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Simple Present Tense (always, usually, every day, every


● S + verb I (s/es) + O)

● S (singular (she/he/it) + does + not + verb I + O

● S (plural (I, you, they, we)) + do + not + verb I + O

Example: She wakes up early in the morning)

It (s) always rains here.
The sun (s) rises in the east.
My cat (s) catches mice every night.

● He/she/it/the/a/an (verbnya harus ditambahkan s/es).

Verb di tambah ‘s’ jika verbnya diakhiri dengan
consonant, jika ‘es’ ditambahkan ketika diakhiri dengan
ending ‘-ss, -x, -sh, -ch, -y (cry – cries).
● Jika subjectnya I, You, They, We, tidak perlu
menambahkan s/es diakhir verb.
(Indicates fact, truth, and daily habits)
Scientific Facts:
1. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
2. A dog has four legs.
3. Water freezes at zero degrees.
4. The Earth revolves around the Sun.
5. My mother is an English teacher.
Daily Habits:
6. I get up at 5 a.m every day (every morning)
7. I drink water before anything else.
8. It usually rains everyday here.
9. I always go for a walk with my dog in the morning.

Example of Simple Present Tense:

1. Saya mengecek hp setiap pagi.
(+) I check my handphone every morning.
(-) I do not check my handphone every morning.
(?) Do I check my handphone every morning?

2. Dia (perempuan) bangun pagi sebelum jam 7.

(+) She wakes/gets up early before 7 o’clock in the morning
(before 7 a.m).
(-) She does not wake/get up early before 7 a.m.
(?) Does she wake up early before 7 o’clock in the morning?

3. Mereka menonton tv setelah jam 10 pagi.

(+) They watch tv after 10 a.m (10 o’clock in the morning)
(-) They do not watch tv after 10 a.m.
(?) Do they watch tv after 10 a.m?

4. Dia (laki-laki) pergi ke sekolah setiap pagi.

(+) He goes to school every morning.
(-) He does not go to school every morning.
(?) Does he go to school every morning?

5. Nenek saya tinggal di Jakarta.

(+) (My grandma lives in Jakarta)
(-) My grandma does not live in Jakarta.
(?) Does my grandma live in Jakarta?
6. Anjing saya suka bermain bola.
(+) My dog likes to play ball.
(-) My dog does not like to play ball.
(?) Does my dog like to play ball?

Simple Past Tense: (yesterday, last

week/month, a long time ago, a month ago, once
upon a time)
= digunakan untuk menyampaikan kegiatan yang sudah
berlangsung, sudah terjadi dimasa lampau dan tidak ada
kaitannya dengan masa sekarang atau berakhir di masa
= Subject + Verb II (bisa dengan ed atau berubah (irregular
verb) + Object.
= (+) Subject + verb 2 + complement
(-) Subject + did + not + verb 1
(?) Did + subject + verb 1

I finished (regular verb) my work last night.
She went (irregular verb) to the market last Sunday.
She put (….) the flower on the table yesterday.
She read (….) the novel last month.
Example of Simple Past Tense:
1. Dia (laki-laki) mengunjungi kakeknya minggu lalu.
(+) He visited his grandfather last week.
(-) He did not visit his grandfather last week.
(?) Did he visit his grandfather last week?

2. Suster itu pergi ke rumah sakit kemarin.

(+) The nurse went to the hospital yesterday.
(-) The nurse did not go to the hospital yesterday.
(?) Did the nurse go to the hospital yesterday?

3. Kemarin, dia (perempuan) bergabung ke klub bahasa

Inggris di sekolahnya.
(+) She joined the English club at school yesterday.
(-) She did not join the English club at school yesterday.
(?) Did she join the club at school yesterday?

4. Ibuku dulu memasak ikan bakar saat ulang tahunku.

(+) My mother cooked grilled fish for my birthday.
(-) My mother did not cook grilled fish for my birthday.
(?) Did my mother cook grilled fish for my birthday?

5. Mereka membeli sebuah laptop baru 1 bulan yang lalu.

(+) They bought a new laptop 1 month ago.
(-) They did not buy a new laptop 1 month ago.
(?) Did they buy a new laptop 1 month ago?

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