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ICANDO Team Building

WEEKLY MEETING: +/- 1 hour (Once a week- Friday), Zoom with video on

1. Icebreaker- Game / Question

a. Must be fun and engaging
2. Update Work:
a. Per department each leader update progress
b. Syaiful/Liphin update bigger picture (sponsor, misi/visi)
c. Update education in Indonesia, latest news (ex: Nadiem bikin App, belajar dari TVRI)
3. Good News:
a. Any good news about ICANDO(ex: Himpaudi progress, Kemendikbud recommend ICANDO)
4. Employee Appreciation:
a. Pick a few employees that did great at work, for that week only.
b. Share what good work they did (ex: helped design selesai cepet, increase followers, coding
done cepet etc.)
5. Get to know each other:
a. Once a week 3 employee will share about themselves (rotate)
b. Questionnaire they have to answer:
i. Background (birth city, school, previous work etc.)
ii. Hobbies
iii. Favorite food/drink
iv. Share dream & fear
v. Share something about yourself that nobody knows (hidden talent/info about yourself
ex: suka music opera)
6. Review Customer about ICANDO:
a. Parents/kids from anywhere (socmed, whatsapp, or google review)
7. Motivate team:
a. Share inspiring stories (ex: elon musk, SpaceX)
b. Give motivating quotes/speech
c. Promote positive working space to focus on Goal (to help Indonesia’s future)
8. Open forum IF anyone wants to share/ask/say anything
9. Announcements:
a. Any additional information needed to be said
b. Inform team about HRD (If any complaints or confusion/ personal issue at work)
c. Assign 3 new people next week to share about themselves.
10. Clink Survey link to rate this meeting from 0-10:
a. how helpful it was & can give comments on how to improve next time or what to add.
b. Give out link to telegram group after meeting done (everyone have to vote)
c. Make sure to tell them it will be confidential.

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