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1. On which phase of the teaching-learning process will the teacher decide of the readiness of the
students to move to the next activity as planned in the learning sequence?
a. Before teaching b. During teaching c. after a teaching segment d. None of these

2. On which phase of the teaching-learning process will the teacher decide on the grade to be given to
each students for the lesson or unit, grading period or end of the course?
a. Before teaching b. During teaching c. after a teaching segment d. None of these
3. On which of the teaching-learning process will the teacher decide on the effectiveness of the
curriculum and materials used for the lesson?
\ a. Before teaching b. During teaching c. after a teaching segment d. None of these
4. On which phase of learning process will a teacher decide on the learning activities that will engage
both teacher and the students?
a. Before teaching b. During teaching c. after a teaching segment d. None of these
5. The purpose of this assessment is to identify the causes of the learning problems.
a. Placement b diagnostic c. formative d. summative
6. The purpose of this assessment is to measure entry behavior?
a. Placement b. Diagnostic c. formative d. Summative
7. The purpose of this assessment is to measure end-of-course achievement?
a. Placement b. Diagnostic c. formative d. Summative
8. The purpose of this assessment is to monitor learning process.
a. Placement b. Diagnostic c. formative d. Summative
9. This decision utilizes test data to assist students in making their personal choices for future careers
and help them know their strengths and weaknesses by means of standardized test.
a. Instructional b. Selection c placement d. Guidance and counceling
10. This decision involves determining the implications to resources including financial consideration in
order to improve the students learning as a result of an assessment.
a. Administrative policy b. Program or curriculum c. guidance and counselling d.Instructional
11. Based on the result and assessment and evaluation, educational education may be reach to continue,
discontinue, revise or replace a curriculum or program being implemented.
a. Administrative policy b. Guidance and counselling c. program and curriculum d. Selection
12. This decision involves accepting or rejecting the examine based on the results of assessment, for
admission or qualification to a program or school activity.
a. Placement b, grading c. selection d. Diagnostic
13. This decision involves the process of identifying students needs remediation or may be recommended
for the enrichment progrman of the school.
a. Selection b placement c. instructional d. Diagnostic
14. This decision is normally made by individual classroom teachers, as necessary to meets the targets or
objectives set during classroom engagement.
a. Placement b. Instructional c. guidance and counselling d. Selection
15. Assessment need to be adaptable to students settings.
a. Technically sound b.multiple methods c. flexible d. integrated
16. Students, as well as their parents, should keep track of their achievements.
a. Communicated b. Responsive c. informative d. flexible
17. Ms . Chennie uses different strategies and techniques in assessing her students.
a. Integrated b. Informative c. technically sound d. Multiple methods
18. After every discussion, Mr. Yagong let his students answer a check up test.
a. Responsive b. Integrated c. communicated d. Informative
19. Ms. Jane ask us to give our insights for todays lesson.
a. Communicated b. Flexible c. responsive d. Informative
20. Mr. Britz always shares the objectives with us before the lesson.
a. Informative b. Flexible c communicated d. Multiple methods
21. Ms. Angel asked us for a ⅛ sheet of paper where she wrote our grade for the given task.
a. Flexible b. Informative c. responsive d. communicated
22. Mr. Carl adjusts his assessment to meet all students’ levels of intelligence.
a. Flexible b. Technically sound c. integrated d. Informative
23. If teacher has to ask more higher-order questions, he has to ask more ___ questions.
a. Closed b. Fact c. concept d. Convergent
24. What does extreme authoritarianism in home reinforce in learners?
a. Doing things in their own initiative
b. Ability to direct themselves
c. Dependence on others for direction
d. Creativity on work
25. Which can effectively measure students’ awareness of values
a. Projective techniques
b. Moral dilemma
c. Likert scales
d. Anecdotal record
26. Which one can best evaluate students attitudinal developments?
a. Essay test
b. Portfolio
c. Observation
d. Show answer test
27. With specific details in mind, which one has a stronger diagnostic value?
a. Multiple choice test
b. Non-restricted essay test
c. Restricted essay test
d. Restricted and non-restricted essay test
28. According to research, in terms of instructional planning, which of the following uses of test is best
applied in theclassroom?
a. Instead of using the objective test in learning, it is best to give groups of students cooperative
learning projects.
b. Essay tests have higher reliability than objective examination
c. Several long tests given per tem facilitate learning and retention
d. Many test taken at shirts intervals are superior in terms of learning and retention to one
long examination
29. The numerical expression that describes how well an item can tell the good learners from the poor
ones is the ___.
a. Discrimination index b.difficulty index c. percent of facility d. Percent of error

30. In a class of 50, eight students did not finish the test and were marked INC. in computing for the
measure of central tendency for the distribution of score, what measure could you see?
a. Mean b. Median c. mode d. Range
31. The measure of variability which is the difference between the highest and lowest or scores and
measures plus one and which includes 100% of the scores or measure is the ___.
a. Range b. Kurtosis c. standard deviation d. skewness
32. What is the first step in test construction?
a. Decide how many items to include
b. Book the objectives instruction
c. Make a table of specification
d. Decide on the type of the test
33. Asking students to define a term in their own words is a measure of:
a. Knowledge
b. Comprehension
c. Application
d. analysis
34. Which of the following objectives is the highest level of blooms taxonomy?
a. Identifies the meaning of item
b. Identifies the order of the given events
c. Interprets the meaning of the idea
d. Improves defective test items
35. What does a teacher do when she does a norm-referred interpretation of scores
a. The teacher describes what should be the performance
b. The teacher describes the group performance about a level of the master set
c. The teacher compares an individuals’ score with others
d. The teacher uses specified content as its reference
36. Which stement/s is/are true in constructing a matching type test?
I. The options and descriptions are not necessarily homogenous.
II. The options must be greater than the descriptions.
III. The direction must state the basis of matching.
IV. Description in column A and options in column B.
a. I, II, and III
b. I, III and IV
c. I, II, and IV
d. I,II, III, IV
37. Which of the following statements are characteristics of an imperfect type of matching test .
I. The minimum items is three.
II. The item has no possible answer.s
III. More options than the descriptions
IV. Items not necessarily homogenous.
a. I,II, and IV
b. I,II and III
c. II, III, and IV
d. II and IV only
38. Which of the following should be AVOIDED in constructing true or false?
I. Verbal clues and specific determiners.
II. Terms denoting definite degree or amount.
III. Taking statements directly from the book.
IV. Keep true and false statement the same in length.
a. I and III only
b. I,II, and III
c. I, II, and IV
d. II and IV only
39. Which of the following test items can best effectively measure higher-order of cognitive learning
a. Objective test
b. Achievement test
c. Completion test
d. Extended essay test
40. Here is a test item “The improvement of the basic education should be the top priority of the
philippine government. Defend or refuse this position”.
Under what type of question does this test item fall?
a. Low-level b. Evaluative c. analysis d. convergent
41. Which statement best describes a short-answer test item?
I. It is easy to write test items
II. Broad range of knowledge outcomes can be measured
III. Adaptable in measuring complex learning outcomes
IV. Scoring is not tedious and time-consuming.
a.I, II and III
b. I, and II only
c.II and IV only
d. II, III, and IV
42. Teacher Ryan conducted a short quiz after discussing the topic “item analysis”to get feedback on how
much the students learned which may not be used for grading purposes is classified as ___
a. Placement assessment b. Formative assessment c. summative assessment d. Diagnostic
43. The criterion of success of teacher Chennai in her lesson is that, ‘ the student must be able to get 85%
of the test items correctly. Carl and 29 other students in the class answered only 33 out of 40 items
correctly. This means that teacher Chennai ___.
a. Attained the lesson objective of her effective problem-solving drills.
b. Did not attain her lesson objective because her students lacked attention
c. Attained her lesson objective
d. Did not attained her lesson objective as far as the 30 students are concerned answer
44. Teacher Anne give a test at the end of a lesson to find out if the objectives of her lesson have been
attained. This can be classified as ___.
a. Placement assessment c. norm-reffered
b. Circular assessment d.criterion-referred answer

45. Teacher Eya set 85% accuracy in a test on predicting the kind of weather given the five different
atmospheric conditions. Shy obtained a score of 82% can be interpreted as ___.
a. She obtained 82% percentile score c. she is higher than 82% of the group
b. She did not meet standard by 3% d. She is 3%short of the set percentile score
46. What are the characteristics of a good assessment instrument ?
a. I,II,and IV b. II and IV c. I, II, and III d. I,II,III, and IV
47. Teacher Ace wants to established the reliability in his test in biology. Which of the following will he
I. Administer a parallel test
II. Split the test
III. Construct a variety of items
IV. Administer the same test twice
a. I, III and IV b. I, II, and IV c. I and II d. IV
48. Teacher Nancy constructed the matching type test item. In her column of descriptions are
combinations of presidents, current issues, and sports. Which rule a constructing a matching type test item
was not followed?
a. The options must be greater than the descriptions
b. The description must be homogenous
c. The description must heterogenous
d. Arrange the option according to the option
49. The best way to assess learning is to used real-life situations. Objective and materials existing in the
environment. Hence teacher is encourage to use:
a. Rating scale b. Pencil-and-paper test c. observation technique d. Authentic assessment
50. To identify learning needs and respond to it the teacher needs to conduct, what kind of test?
a. Formative b. Summative c. periodic d. diagnostic

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