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1. Who gave the most authentic assessment task for the instructional objective "Solve word
problems involving operations with fractions”.
a. Mr. Pastor who asked his students construct a word problem given a number
sentence involving operations on fractions and then solve the problem they have
b. Mr. Idefonso who asked students to construct any word problem on operations
with fractions then formed pairs, exchanged problems and helped each other solve
the problems.
2. Here is a learning outcome: Interpret assessment results. How should this be assessed?
a. Present data on score distribution, mean, standard deviation then ask the student
to interpret the meaning of the data
b. Ask Is there a need to interpret data? Why?
3. What is an advantage of a 4-point scale rubric?
a. There is no column for undecided and so everyone has to make a choice.
b. It is easier to choose because there are only four alternatives to choose from.
4. Here is a True-False test: Based on research findings, girls usually develop earlier than
boys. What is faulty with the test item?
I. It makes use of a specific determiner, "Usually."
II. The word "usually" gives clue to the answer.
III. It is a sweeping statement.
IV. It is an opinionated statement.
a. l and IV
b. I and II
5. The class was taught how to conduct an action research and was required an end-of the-
term written research report. The class was taught how to do the research report and was
shown as an Analytic Scoring Rubric for them to know how they will be graded. The
class took the Scoring Rubric as guide in the making of their research report. They were
all motivated to pass an excellent research report and as a group checked now and then if
they were true to the qualities of an excellent research report as seen in the scoring rubric.
What form of assessment is described?
a. Assessment AS Learning
b. Assessment FOR and AS Learning
6. At the end of the school year, which is/are TRUE of grades?
I. The General Average is computed by dividing the sum of all final grades by the
total number of learning
II. Each learning area has equal weight in computing for the General Average
III. The Final Grade per learning area and the General Average are reported as whole
a. I and II
b. I, II and III
7. How is the final grade per subject for Grades 11 and 12 obtained?
a. Get the average of the grades of all subjects for the 2 semesters.
b. Get the average of the grades for the 2 Quarters.
8. Which of the following types of portfolio is intended for you to realize you’re learning
a. Assessment portfolio
b. Evaluation portfolio
9. which are TRUE of MAPEH when it comes to grade computation?
I. The quarterly grade is the average of the quarterly grades in the four areas -
Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH)
II. Individual grades are given to each area (MAPEH)
III. There is one grade for Music and Arts, PE and Health because they are
a. I only
b. I and II
10. A type of error committed in grading the performance of the students by the rater who
avoids both extremes of the scale and tends to rate everyone as average.
a. Severity error
b. Central tendency error
11. In a class of 50 students, Romeo obtained a score of 30 which is the first quartile. What
does his score imply?
a. Below the 3rd decile
b. Above the first quartile
12. What is the most appropriate for the teacher's engagement in the process of assessment?
a. To find out if the lesson was presented well.
b. To find out if lesson objectives were obtained.
13. Teacher lah does not give quizzes but relies on summatives assessment results. What
could add to a more valid assessment of learning?
a. Data from multiple sources
b. Data from informal assessment
14. Compared with evaluation which is subjective, testing students is more objective because
it is based on:
a. Quantifiable data
b. Class work
15. Which of the following essay topic best measure problem solving skill and originality?
a. Images of Philippine presidency
b. Human rights issue during POST-EDSA Philippine democracy
16. In a diagnostic assessment, what rubrics is good to use?
a. Holistic
b. Analytical
17. How should grades be reported to parents?
a. Every end of the year
b. Regularly
18. Algie showed a video in her class about the life in an urban poor community. She wants
to determine how the video changed students' thoughts about the life of these
underprivileged people. What technique is appropriate for this?
a. Role Play
b. Reflection Log
19. Teacher Jimenez does not teach well. His students do not study well, too. Expected
learning outcomes are not clear to both teacher and students. Teacher Jimenez assessment
tasks are not aligned to learning outcomes. What is most likely the result of assessment?
Describe the score distribution.
a. Skewed to the right
b. Skewed to the left
20. What kind of assessment is a post-test?
a. Process assessment
b. Outcome assessment
21. To maximize the amount of time spent for performance-based assessment, which one
should be done?
a. Plan a task that can be used for instruction and assessment at the same time
b. Assess one objective for one performance task
22. Which statements represent criterion-referenced interpretation?
a. Sarah's score indicates that she is able to solve about two thirds of all one variable
linear equations of such complexity.
b. Students who have reached Sarah's level on linear equations usually succeed in
the subsequent unit on simultaneous equations with special help or extra time; i.e.,
Sarah is ready to move ahead.
23. Which of the following test items can effectively measure HOTS cognitive learning
a. Achievement test
b. Extended essay test
24. Why is performance given the largest weight in TLE and MAPEH?
a. They are dominantly physical skill subjects.
b. They have no cognitive aspect.
25. Which is a norm-referenced statement?
a. Mariz performed better in spelling than 60% of his classmates.
b. Mariz was able to spell 90% of the words correctly.
26. If a teacher wants to measure her students' ability to discriminate, which of these is an
appropriate type of test item as implied by the direction?
a. “Summarize the lesson yesterday.”
b. "Group the following items according to shape."
27. Which applies when there are extreme scores?
a. The median will not be a very reliable measure of central tendency.
b. The mean will not be very reliable measure of central tendency.
28. Which statement on test result interpretation is correct?
a. A student's score is a final indication of his ability.
b. The use of statistical technique gives meaning to pupil's scores.
29. Which test items do not affect variability of test scores?
a. Test items that are a bit easy.
b. Test items that every examinee gets correctly.
30. Who is retained in the same grade level for Grade 1 to 10? Any students who did not
meet expectation
a. In three or more learning areas
b. In four learning areas
31. What happen when a student in Grade 1 to 10 did not meet expectations in two learning
a. Promoted to the next grade level after passing remedial classes for learning areas
with failing mark
b. Promoted in the next grade level but has back subjects in the lower grade level
32. Which version of this True-False test item? With mandatory Kindergarten and Grades 1
to 12, the Philippines has one of the best if not the best educational system in the world?
a. The K to 12 program makes the Philippine educational system one of the longest
educational system in the world.
b. According to Columnist Cruz, with mandatory Kindergarten and Grades 1 to 12,
in the world. the Philippines has one of the best, if not the best, educational
system in the world.
33. Learning outcome: Draw implications of research findings on lifestyle disease. Which
test is aligned?
a. What does research say about lifestyle diseases? Do you agree? Why or why not?
b. What may be inferred from the research findings presented?
34. Learning outcome: Take a stand on the issue on same sex marriage and defend the same.
Which test item is aligned?
a. Do you favor same sex marriage? Why or why not?
b. Is there any advantage of same sex marriage?
35. Which of the following is usually measured by a performance checklist?
a. The frequency of students’ behavior and remarks
b. A certain desired behavior of an individual toward a completion of a particular
36. What is the purpose of a pre-test?
a. To determine entry knowledge or skills
b. To grade learners
37. Which of the following is an example of an open-ended question?
a. Do you think the lawmaking body should ratify this Reproductive Health Bill?
b. How will renewal of contract after ten years affect the social image of Filipino
38. Teacher Ellaine shows her colleagues sample prototype products which she often uses in
assessing outputs or projects of her students in Values Education. What are prototype
a. Technologically advanced devices used in determining quality of students' outputs
b. Samples of products in different levels of skills and expertise possessed by a
39. It is the process of gathering and analyzing specific information as part of a teacher over
his or her years of teaching experience evaluation.
a. Assessment
b. Evaluation
40. Reliability of tests can be improved by various factors, and one is which scores are spread
over a range of abilities.
a. heterogeneous of the student group
b. increased number of score items
41. Which one can enhance the comparability of grades?
a. Using a common conversion table for translating test scores into ratings
b. Individual teachers giving weights to factors considered for ratings
42. In his conduct of item analysis, Teacher Prince found out that more from lower group got
test item #6 correctly. This means that the test item is _____
a. has a negative discriminating power
b. has a positive discriminating power

1. B 26. B
2. A 27. A
3. B 28. A
4. A 29. A
5. A 30. A
6. A 31. B
7. B 32. A
8. B 33. B
9. A 34. B
10. B 35. B
11. A 36. B
12. B 37. A
13. B 38. B
14. B 39. A
15. A
16. B
17. B
18. B
19. A
20. B
21. B
22. B
23. A
24. A
25. B

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