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EE047-4-2-DRE Laboratory Report (3) Page 1 of 18







LECTURER Fatin Ayuni Mohd Suhaimi

DATE 28 February 2023

APU Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 20202222

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I. LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………………………..2
II. LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………………2
III. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………….…..3
IV. OBJECTIVES……………………………………………………………………………….4
V. EQUIPMENT ………………………………………………………………………….……4
VI. CONSUMABLE MATERIALS…………………………………………………………..….9
VII. THEORY……………………………………………………………………………………12
VIII. PROCEDURE……………………………………………………………………………….13
IX. RESULTS …………………………………………………………………………………..14
X. DISCUSSION………………………………………………………………………………15
XI. CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………………..17
XII. REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………………..18


Figure 1: Drilling Thinner Concepts……………………………………………..……..……….3

Figure 2: Mud mixer ....................................................................................................................4
Figure 3: Mud Balance …………………………………………………………………...……..4
Figure 4: Weighing balance ………………………………………………………………….…5
Figure 5: Rheometer ………………………………...…………………………………………..5
Figure 6: Thermometer …………………………………………………………………..……..6
Figure 7: Filter press ………………………...............................................................................6
Figure 8: Graduated cylinder ……………………………………….….………………………7
Figure 9: Ph paper …………………………………………………………………..………….7
Figure 10: Vernier caliper …........................................................................................................8
Figure 11: Aging cell……………………………………………………………………………8.
Figure 12: stopwatch……………………………………………………………………………9
Figure 13: Bentonite …………………………………...………………………………………9
Figure 14: soda ash ………………………………………………………………………….…10
Figure 15: water ……………………………………...................................................................10
Figure 16: Barite…………………………………………….……………………………….….11
Figure 17: Filter press for lab 3…………………………............................................................15
Figure 18: Filter press for lab 2…………………………….…………………………………….16


Table 1: Results …….…………………………………………………………………….…….14

Table 2: Comparison between experiment 2 and 3……………………………………….…….17

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Drilling Thinner is a Drilling Fluid that is used to reduce the viscosity of the Drilling Fluid. A
Drilling Thinner's major job is to control the rheological properties of drilling fluids even as the
solid content increases so that it can still be circulated and pumped in the system.

The Highly Effective Drilling Mud Thinners manufactured aid in avoiding the need for dilution
of the drilling fluids in order to maintain the drilling fluid dispersed Rheology and to protect
against flocculation or gelling of the drilling mud due to increased solids or contamination, or
due to high temperature or pressure.

Figure 1: Drilling Thinner Concepts

Drilling fluids' primary functions include preventing formation fluids from entering the well bore,
keeping the drill bit cool and clean during drilling, carrying out drill cuttings, and suspending drill
cuttings while drilling is paused and when the drilling assembly is brought in and out of the hole.
The drilling fluid used for a certain project is chosen to minimize formation damage and

Drilling fluid is used in geotechnical engineering to help in the drilling of boreholes into the earth.
Drilling fluids, which are often utilized while drilling oil and natural gas wells and on exploratory
drilling rigs, are also employed for more simpler boreholes, such as water wells. Drilling fluid is
also known as drilling fluids. Water-based muds (which can be dispersed or non-dispersed), non-
aqueous muds (also known as oil-based mud), and gaseous drilling fluid (which can contain a
wide range of gases) are the three primary types of drilling fluids.

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1. The goal of this lab is to investigate the effect of mud thinner on drilling mud. Regulating
and lowering the apparent density of the mud, as well as understanding the purpose and kind
of mud thinner.


1. Mud mixer

Figure 2

2. Mud balance

Figure 3

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3. Weighing balance

Figure 4

4. Rheometer

Figure 5

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5. Thermometer

Figure 6

6. Filter press

Figure 7

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7. Graduated cylinder

Figure 8

8. pH meter / pH paper

Figure 9

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9. Vernier caliper

Figure 10

10. Aging cell

Figure 11

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11. Stopwatch

Figure 12


1. Bentonite

Figure 13

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2. Soda ash

Figure 14

3. Desalinated water

Figure 15

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4. Barite

Figure 16

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The viscosity of the muds must be controlled at a specified level to ensure that the mud performs
well. Viscosity that is too high can lower hydraulic efficiency, increase the pressure wave, and
enhance the swabbing effect. When the viscosity is too low, the hole cleaning effectiveness
suffers. Mud viscosity is determined by:

1. Base fluid viscosity

2. Measurement and volume of particles
3. Force between particles

The apparent viscosity measurement takes these three parameters into account at certain flow
conditions. A marsh funnel or an electronic rheometer can be used to do the measurement.
Typically, solid material is required to improve the viscosity of the plastic. Remove solid debris
or add water to the mud to reduce viscosity.
The forces between solid particles in the mud define the yield point value. When a reactive
ingredient, such as bentonite, is introduced, the value of the yield point rises. By adding mud
thinner, the yield point value can be reduced.

By lowering the tensions between particles, mud thinner can be used to reduce the yield point
value and apparent viscosity of the mud. At the same time, adding mud thinner lowered the value
of gel strength.
Finally, the mud thinner is used to adjust the mud's apparent viscosity without using too much
water. There are several materials that may be used as mud thinner. The mud thinners are
classified into two types:

1. Phosphate complex inorganic

2. Natural thinner

The following inorganic complex phosphates are commonly used:

1. Sodium pyrophosphate acid (SAPP)

2. Hexametaphosphate of sodium (Calgon)
tetraphosphate of sodium (BARAFOS)
Sodium tetraphosphate (TSPP)

Organic thinners are classified into three types:

1. Lignin, for instance, CARBONOX (lignite) and CC-16 (alkaline + lignite).

2. Tannin, for instance, quebracho and TANNEX (quebracho + lignite).
3. Lignosulfonate.

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1. A weight balance was used to measure 15g of bentonite, 0.2g of soda ash, and 30g of barite.
2. A total of 450 mL of water was measured.

3.Mixed 450 ml of water with soda ash in a mud mixer for 5 seconds.
4.After mixing for 5 minutes with 450 ml of water, we added 100 ml of water and kept mixing
for 5 minutes with a mud mixer.
4.The temperature of the mud was tested using a thermometer and found to be 26.7 °C.
5.Using mud balance, the density of the mud was calculated to be 8.8 ppg.
6.The PH of the mud was determined to be 8 using PH paper.

7.The provided viscometer should have six speed settings: 3rpm, 6rpm, 100pт, 200rpm, 300rpm,
and 600rpm. There is a schematic showing how to use each rpm mode in conjunction with the
three gear options and two speed settings.
8.The viscometer was turned on and the viscosity of the mud was measured at various speeds
rpm, and the operation was repeated until all rpm settings were completed.
9.A gel strength test must be performed after the data have been received.
10.The viscometer was switched off for 10 seconds before taking the reading.
11.The viscometer was set to 3 rpm and the measurement was recorded as 12.

The viscometer was then switched off for 10 minutes before the reading was taken.
12.The viscometer was set at 600 rpm for 10 seconds, then switched off for 10 seconds before
taking the measurement.
13.Once the gel strength data were acquired, the mud was placed in the mud cell and secured to
the base with a strong screw.
14.Injected high-pressure nitrogen gas into the filter press and measured volume in each step
from 5 minutes to 30 minutes.
15.A Vernier caliper was used to measure the thickness of the mud.

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No. EQUIPMENT Property Result

1 Thermometer Temperature (°C) 26.7 (°C)

2 Mud Balance Density (ppg) 8.8 ppg

3 pH Paper ph Value 8

3 RPM 11 cp

6 RPM 9 cp

100 RPM 13 cp

Rheology cP 200 RPM 14 cp

4 Rotational Viscometer 300 RPM 15 cp

600 RPM 19 cp

Plastic Viscosity (cP) Plastic Viscosity (600 rpm – 300 rpm)

19-15=4 cp
Apparent Viscosity (cP) Apparent Viscosity (600 rpm /2)
19/2= 9.5cp
Yield Point (16/100 62) Yield Point (300 rpm – plastic viscosity)
15 – 4= 11lb/100 ft^2
3 (10 sec) 12
Gel Strength (lb/100 A)
3 (10 min)

5 Min 10 cc

10 Min 15 cc

15 Min 17.5 cc
5 Filter Press Filtrate Volume cc
20 Min 21 cc

25 Min 24 cc

30 Min 26 cc

6 Vernier Caliper Mud cake Thickness mm 2.75 mm

Table 1: Results

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The density of a basic drilling fluid composed of 15 g of bentonite and 30 g of barite was
determined by adding 450 ml of water as a lighter addition, as well as the characteristics and
qualities of drilling fluid in terms of adding water to vary the thickness of the mud. The ph scale
revealed a higher alkalinity than experiment (2) with two classes ranging from 10 to 8, and this is
due to the fact that water is a neutral liquid, which reduces the alkalinity of the mud. The density
indicated was nearly same. The dilution has affected the viscosity of the mud, which has
decreased as the volume of water in the mud has increased.

Gel strength property of drilling fluids plays a key role in drilling multilateral and long
horizontal reservoir sections. The dilution also had an effect on gel strength, which rose to 15
lb/100. The gel strength shown in the table reveals that dilution was the cause of the lower gel
strength in experiment 3. The filtrate mud was determined to be a high mud filtrate when
compared to 2 in the first 5 minutes of the experiment, where the acquired filtrate mud was 12cc
in experiment (2) and 10cc in experiment 3. The experiment (3) yielded a mud thickness of

Figure 17: Filter press for lab 3

Mud filter cake is a layer created by solid particles in drilling mud against porous zones as a
result of pressure difference between hydrostatic and formation pressures. It is preferable to have
an impermeable and thin filter cake for the drilling process. On the other hand, drilling mud
filtration occurs when the drilling operation is carried out under a situation known as
overbalanced circumstances, which indicates that the pressure of the drilling mud injected is
greater than the pressure of the formations. Drilling fluids will tend to penetrate the

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Smaller drilling fluid particles will penetrate deeper into the formation, whereas bigger particles
will aggregate at the front surface of the pore size, forming a layer of mud cake.

Figure 18: Filter press for lab 2

Oil is the continuous phase in oil-based drilling fluids. Oil-based muds may be designed to
tolerate high temperatures for extended periods of time; however, water-based muds can
degrade, resulting in viscosity loss and fluid loss control. Further benefits of using oil-based mud
include shale stability, quicker penetration rates, giving a better gauge hole, and not leaching salt.

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Properties Experiment 2 Experiment 3

Temperature (°C) 28 °C 26.7 °C

Density (ppg) 8.9 8.8 ppg

pH value 10 8

Rheology (10.4,14.1,20.1,25,10.7,19) (11,9,13,14,15,19)

Plastic Viscosity (CP) 8.3 4

Apparent Viscosity (CP) 9.5 9.5

Yield Point (Ib/100 ft2) 2.4 11

Gel Strength (15,27) 12

Filtrate Volume (10,14,17,19,22,28) (12,15,17.5,21,24.5.26) ml

Mud thickness 4.45 mm 2.75 mm

Table 2: Comparison between experiment 2 and 3


The density of a basic drilling fluid was reduced in this experiment by adding more water mixed
with bentonite and barite. The dilution altered the physical characteristics of the mud. The mud
filtrate obtained after 30 minutes was greater than the mud filtrate obtained in the experiment (2).
As a result, the mud thickness measured with the Vernier caliper was found to be 2.75 mm (3). A
mud thickness of 2.75 mm is a good shape of mud on the API or HTHP fluid loss test scale,
which declares the safety of utilizing the mud to avoid any blocked piping, creating mud cake
and other difficulties.
The experiment was completed successfully, and we learned how to deal with drilling fluid in
order to minimize its density.

Human error occurred in the experiment, affecting the main goal of the series of experiments to
compare experiment with the following experiment that contained 15 g of bentonite, 30 soda ash,
and 450 of water. In this experiment, however, 15 g of bentonite, 0.2 soda ash, and 450 ml of
water were used. The amount utilized also had an effect on the experiment's outcomes.

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XII. REFERENCES (n.d.). Advantages and Disadvantages of Water and Oil-Based Mud. [online]
Available at:
abu-shaida/ [Accessed 20 Nov. 2021].

ectomere (2015). Drilling fluid : Type and Function. [online] Medium. Available at: (n.d.). Drilling Thinner | Drilling Mud Dispersant| Mud

Deflocculant. [online] Available at:

Zhang, Y., Xu, P., Xu, M., Pu, L. and Wang, X. (2022). Properties of Bentonite Slurry Drilling
Fluid in Shallow Formations of Deepwater Wells and the Optimization of Its Wellbore
Strengthening Ability While Drilling. ACS Omega, 7(44), pp.39860–39874. Doi:
HTTPs:// [Accessed 23 Feb. 2023]. (n.d.). Measuring cylinder 5 ml, class B, tall form, short line graduation,
Borosilicate glass, amber graduated | Lab Friend Malaysia. [online] Available at:
borosilicate-glass-amber-graduated [Accessed 23 Feb. 2023].

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