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The Kuro-Obi Journey

Gobind Singh Highlights

Age: 16 Years
Medalist- Sanshinkan Open
Started Training: Jan, 2017
2018, 2019

Years of Training: 5 Years

Camps- 2018 with Soke Tamas
1st Kyu Since: Nov, 2019
and 2018, 2019 and 2021 with
Coach: Shikher Gupta Sensei Yashpal

My Journey
I had never imagined myself to be so powerful, to do techniques that seemed near impossible at
rst, to tackle anyone without the fear of getting hurt in the encounter.

Karate has also had a positive impact on my personal life. I improved my anger management,
responsibilities, discipline and dedication to the work. Karate has helped raise my self-esteem, my
self-respect and not to just “self” but towards my peers.

Martial arts have bought a sense of spirit, an attitude to respect everyone and everything around
me. I hope to progress forward in life and never forget the teachings taught to me.
Karate has also taught me the lesson that “No challenge is unbeatable; one can do anything if
given a reason, one has set barriers only in his mind, defeat the mind and the body gives in”
I’d also like to thank my sensei for being an amazing instructor… he isn’t just an instructor… he’s
an inspiration to every student training under him… he’s a friend before an instructor which is why
I trust him more than myself.

What Black Belt Means to Me?

A Black Belt to me, is a sign of unbreaking spirit, a sign of determination, a sprit that never wavers,
never quits, no matter what the odds, no matter what life puts forward. Black Belt is a huge
responsibility to uphold and a sign of seniority. I’ve always admired my seniors because of their
awless techniques… their spirit to never give up, and I hope that I am worthy to uphold the
responsibilities given to me. Oss!

Gobind overcame anger

with regular practice. He
practices regularly and is
tough competitor who
respects the art.

- Sensei Shikher Gupta


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