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9th Chemistry (Ch. 3 & 4)
1. The atomic radii of the elements in Periodic

A. Increase from left to right in a period

B. Increase from top to bottom in a group
C. Do not change from left to right in a period
D. Decrease from top to bottom in a group
2. The amount of energy given out when an
electron is added to an atom is called:

A. Lattice energy
B. ionization energy
C. Electronegativity
D. Electron affinity
3. 4th and 5th period of the long form of
Periodic Table are called:

A. Short periods
B. normal periods
C. Long periods
D. Very long periods
4. Which one of the following halogen has
lowest electronegativity?

A. Flourine
B. Chlorine
C. Bromine
D. Iodine
5. Along the period, which one of the following

A. Atomic radius
B. ionization energy
C. Electron affinity
D. Electronegativity
6. Mark the incorrect statement about
ionization energy:

A. It is measured in kJmol-1
B. It is absorption of energy
C. It decreases in a period
D. It decreases in a group
7. There are total _____ groups and _____
periods in the modern periodic table:

A. Seven, eight
B. Eighteen, seven
C. Eight, seventeen
D. Sixteen, eight
8. Salts of sodium give:

A. Bluish green
B. Red
C. Yellow
D. Green
9. The d-block elements lie between the

A. s-p
B. d-f
C. p-s
D. f-d
10. The shielding effect of the inner electrons is
responsible for:

A. Increasing ionization energy value

B. Decreasing ionization energy value
C. Increasing electron affinity
D. Increasing electronegativity
11. Which is the best reason for increasing
ionization energy from left to right in a

A. The shielding effect remains the same

B. The nuclear chare increases
C. The number of inner electrons increases
D. Increasing electronegativity
12. 5f series of inner transition elements are

A. Lanthanides
B. Actinides
C. Halogens
D. Alkali metals
13. Halogens belong to group:

A. 17
B. 16
C. 18
D. 32
14. Which one is the incomplete period in the
periodic table?

A. fourth period
B. second period
C. seventh period
D. first period
15. Which scientist had given the idea of
octaves for the arrangement of elements?

A. Mendeleev
B. Al-Razi
C. Newlands
D. Dobereiner
16. Atomic number of K = 19. Its valence shell
configuration is:

A. 4s1
B. 3s1
C. 6s1
D. 5s1
17. Keeping in view the size of atom, which
order is the correct one?

A. Mg > Sr
B. Ba> Mg
C. Ca > Ba
D. C1 > I
18. Electronegativity of oxygen is:

A. 2.5
B. 3.0
C. 3.4
D. 4.0
19. In 1860 correct atomic mass of elements
were determined by:

A. Cannizzaro
B. Newlands
C. Mosely
D. Mendeleev
20. In which atom outermost electrons are
highly shielded?

A. F
B. Cl
C. Br
D. I
21. Which of the following does not belong to
1st group?

A. Hydrogen
B. Sodium
C. Rubidium
D. Calcium
22. Point out among the following which has
highest value of electron affinity

A. F
C. Br
D. I
23. Lanthanide series start after:

A. La
B. Ba
C. Ra
D. Cs
24. ns2 is the general electronic configuration

A. Boron family
B. Nitrogen family
C. Alkali metals
D. Alkaline earth metals
25. The radius of carbon atom is:

A. 154 pm
B. 77 pm
C. 68 pm
D. 70 pm
26. An atom having six electrons in its valence
shell will achieve noble gas
electronic configuration by:

A. Gaining one electron

B. Losing all electrons
C. Gaining two electrons
D. Losing two electrons
27. Considering the electronic configuration of
atoms which atom with the given atomic
number will be the most stable one?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
28. Transfer of electrons between atoms results

A. Metallic bonding
B. Ionic bonding
C. Covalent bonding
D. Coordinate covalent bonding
29. Which of the following compounds is not
directional in its bonding?

A. CH4
B. KBr
C. CO2
D. H2O
30. Ice floats on water because:

A. Ice is denser than water

B. Ice is crystalline in nature
C. Water is denser than ice
D. Water molecules move randomly
31. How many covalent bonds does C2H2
molecule have?

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
32. Which pair of the molecules has same type
of covalent bonds?

A. O2 and HCI
B. O2 and N2
C. O2 and Cl2
D. O2 and C2H2
33. Identify the compound which is not soluble
in water.

A. C6H6
B. NaCl
C. KBr
D. MgCl2
34. Which one of the following is an electron
deficient molecule?

A. NH3
B. BF3
C. N2
D. O2
35. Which one of the following is the weakest
force among the atoms?

A. ionic force
B. metallic force
C. intermolecular force
D. covalent force
36. Hydrogen acquires the electronic
configuration like

A. Xe
B. Ne
C. He
D. Ar
37. In non polar covalent bond the bonded
atoms share the electrons

A. Not equally
B. Equally
C. Differently
D. Oppositly
38. Dipole-dipole interactions are

A. Magnetic
B. Electric
C. Neutral
D. Stable
39. Energy requires to break forces of one mole
liquid HCl molecule is

A. 16kJ
B. 15kJ
C. 17kJ
D. 18kJ
40. The density of ice at 0°C is

A. 0.917 gcm-3
B. 0.719 gcm-3
C. 0.197 gcm-3
D. 0.0917 gcm-3
41. One form of polymer used industrially as a

A. Epoxy
B. Explosive
C. Synthetic
D. Natural
42. Substance have the tendency to gain
electrons and anions

A. Metals
B. Non-metals
C. Metalloids
D. Halogens
43. Which properties are affected by hydrogen

A. Physical
B. Chemical
C. Ionic
D. Metallic
44. Which ionic species has same electronic
configuration as noble gas Ar.

A. Na+
B. K+
C. Cl-
D. Both B and C
45. A dative bond is formed between Ammonia
and Borontriflouride the donar atom is:

A. Fluorine
B. Boron
C. Hydrogen
D. Nitrogen
46. Which one of molecule is maximum polar:

A. HCl
C. NaF
D. H2O
47. Electronegativity difference between
hydrogen and chlorine is:

A. 1.7
B. 0.8
C. 1.0
D. 0.5
48. The boiling point of alcohol is

A. 44°C
B. 19°C
C. 53°C
D. 78°C
49. Epoxy adhesives are stable to heat up to a
temperature of

A. 177°C
B. 225°C
C. 320°C
D. 135°C
50. The boiling point of NaCl is

A. 318°C
B. 1413°C
C. 1215°C
D. 1510°C

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