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I. Brainstorming
1. give an example of video to illustrate the word “brainstorming”
2. Definition of brainstorming:
- Brainstorming is a common practice at american meetings.
3. The purpose:
- The purpose of brainstorming is to express as many ideas as possible on a given question or problem.
- This technique is used to collect all the ideas of the group, without stopping to discuss or evaluate the value
of each suggestion
- First, people brainstorm freely  they narrow down and eliminate the ideas or suggestions that are not
- Brainstorming is a creative process that demand full verbal participation. This method of creating,
exploring and solving problems is foreign to many people who are not culturally comfortable with “blurting
out” ideas
II. Promptness and punctuality
- Promptness and punctuality are major expectations in the American workplace.
- People who keep appointments are considered to be dependavle, and those who donot are seen as
unreliable  it is considered polite to call if one is going to be even a few minutes late
- Arriving ten minutes late to a scheduled business appointment( without having called ahead of time)
is considered rude and conveys a lack of organization. fine their executives for tardiness to
- This American cultural concern with every contrasts with other cultures’ views about time  Time
is money

I. Reactions to work
- The primary motivation of employees is to earn a living.
- People’s attitudes toward their jobs are related to the nature of their work and the rewards they
E.g: - The open environment easy to communicate
- High salary  shows the company’s respect to employees ‘effort  stimulate their spirit
E.g: - New teachers who are not tired of their jobs look for intellectual stimulation and personal
gratification at work although they are typically not highly paid
chém ra thêm kiểu đi làm mà môi trường thân thiện, sếp đánh giá đúng nỗ lực của mình, tăng lương v.v.
tạo động lực cho mình tiếp tục phát triển
So sánh với thực tại lương giáo viên ở Việt Nam cũng đc: không có đãi ngộ tốt, điểm thi vào cao, ko đảm
bảo việc làm  nhiều năm lượng học sinh giỏi thi vào ít  bỏ nghề vì đam mê ko thể kiếm ra tiền chi trả
cho gia đình
II. Jobs in United States
- one’s job is an important facet of personal identity
Eg: “What do you do” = “What are you” = “Who are you” (cái này có thể so sánh với Việt Nam vào
các ngày tết, họ hàng thăm hỏi nhau…)
Gặp một người họ hàng là bác sĩ, thì chúng ta có xu hướng ngưỡng mộ v,v,v trái lại gặp một người
suốt ngày la cà, không làm việc thì chúng ta chê bai

- In American English, asking a child “What do you want to be when you grow up?” = “What kind of
work do you want to do” the importance of job have a big influence ( kiểu từ nhỏ đã đc định
hướng nghề nghiệp.. chém thêm ra các khóa học )
 (cái này

- American society places a stronger emphasis on “doing” (including producing) than on “being”,
work is one of the most important activities in an individual ‘s life. (có thể giải thích being, doing)

- What someone “does” helps to determine that person’s prestige.

Eg: a doctor > a bus driver
an accountant > waitress
- People are “ambivalent toward work”, it is the same time glorified and belittled
Eg: - “America’s competitive spirit, the work ethic of the people, is alive and well”
- “I like my job and am good at it, but it sure grinds me down sometimes and the last thing I need
to take home is headache”

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