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Individual Work 3: Resume and Cover Letter 1

Name: Magadia Sebastian Joshua CraigClick or tap here to enter text. Date:
July 6, 2023 Click or tap to enter a date.

Instructions: Follow the step-by-step process below.

Activity 1: Skills Inventory (Kushner & Humphrey, 2001, p. 6)

For five (5) minutes, type in the box below your skills and abilities that come into your head. Think about
what you like doing, what you are good at, and what other people compliment you on. Do not judge
your skills, just keep typing. If the skills seem completely random, that is fine, too.

After five (5) minutes, sort through the skills you have written. Put a star by the ones that seem most

* Photography *Computer literacy *Fast learner Investigator

*Editing *Communication skills *Social media expertise *Multi-tasker

Videography *Initiative Dancer

Click or tap here to enter text.

Activity 2: My Transferable and Specialty Skills (Kushner & Humphrey, 2001, p. 7)

Looking at your list from Activity 1, decide which starred skills are basic or transferable skills, needed for
all work, and which are specialty skills, valuable for only some types of work. Categorize these skills in
the table below.

Transferable Skills Specialty Skills

(needed for all types of work) (valuable for only some types of work)
Computer Literacy Photography
Communication skills Social media expertise
Initiative Editing
Fast learner

Activity 3: Packing My Suitcase (Kushner & Humphrey, 2001, p. 8)

Think about your ideal job or the position that you want to apply for in the future. Then pack a suitcase
containing the skills that are needed in this work. Put a checkmark by the skills you already possess and
a star by the skills you need to develop.

Your Position Title: Video Editing Specialist Click or tap here to enter text.

CSBGRAD | Marketing Oneself Effectively

Individual Work 3: Resume and Cover Letter 2

Strong consulting and Customer-oriented mindset. /

Familiar with editing
communication skills. / (photo/video/text),
presentation. /
Proficiency in using video Attention to detail. * Familiar with social media
editing tools. * platforms such as FB, IG OR YT.
Knowledge of using stock and Staying updated with social Ability to understand your
graphics image * medie trends. / audience and its interests. *

Activity 4: Resume and Cover Letter Making

Draft a resume with cover letter following the guidelines provided in class using the appropriate resume
format for you: chronological, functional, hybrid, or creative. Identify the position and company that you
are applying for in your cover letter. Make sure that the form and content of your cover letter and
resume are appropriate for the position that you are applying for.

Save your resume and cover letter in a separate file document.

Source: Kushner, J., Humphrey, D. (2001). Quick skills: How to find and apply for a job. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western
Educational Publishing.

CSBGRAD | Marketing Oneself Effectively

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