the symbol of each layer according to the provisions, so that the each layers
will be different each other and it will provide more clear information.
11. After all that we have done the last step was creating a map layout with the proper size
that needed ad according to the instruction.

2.2 Result Of Exercise 1
In this figure below here are the layout of tools and interface of ArcGIS after
following the step above it shown catalog layer, showing the base map from online
servers of ArcGIS and also showing the data that has been inputed.

Figure 1.1. Arcgis tools layout

In the Figure below showing all the containing Layer of the data that has been

Figure 1.2. ArcGIS Layers

In this figure shown the projected coordinate that has been setup before those are
the WGS 1984 UTM zone of 47N.

Figure 1.3. Projected Coordinate

After all of that the last one is the layout map that has been created so the map
look competent, that include legend and scale.

Figure 1.4. Map Layout of exercise 1

Prepared by : Ausa Ramadhan Agustawijaya

3.1 Procedures of Exercise 2
In this section of Exercise we create a new shapefile that consist of, roads, and
buildings. It is from the refrence topography map, we enter the data by digitizing
process. To do the digitzing there are the procedures as explained below:
1. According to the data that have been given in the topography map it shown it
has to be the coordinate system GDM2000 MRSO, so we set it up after we insert
the TIF/image file iunto ArcMAp.
2. For doing the georefrencing we identify 4 point coordinates which is including
the latitude and longitude is intersect. If we done that so we can do the
georefrencing according to step has been given, until it shown the georeferenced
status has already in correct position of the earth surface and also to the
coordinate system used.
3. The next thing is we check the RMSE, for that the tolerance from 0 until infinite
but the closer to 0 is better and it will more accurate data.
4. We create the geodatase file to save the map layer, and for this geodatase made
on the catalog by the folder that has been connected before.
5. Then we create the feature data set according to the class which is, road, and
buildings and it also following the data type for the road is line and for the
building is polygon. And we make sure the feature class same coordinate
system as the data frame.
6. The digitizing process started by choosing the start editing and before that we
chose the feature class first. We ensure the road and building the network
between line vertex connected each other to minimize the error in the topology.
7. After we done digitzing we do the topology process, it is checking wether the
line for road connected each other and for the polygon rule must not overlap,
and must not have dangles. For this step it will show red node it’s means must
be reviewed and corrected.
8. After all the checking of errors we can validate the topology process and turn

of the editing and save the file.

3.2 Result of digitizing

According to results of exercise that follow the guidelines given, here are the results
for exercise 2 :
a. The RMSE shown below it shown 0,124993, so it mean its still in tolerance
because the closer to 0 or <1 is a still good value for map that has scale of
1:10000 according to Indonesia Geospatial Agencies

Figure 2.1 RMSE error for georeferencing

b. When finish digitizing we do the topology it will shown various errors, for in
this section the road have many errors that is when its not connected to other
line, when we finish fixing the errors there will be 0 shown errors after that as
shown below :

Figure 2.2 Errors in topology

Figure 2.3 Topology errors fixed

c. The result of the digitaztion has been done before :

Figure 2.4 Result of Digitizing and after topology

Prepared by : Ausa Ramadhan Agustawijaya


4.1 Procedure of Exercise

In this section of exercise to make a potential map of strategic area that suitable for
home purchase that based on few criteria. The criteria that specified by the
provision given are : it is must be about 400m from the main road and to the bus,
commercial service, and is about 1km about to school, and the crime rate.
So based on that provision the procedures are :
1. We add the data to the layer, and check the attribute does it have the data. And
after that we select the main road first, we extract the data from the primary
2. After extraxting we determine the parameter based on the road attribute by
choosing the main road and motorway by using querying method, after that we
use the /OR as a ‘either class’ function. If its done we convert it into .shp file
as feature class
3. By then we chose the first parameter to be completed by selecting the data bases
on the location of the residential, and its based also by the disctance of 400m
from the main road that can be represented in 5 minutes walking. Then do the
separation of the residence area data, which more then 40m by using the erase
function in ArcToolbox.
4. Then we make the buffer, after we make the buffer we determining the potential
area of the house by the intersection of each buffer zone that displayed. For
specifying the possible location, use the analysis of the intersect tool that
located in the overlay analysis in ArcToolbox. The result of the buffer zone will
be formed when the potential are has been visible and also cuted, to make more
competent and clear of the intersection, we use the polygon aggregate tools in
the cartography tool in ArcToolbox with the generalization or aggregation
distance in 1m
5. For the final requirements we add the criminal index as the considerations for

making the map of potential residential areas. For creating the visualization of
criminal index data we create the heatmap, based by the distribution data points
that indicates the density of criminal case by the area. Then we use the kernel
densioty in ArcToolbox for the analaysis of the criminal case densit that
accordabnce with the data have been produces raster data as visualized in
density. We set the colour according what we need.
6. By the heatmap that has been used before the data is limited to the potential
areas, we do the cliiping by the density data we have. We use the tool Extract
by Mask and the heatmap as the raster input data and we patch the based on the
previous potential area aggregation layer results. And the last we set up the
symbology and creating a layout for the map, so it looks more competent.

4.2 Result For Exercise 3
Base on the exercise have been done by following the guidelines, then there is the

result for the excericise 2 as shown below :

Figure 3.1 Map layout of exercise 3

By the result in figure 3.1 we can see the potential are that have potential to be the
residential area, its not that many for the total of area. Based on the parameter of
the criminal index it is the last parameter that area must be considered. The area
that suitabale also was spread out pretty well even though it’s not that many places
can be suitable with the large of area.


For the first task is about introduction to GIS in this section task we are directed to create a
layout for map by the data given, and we follow the instruction. By this task we can easily to
find out the function of the tools in arcgis so, we can improve our skill.

For the second task is about digitizing an topography map, in this section we create a .shp by
the feature class, so it can be used in the arcgis type file.

For the third task is about creating a type of map with specific information about area residential
that suitable for living. We create it by tools that was located in arcgis, we create a buffer, heat
map, and finally making a layout.

So by the three exercise we can know more about how to use arcgis for our study and we can
used it for our works in the few years.


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