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1. What is the electromagnetic wave?
[ANSWER: Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is a form of energy that is produced by oscillating electric and
magnetic disturbance, or by the movement of electrically charged particles traveling through a vacuum or matter.
The electric and magnetic fields come at right angles to each other and combined wave moves perpendicular to
both magnetic and electric oscillating fields thus the disturbance.
2. What are the properties/ characteristics of em wave?
[ANSWER: There are following properties of em wave:
a) They are transverse in nature.

c) The speed of em wave is 3 × 10 meter/sec in vacuum.

b) They don’t require any material medium for the propagation.

d) They consists of mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic field vectors.

3. What is continuity equation?
[ANSWER: The continuity equation is a differential equation which represents the conservative transport of

any conserved quantity like; charge, mass, energy etc. In general, the continuity equation is given by
∇. f + =0
Here Ψ is any conserve quantity and f represents the generation rate of Ψ.
4. Write the continuity equation for electromagnetic field?

[ANSWER: The continuity equation for em field is given by
∇. J + =0
Here D is the displacement vector and ρ being the charge density.
5. Write Maxwell’s equation in differential and integral form.
[ANSWER: The Maxwell’s equations are:

S.N Differential Form Integral Form Original Name
E. dS = ρdV
a. div D = ρ Gauss’s law for electrostatic
B. dS = 0
b. div B = 0 Gauss’s law for magnetostatic

E. dl = − # $ dS
c. Faraday’s law for electromagnetic induction
Curl E = -
% ∂D
H. dl = #J + $ dS
d. Ampere’s law after Maxwell modification
Curl H = J +

6. Write the physical significance of Maxwell’s equation.

S.N. Maxwell’s Equations Physical significance
The net outward flux of electric displacement vector through any surface
a. div D = ρ enclosing a volume is equal to the net charge density contained within that
The net outward flux of magnetic induction vector through any surface
b. div B = 0
enclosing a volume is equal to zero.
The electromotive force around any closed loop through any surface
c. Curl E = - enclosing a volume is equal to the negative rate of change of magnetic flux
linked with that loop.
The magnetomotive force around any closed loop through any surface
d. Curl H = J + enclosing a volume is equal to the conduction current density plus the time
rate of displacement vector linked with that loop.

[ANSWER: In free space ∈=∈), µ = μ) , ρ = 0, J = 0 as σ = 0, therefore

7. Write the Maxwell’s equations in free space.
div D = 0, div B = 0, Curl E = - , Curl H =
8. State and explain the Maxwell’s modification to the Ampere’s law.
[ANSWER: Maxwell found that the Ampere’s circuital law is logically inconsistent with time varying fields. To
make this law valid for both type of fields, Maxwell introduce a new concept of displacement current and

Curl H = J
modified Ampere’s law by replacing J by (Jc + Jd). i.e.

Curl H = J0 + J1
Original Ampere’s Law
Ampere’s law after Maxwell modification
9. What is the concept of displacement current?
[ANSWER: The displacement current is that current which comes into play in the region in which the electric
field and hence the electric flux is changing with time.
6 86 9
It is represented by i1 and is given by i1 = ℇA 5 7 = ℇ 5 7 = ℇ 5 : 7
10.Write some properties/ characteristics/implications of displacement current.
• The displacement current is the current only in the sense that it produces magnetic field. It has no other
properties of current.
• The magnitude of displacement current density is equal to the rate of change of displacement vector.
• The utility of displacement current is to make total current continuous throughout the circuit.
• The displacement current in good conductor is negligible as compared to conduction current at any
frequency less than of optical frequency (i.e. 1015Hz)
11.What is the difference between the displacement current and the conduction current?
S. N Conduction Current Displacement Current
a. The conduction current is equal to the rate of The displacement current depends to the rate
1; 16
change of time.i0 = 1 of change of electric field strength.i1 = Aε 1
b. The conduction current is equal to zero in The displacement current has a finite value
perfect vacuum. even in the perfect vacuum.
c. In a time-dependent electric field, the In a time-dependent electric field, the

by π/2 radians.
conduction current is in phase with the electric displacement current leads the electric field
field strength.
12.What is the pointing vector?
[ANSWER: The magnitude and direction of flow of energy per unit area per unit time in an em-wave travelling
in a medium is expressed by the poynting vector represented by S and defined as the cross product of the field

S= E×H
vectors. i.e.

OR S = ? (E × B)
The unit of S is Volt-Amp/m2 or Watt/m2 and the dimension isBMT EF G.
13.What is the poynting theorem? OR What is the work-energy theorem in em field?
[ANSWER: John Henry Poynting, the famous British physicist stated that
“ The time rate of em-energy within a certain volume plus the time rate of em-energy flowing out through the
boundary surface, is equal to the power transferred into the em field.” i.e.

− ∇. S dV = E. JdV + I UKL M dV
H H ∂t H
14.What is the wave impedance?
[ANSWER:The wave impedance or the intrinsic impedance/ characteristic impedance in any medium of the em

Z = E/H
wave is defined as the ratio of electric and magnetic field phasors (i.e. complex amplitudes).

The unit of impedance is ohm.

15.What is skin depth in good conductor?
[ANSWER:The skin depth or the penetration depth is the distance over which a plane em wave is attenuated by
1/e of its initial amplitude at the surface. It is denoted by O and given by O = P = Q2/RST

[ANSWER: In conducting mediumU =∈ E,V = RWρ = 0, J = σE, therefore

16.Write the Maxwell’s equations in conducting medium.
X 6
div E = 0, div H = 0, Curl E = -R , Curl H = σE+∈
17.What are the momentum and the radiation pressure of an em-wave?
[ANSWER:EM-wave carry momentum. The magnitude of momentum density( momentum per unit volume) is
Y \.]
given by Z [ = [
> _` Y \.]
= =
^ _a Z b
The rate of momentum flow per unit area is
This momentum flow is responsible for the radiation pressure. If an em-wave incident on a surface normally and
the surface is 100% absorb the energy than radiation pressure P = Z
Y Y cY
On the other hand, for a 100% reflector P = Z − 5− 7 =
1. What is the continuity equation? Derive the continuity equation for the electromagnetic field.
[ANSWER: The continuity equation is a differential equation which represents the conservative transport of

any conserved quantity like; charge, mass, energy etc. In general, the continuity equation is given by
∇. f + =0
Here Ψ is any conserve quantity and f represents the generation rate of Ψ.
Since current is simply charge in motion, the total current flowing out of some volume must be equal to the rate
of decrease of charge within the volume, assuming that charge can not be created or destroyed. In mathematical
form, this conservation of charge concept can be stated as
1; 1fd g1Hh
i=− de J. ds = − 1
Where ρ is the charge density defined as charge per unit volume. If the region of integration is stationary, Eq.
becomes de J. ds = − di ∂ρ/ ∂t dV
Converting surface integral to volume integral using gauss theorem, we get

∇. JdV = − ∂ρ/ ∂t dV
i i
Hence ∇. J = -
OR ∇. J + =0
OR div J + =0
The continuity equation states that div J = 0 only if = 0, or ρ = constant means the field is static or not time
2. State and prove Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetic field.

1st Maxwell’s Equation: mno p = q


Statement: The net outward flux of electric displacement vector through any surface enclosing a volume is
equal to the net charge density contained within that volume.
Proof:According to Gauss’s law in electrostatics, the total electric field strength through the surface enclosing a
volume is equal to the 1/∈) times of total charge contained within the volume:
dr E. dS = ∈s
Q ----------------- ( 1)
Where Q is the total electric charge given by the sum of free charge and the bound charge. In terms of charge
density ρ, Q = dH ρ dV ----------------- ( 2)
From Eqs. 1 & 2, we get
dr ∈) E. dS = Q OR dr D. dS = dH ρ dV
Converting the surface integral into volume integral on the LHS, we obtain
dH ∇.D dV = dH ρ dV

∇.D = ρ
Since the volume is arbitrary here so we can compare the integrand of both sides

2nd Maxwell’s Equation: mno t = u


Statement: The net outward flux of magnetic induction vector through any surface enclosing a volume is equal
to zero.
Proof: Let us consider any arbitrary surface within em-field. The no. of magnetic lines of force entering in this
surface will exactly equal to the no. of magnetic force lines leaving out. Therefore the net flux will be zero.
ϕ=0 OR de B. ds = 0
Where B is the magnetic flux density which is magnetic flux per unit area. Converting the surface integral to
volume integral
dH ∇.B dV = 0 Or ∇.B = 0
3rd Maxwell’s Equation: Curl E = -
Statement: The electromotive force around any closed loop through any surface enclosing a volume is equal to
the negative rate of change of magnetic flux linked with that loop.
Proof: According to faraday’s induction law of electromagnetic, the negative time rate of change of magnetic
flux linked with a circuit is equal to the emf induced in the circuit. i.e.
dϕ d 5dr B. dS 7
e=− =−
dt dt
∮| E. dl = - ∂/∂t dr B. dS
Where E is the electric field strength and B is the magnetic flux density. Converting the line integral to surface
integral using stokes theorem,
dr (∇ ×E).dS = - dr − ∂B/ ∂t. dS
∇. E = − ∂B/ ∂t
4th Maxwell’s Equation: Curl H = J +
Statement: The magnetomotive force around any closed loop through any surface enclosing a volume is equal to
the conduction current density plus the time rate of displacement vector linked with that loop.
Proof: According to Ampere’s circuital law, the magneto motive force around a closed path is equal to current
enclosed by the path. Mathematically, we obtain
d| H. dl = i ------------- ( 1)
Where H is the magnetic field strength and I is the current enclosed by the path. If J is the current density, then
i = dr J. dS ------------- ( 2)
From equations (1) & (2), we get
d| H. dl = dr J. dS
Converting the line integral to surface integral
dr ∇ ×H.dS = dr J. dS
Curl H = J ……………..(3)
Taking div of this equation div (Curl H) = div J = 0
Therefore according to Ampere’s law div J = 0 always, however continuity equation states that div J = 0 only if
= 0, or ρ = constant. Hence Ampere’s law is valid only for static field. In order to make Ampere’s law
logically consistent with time varying field, Maxwell replaced J by (Jc + Jd) in equation (3). Therefore Ampere’s
law after Maxwell modification becomes: Curl H = Jc + Jd …………(4)
Here Jd is known as displacement current density. Again taking div of eq.(4), we obtain
div (Curl H) = div(Jc + Jd) = div Jc + div Jd = 0
g 1}i % %
divJd = - div Jc = - =- = ~•€ 5 7
divJd = ~•€ 5 7
Jd =
Therefore, the modified Ampere’s law becomes Curl H = Jc + Jd = Jc +
3. Explain the concept of displacement current and show that it led to the modification of Ampere’s law.
Discuss the modification made by Maxwell in Ampere’s law taking the displacement current into
consideration. Explain the displacement law and its impecations.
The displacement current:We know that a current in the conductor produces a magnetic field .Maxwell proved
that a changing electric field in vacuum or in dielectric also produces a magnetic field. So, a changing electric
field is equivalent to a current which flows as long as the electric field is changing and produces the same
magnetic effect as an ordinary conduction. This is known as displacement current.
The displacement current is that current which comes into play in the region in which the electric field and hence
the electric flux is changing with time.
6 86 9
It is represented by i1 and is given by i1 = ℇA 5 7 = ℇ 5 7 = ℇ 5 : 7
6 ‚ ;
Also id = ℇA 5 7 = ℇA 5 •ℇ8ƒ7 = = ic
Therefore the magnitude of displacement current is equal to the conduction current.

Properties of displacement current:

• The displacement current is the current only in the sense that it produces magnetic field. It has no other
properties of current.
• The magnitude of displacement current density is equal to the rate of change of displacement vector.
• The utility of displacement current is to make total current continuous throughout the circuit.
• The displacement current in good conductor is negligible as compared to conduction current at any
frequency less than of optical frequency (i.e. 1015Hz)
Modification of Ampere’s law:
According to Ampere’s circuital law, the magneto motive force around a closed path is equal to current enclosed
by the path. Mathematically, we obtain
d| H. dl = i ------------- ( 1)
Where H is the magnetic field strength and I is the current enclosed by the path. If J is the current density, then
i = dr J. dS ------------- ( 2)
From equations (1) & (2), we get
d| H. dl = dr J. dS
Converting the line integral to surface integral
dr ∇ ×H.dS = dr J. dS
Curl H = J ……………..(3)
Taking div of this equation div (Curl H) = div J = 0
Therefore according to Ampere’s law div J = 0 always, however continuity equation states that div J = 0 only if
= 0, or ρ = constant. Hence Ampere’s law is valid only for static field. In order to make Ampere’s law
logically consistent with time varying field, Maxwell replaced J by (Jc + Jd) in equation (3). Therefore Ampere’s
law after Maxwell modification becomes: Curl H = Jc + Jd …………(4)
Here Jd is known as displacement current density. Again taking div of eq.(4), we obtain
div (Curl H) = div(Jc + Jd) = div Jc + div Jd = 0
g 1}i % %
divJd = - div Jc = - =- = ~•€ 5 7
divJd = ~•€ 5 7
Jd =
Therefore, the modified Ampere’s law becomes Curl H = Jc + Jd = Jc +
4. Show that in free space the wave equations for the field vectors E and B of an em-field are given by:
„2 E = µo ∈o y† ‡/yt2 and „2 B= µo ∈o y† t /yt2
Prove that the velocity of plane electromagnetic wave in vacuum is given by: v = 1/Qˆu ∈u = ‰
[ANSWER: Maxwell’s equations are given by:
div D = ρ
div B = 0
Curl E = -
Curl H = J +
In a region of free space where charge or current is zero, ∈=∈) , µ = μ) , ρ = 0, J = 0 as σ = 0, therefore
div D = 0
div B = 0
Curl E = -
Curl H =
But we know that in free space D = ∈) Š and B = μ) W, therefore
div E = 0

Curl E = − ‹V/‹t
div B = 0

Curl B = µo ∈o ‹Š/‹t
(1) a,b,c and d

Taking curl of Maxwell’s third equation, we get

(Œ•Ž| ) •µ• ∈• ƒ
Curl (curlE) = curl(−‹V/‹t) or curl (curl E ) = - =− •’
= − µo ∈o ‹ c Š/‹t2 -------- (1)

Curl curlA = grad div A - ∇2 A

But from vector identity we know that

Curl curlE = grad div E - ∇2 E = - ∇2 E

Therefore equation (1) becomes„2 E = µo ∈o “† ”/“t2

Similarly by taking curl of eq. 1(d), we can easily obtain„2 B = µo ∈o “† • /“t2

This is the wave equation for the electric field in free space.

as,∇c u - R) ∈) ‹ cu/‹t2 = 0
This is the wave equation for the electric field in free space.The general form of these equations may be written
propagating with a velocity €, is∇c u – 1/€ c ‹ c u/‹t2 = 0 --------------- (2)
Where u is the field vector ( E or B) . This equation may be compare with the well-known wave equation

Comparing equation 1& 2,we get,

€= –∈
Q s s
Putting ∈o = 8.86× —uE—† ˜/™and R) = 4› × 10Eœ, we obtain € = = 3 × 10 = £
Q•.•ž×—uŸ—† × ¡×>)Ÿ¢
Therefore, in free space the em-wave travels with light speed.
5. Prove that the em wave is of transverse nature. OR
Show that E, H and direction of wave propagation form a set of orthogonal vectors.

∇2 E = µo ∈o ∂c E/∂t2 ∇2 B = µo ∈o ∂c B /∂t2
[ANSWER: The plane wave equations of the field vectors E and B are given by:

Š¤⃗ (r,t) = Š) ¦ §(¨.©Eªa) ¤⃗ (r,t) = V) ¦ §(¨.©Eªa)

And the solution of these differentia equations may be written in the well-known form as
Where Š) = «̂Š)- +®̂Š)¯ +®̂Š)° and V) = «̂V)- + ®̂V)¯ +±²V)° are the complex amplitudes of the electric and

Magnetic fields respectively. ³ ¤⃗ = ³µ́ = «̂±- + ®̂±¯ + ±²±° is the propagation vector and k = 2π/λ = propagation
constant. Also ¶⃗ = «̂· + ®̂¸ + ±² ¹ = position vector. Now ± ¤⃗ .¶⃗ = ·±- + ¸±¯ + ¹±°
Now let us calculate „. ”
¤⃗. Š¤⃗ = 5«̂ º- + ®̂ º¯ + ±² º°7 . Š = 5«̂ º- + ®̂ º¯ + ±² º°7 . Š) ¦ §¨.©E§ªa = 5«̂ º- + ®̂ º¯ + ±² º°7 . Š) ¦ §(¨.©Eªa)
º º º º º º º º º

5«̂ º- + ®̂ º¯ + ±² º°7 . Š) ¦ §»¼-¨½ ¾¯¨¿ ¾°¨À ÁEªaÂ
º º º
∇. Š¤⃗ =
ÊÄ- ¦ §¼¨½ -¾¨¿ ¯¾¨À °ÁE§ªa
Êį ¦ §¼¨½ -¾¨¿
Êİ ¦ §¼¨½ -¾¨¿ ¯¾¨À °ÁE§ªa Å
¯¾¨À °ÁE§ªa
º- º¯ º°
= ÊÄ- ¦ §¼¨½ -¾¨¿ ¯¾¨À °ÁE§ªa Å(•±- ) + ŠÄ¯ ¦ §¼¨½ -¾¨¿ ¯¾¨À °ÁE§ªa ¼•±¯ Á + ŠÄ¯ ¦ §¼¨½ -¾¨¿ ¯¾¨À °ÁE§ªa (•±° )
= (ŠÄ- •±- +ŠÄ¯ •±¯ +ŠÄ° •±° ) ¦ §¼¨½ -¾¨¿ ¯¾¨À °ÁE§ªa = I (±- ŠÄ- + ±¯ ŠÄ¯ + ±° ŠÄ° ) ¦ §¼¨½ -¾¨¿ ¯¾¨À °ÁE§ªa
Æ ±- + ®̂±- + ±²±- ). ( • ŠÄ- + ®̂ŠÄ¯ + ± ŠÄ° ) Ŧ §(¨.©)E§ªa = i(±². Š)
¤∇⃗. Š¤⃗ = iÃ(«
¤⃗. Š¤⃗ = 0 , therefore OR
But from Maxwell’s relation, we have ∇ ¤⃗ .Š¤⃗ = 0

Now let us calculate „. •

Therefore we conclude that E and K are mutually perpendicular.

Similarly we can calculate ¤⃗ = i(±² . Š) = 0 only if±

¤∇⃗. V ¤⃗ .V
¤⃗ = 0
Therefore we conclude that B and K are mutually perpendicular.

¤⃗ . That is, electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature. i.e. they form a set of orthogonal vectors.
This conclusion indicates that electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to the direction of propagation

6. Show that in good conducting medium the wave equations for the field vectors E and B of an em-field are
“† ” “” “† Ë “Ë
given by:„ † ” − ÇÈ “Ɇ − ÇÊ “É = u and „ † Ë − ÇÈ “Ɇ − ÇÊ “É = u .
Discuss the solution of plane wave equation in conducting medium. GBTU2004
Write down the Maxwell's equations in conducting medium and use these equations to derive differential
equations for the electric and magnetic field. MTU2011, GBTU2011
Write down the Maxwell's equations in conducting medium and show that the electric and magnetic field
will decrease exponentially with the distance from the surface into the conducting medium. GBTU 2012
What is the skin effect? Discuss the depth of penetration of wave in a conducting medium. GBTU 2013
Show that for a good conductor, the phase between E and H is π/4.
µrσ iπ /4
Show that for a good conductor, the refractive index can be expressed as n = e .
ωε 0
µω −iπ /4
Show that for a good conductor the impedance Z c = e
[ANSWER: The Maxwell's equations are
div D = ρ
div B = 0
Curl E = - ……………(1) a,b,c,d
Curl H = J +
In a region of good conductor, U =∈ E,V = RWρ = 0, J = σE, therefore
X 6
div E = 0, div H = 0, Curl E = -R , Curl H = σE+∈ …………(2)a,b,c,d
X 0•Ž| X º 6
Taking the curl of eq.(2c), we get, £Ì¶Í(£Ì¶Í Š) = £Ì¶Í 5−R 7 = −R = −R ºa 5σE+∈ 7
º\ “† ”
OR ζÏ~(~•€ Š) − ∇c Š = RS ºa + ÐR “Ɇ = −∇c Š
“† ” “”
OR „ † ” − ÇÈ “Ɇ − ÇÊ “É = u ………………………(3)
“† Ë “Ë
Ll'ly we can obtain „ † Ë − ÇÈ “Ɇ − ÇÊ “É = u ……….(4)

Let the solution of these field equations are Š¤⃗ (r,t) = Š) ¦ §(¨.©Eªa) ¤⃗ (r,t) = W) ¦ §(¨.©Eªa)
Equations (4) and (5) are the wave equation of em wave in conducting medium in terms of E and H.
and W
These equations shows that the electric and magnetic field will decrease exponentially with the distance

Here ³ = Ñ + •Ò = ±¦ §Ó = Complex propagation constant

from the surface into the conducting medium.

Here the operator ∇= •³ Ï´~ ºa = −•T
Using these operator in equation (4), we obtain (• c ³ c )Š − RÐ(−•T)c Š − RS(−•T)Š = 0
OR ³ c = (Ñ + •Ò)c = RÐTc + •RST
Ø [
Õ– × c [ ª–×
Hence the attenuation constant Ñ = TÔ c Ö1 + #1 + •ªÕƒ $ Ù and the phase constant Ò =

× ª–× >/c
For good conductor ªÕ
≫> 1, therefore Ñ = Ò = 5 c
Hence Ý = ÞÏ´E> ßÚà = ›/4
Therefore ³ = Ñ + •Ò = ±¦ §Ó = QÑ c + Ò c ¦ §Ó = √RST¦ §¡/
ª ª ª
Also the wave velocity of the em wave € = âã â = = Ô–×
\ –ª –ª –ª
The impedance of the wave ä = ] = = æç = Ô × ¦E è
√–תå è
It is observed that an em wave propagating inside the good conducting medium shows an exponential decay with

The solutions of E and H vectors in conducting medium are Š¤⃗ (r,t) = Š) ¦ §(¨.©Eªa) = Š) ¦ EP.© ¦ §(Ú.©Eªa)
distance due to many dissipative effect occurring in the medium due to high conductivity.

And similarly W ¤⃗ (r,t) = W¦ §(¨.©Eªa) = W) ¦ EP.© ¦ §(Ú.©Eªa)

Clearly greater the value of Ò, greater is the attenuation. Hence the term 1/Ò measures the depth at which the em
wave entering inside the conductor is damped to 1/e = 0.369 of its initial amplitude at the surface.

This depth is known as the penetration depth or skin depth and denoted by δ and is given by
1 2
O= =é
For copper
1 2 0.065
O= =é = Q2/2›ê × 4› × 10Eœ × 5.8 × 10œ = î¦ï¦¶ð
Ò RST √ê
At the frequency ê = 100£/ð¦£O = 0.65 î
At the frequency ê = 10 £/ð¦£O = 6.5 × 10Eñ î
Hence as frequency increases the skin depth decreases.
7. State and prove Poynting theorem. OR
State and prove the work-energy theorem. OR
Prove that the time rate of em-energy within a certain volume plus the time rate of em-energy flowing out
through the boundary surface is equal to the power transferred into the em field. OR

Show that for the propagation of em wave in a non-conducting medium, mno ò + yz = u
Statement: “The time rate of em-energy within a certain volume plus the time rate of em-energy flowing out
through the boundary surface, is equal to the power transferred into the em field.”
Proof: This theorem provides the law of conservation of em energy for the charges present in the em-field. The
Maxwell’s equations are
Curl E = - and Curl H = J + …………….(1) a and b
Taking the dot product of (1)a and (1)b with H and E, respectively, we obtain
5 –] [ 7 % 5 ô\ [ 7
H . Curl E = H.(- ) = - [
and E. Curl H =E.( J + ) = E.J + [

5 ô\ [ 7 5 –] [ 7 > >
After substracting E. Curl H - H. Curl E = E.J + [
+ [
= E.J + 5c õŠ c + c RW c 7
föå÷ h
> >
- div (E×H) = E.J + 5c õŠ c + c RW c 7 OR - div S = E.J +
> >
Where S = E×H = Poynting vector and 5c õŠ c + c RW c 7 = Uem = Total electromagnetic energy

Let us now intregrate this equation over volume V, we obtain,
− ~•€ ø ~ù = Š. ú ~ù + öå÷ ~ù

Here d Š. ú ~ù = _a = Power transferred into em field and therefore represents the increase in mechanical

energy (Um). Therefore we may write, d Š. ú ~ù = = d ö÷ ~ù
(ö÷ + öå÷ )~ù = d
Hence− d ~•€ ø ~ù = d ö÷ ~ù + d öå÷ ~ù OR − d ~•€ ø ~ù = d ~ù

div S + =0
Where U = Um + Uem = Total energy.
Comparing it with the continuity equation; ∇. J + = 0, we found that J is replaced by S and ρ is replaced by U.
Hence the poynting vector describe the flow of energy in the same way as J describes the flow of charge.
1. Using Maxwell’s forth equation; Curl H = J + yz , prove that div D = ρ.
[ANSWER:Themaxwell’s forth equation is given by: Curl H = J +
Taking the divergence of this equation, we obtain div (Curl H) = div(J + ) = 0
% 1}i% q 1}i% q 1}i%
Div(Curl H) = 0, therefore, div(J + ) = 0 or divJ + = 0 or− + = 0 or =
Or div D = ρ
2. Using Maxwell’s third equation; Curl E = - yz , prove that div B = 0.
[ANSWER:Themaxwell’stird equation is given by: Curl E = −
Taking the divergence of this equation, we obtain div (Curl E) = div(- ) = 0
Div(Curl E) = 0, therefore, div(- ) = 0 or div B = 0
3. Prove that the continuity equation; „. ý + yq
= u is contained by the Maxwell relation given by: Curl H = J + yz

OR Obtain the continuity equation from Maxwell’s equation for electromagnetism.

[ANSWER:Themaxwell’s forth equation is given by: Curl H = J +
Taking the divergence of this equation, we obtain div (Curl H) = div (J + ) = 0
% 1}i% q
Div(Curl H) = 0, therefore, div (J + ) = 0 or div J + = 0 or divJ + =0
4. If earth receives 2cal/min/cm solar energy, what are the amplitudes of electric and magnetic field
vectors?[ANSWER:The energy flux per unit area per second is
S = 2cal min-1 cm-2 = 2×4.2×104/60joule m-2 sec-1
S = EH = 2×4.2×104/60 = 1400 ------------------ (1)
But E/H = Qµþ/€þ = 376.72 ------------------- (2)
On solving E = 726.2 Vm
Substituting this value of E in equation (1), we get
(726.2) H = 1400 orH = 1400/726.2 = 1.928 A –turn m-1
Therefore the amplitudes of electric and magnetic fields of radiation are
Eo = E√2 = 726.2√2 = 1026.8V/meter and Ho = H√2 = 1.928√2 = 2.726 A/meter
5. The energy flux of 10 watt/m2 of a laser beam is incident on an ideal plane mirror for one hour. Determine
momentum imparted to the mirror during this time and the force.
[ANSWER: The momentum imparted per second per unit area by em waves is given by
∴P = Z
Given, S = 10watt-m-2 , A = 1m2 , t = 1 hour = 3600 sec and c = 3x108
Therefore, momentum imparted to the mirror, that is
cY^a c×>)×>×Fñ))
P= Z = = 2.4 × 10E kg-m/sec
cY^ c×>)×>
= 6.67 × 10E
Z F×>)
Force acting on the mirror, F = dP/dt = P/t = =
6. A 100 watt sodium lamp radiating its power. Calculate the electric field and magnetic field strength at a
distance of 5m from the lamp.
` >)) >))
[ANSWER:Thepoynting vector S = ¡© [ = ¡ [ = >))¡ = 3.185 × 10E>

S = |E × H| = EH = 100/100› = 3.185×10-1
But, we know that

But E/H = Qµþ/€þ= √4› ×10-7/8.9542×10-12 = 376.6------------------ (1)

E/H ×EH = 3.185×10-1× 376.6 or E2 = 119.95 or E = √119.95= 10.95V /m
from equation 1, We have H = E/376.6 = 10.95/376.6 = 0.0291 amp/m
7. Let you are sitting in sun for 3 hours. The area of your body exposed normally to sun rays is 1.3 m2. The
intensity of sun rays is 1.1 kw/m2. If your body completely absorbs the sun rays, what will be the
momentum transferred to your body?
[ANSWER:Themomentum imparted to the body, that is
cY^a c×>>))×>.F×F×Fñ))
= = 5.14 × 10E kg-m/sec
Z F×>)
8. Find the skin depth at the frequency of × —už Ë in aluminium where conductivity Ê = • × —už /™
and Ç = . Find the propagation constant and wave velocity also.
[ANSWER:The skin depth for good conductor is given by
1 2
O= =é = Q2/2› × × —už × 4 × 4› × 10Eœ × 38 × 10ñ = 0.04716îî
The attenuation constant Ñ = Ò = = 2.1 × 10 /î
The propagation constant ³ = QÑ c + Ò c ÞÏ´E> 5Ú7 = 2.9 × 10 ∠45)
ª c¡ c×F.> × ×—už
The wave velocity € = ã
= c.>×>)è = = 888.51 î/ð
9. A Plane monochromatic linearly polarized light wave is travelling eastward. The wave is polarized with E
frequency is 20 MHz.[ANSWER:Given the frequency of em wave, ê= 20 MHz = 20×106 Hz. Time period ,T =
directed vertically up and down. Write expression for E, H and B provided that Eo =0.1V/m And

1/ê = 1/20×106 = .05 ×10-6 sec-1and its wavelength, = c/ê = 3 × 108 /20×106 = .15×102 = 15m.
A monochromatic plane polarized em wave is expressed as,
E = Ey =EsinT(t-x/c) = Eo sin2›( − ·/ )
H = Hy = Ho sin T(t-x/c) = Ho sin2›( − ·/ )
Here ,Eo = 0.01v/mThereforeEy = 0.1sin2x3.14 (t/.05x10-6 – ·/15)
Ey = .1 sin(4› ×10 t-0.419 ·) V m
7 -1

Ho = 0.1/376.72 = 2.65 ·10-4 Ampere/m

Hence , H= Hz = Ho sin 2 ›( − ·/ )
H = 2.65 ×10-4sin(4› ×107 t-0.419 ·)A m-1
B = E/c = .1 sin(4› ×107 t-0.419 ·)/ 3 × 108
= 3.33×10 sin(4› ×10 t-0.419 ·)wb/m2
-10 7


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