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By: Azeneth Martínez Rodríguez

Creativity is the ability of the human being to create something from other
ideas that are new and interesting, that is, the ability to analyze and assess
new ideas, solving problems that arise in the course of the life of the human
being and the challenges that arise in the academic and daily. I remember
when a teacher mentioned that all people are creative or that we have
creativity, because this does not only mean decorating beautifully or using
many colors because for some people that is creativity, but creativity is also
shown when they provide ideas or solutions, when you fix something or when
you create something new. For me, creativity was a person who knew how to
decorate and after hearing this I realized that it was true that all people have
creativity, because all people have different tastes and ideas and decorating
differently does not mean that there is no creativity.

Something that caught my attention from the reading is that it mentions the
imagination and that people usually imagine things that have not yet
happened, this is clearly related to creativity. We all imagine things and
imagination is part of creativity because it creates scenarios or things that you
would like to do. Even imagination is to imagine something that has not
happened, but also to create things because personally I consider that
imagination is a key to success because you can imagine things and maybe
create them; or also when a problem arises, people begin to imagine how they
can solve it and even imagine doing the solution that they are going to provide.
This helps to know if the solution they will give is good or correct.

Another point that caught my attention is about divergent thinking, this is one
that seeks to solve a problem through creative, different and unconventional
proposals. In addition, this happens spontaneously and quickly, because all
the ideas are generated in a small amount of time and are usually linked
together to speed up the process and draw the possibilities in our minds. At
this point, the creativity that the person has with this type of thinking is clearly
seen, because they look for different solutions and choose what they consider
to be better or easier. Personally, I do not consider myself a person with
divergent thinking because I prefer to stay with one solution and not look for
others that may be wrong. But I think that people with this type of thinking use
their imagination and creativity a lot, which is good because they don't stick
with just one option, but look for others that could be much better. For
example, in mathematics, the teacher gives you a solution to the problem, I
prefer to just follow that one but other people look for other ways to solve it
and that may be easier.

Another point that the reading mentions is that the creators share a trait which
is the type T personality, this is about looking for new experiences, but in some
cases they can be risky. Which could be true for example with Picasso, it is
known that his paintings had an abstract art, but he decided to take the risk
and show it to other people anyway. It is said that type T and creativity could
be related which could be true, because people decide to leave their comfort
zone and create new things or imagine what would happen.

In conclusion, as I mentioned throughout the essay, all people have creativity

and being a person who does not use many colors or drawings does not mean
that your creativity is bad. All of us are different because we think differently
and have different tastes, so the creativity of each one is different because
there will be some who dance or create very good dances, draw well, write
stories easily, provide solutions, among other things.

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