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The passage discusses strategies for improving memory through active engagement and frequent

review of material. Key points are that active studying like self-testing is more effective than
passive studying, spreading out study sessions over time aids retention, and reviewing material
after learning causes less forgetting over time. Consistently applying these techniques can enhance
one's ability to recall information.
Your memory can improve if properly trained and practiced. Firstly, instead of receiving
what you learn passively, use itactively and frequently in various ways, which helps you
remember it better. Secondly, spend less time reviewing it eachtime but more frequently.
Lastly, review it soon after the learning. (49 words)

Without leaving home, you can visit museums all over the world online.

Thanks to the generosity of people from all walks of life, this orphanage was founded at the
beginning of this year.

74.消防队员们不仅营救了事故现场的工人,还成功阻止了有毒气体的蔓延。(Not only)
The firefighters not only rescued the workers at the accident site, but also successfully contained
the spread of the toxic gas.

Countries should base on the consensus reached at the conference to strengthen global cooperation
and jointly address the challenges facing humanity.
The passage discusses two no-cost strategies to improve learning and memory after studying:
wakeful rest and sleep. Key points are that resting quietly without stimulation after studying
allows the brain to consolidate memories, and getting sufficient sleep helps strengthen new
memories and enhance focus for future learning. Together, wakeful rest and sleep boost
recollection and long-term retention of studied material.
There are two no-cost ways to help you improve your learning: wakeful rest and sleep.
Resting after you study may help you remember what you studied. By reducing your activity
after the study session, your brain gets a chance to rest. In addition. sleep is also important
for learning and forming memories.

Can developing countries not host world expositions?

If I do today what others are unwilling to do, tomorrow I will be able to accomplish what others
cannot accomplish.

Without a doubt, our top priority now is to deliver food and medical supplies to the disaster-
stricken areas.

Whatever your strengths, as long as you are sincere, helpful, and humorous, you will have true
Travelling alone is far from enough to broaden our horizons.

Many office workers cannot start work without first having a cup of coffee.

74.科学家们想弄清楚的是:经常与动物接触是否能帮助人们有效减轻压力。 (What)
What scientists want to figure out is whether frequent contact with animals can help people
effectively reduce stress.

75. 很多学生意识到学习语言的主要目的不是为了考试,而是为了让自己有更好地认识世界
的能力。 (equip)
Many students realize that the main purpose of learning a language is not for tests, but to equip
themselves with a better ability to understand the world.

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