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I would like to apply for an Erasmus scholarship to Friedrich Schiller University (2023/2024, 5.


I graduated from Szerb Antal High School in 2020 with excellent grades. During my studies, I have
already known that I want to explore the field of Psychology. I had extra biology, foreign language,
and literature classes, which were crucial subjects in order to be accepted to Károli Gáspár University
of the Reformed Church. I also applied to Benda Kálmán College of Excellence, because I wanted to
gain experience in research and other fields of Psychology as well. I am open-minded and interested
in Psychology related topics and events, which is the reason why I was looking forward to
participating in events like the XVI. Psychotherapy Conference in Budapest or therapeutic summer
camps (with Murmo Organisation). With the help of these voluntary activities, I was able to gain
experience alongside my studies.

Studying at Friedrich Schiller University would allow me to improve both my English and German
skills because of the language of my studies and everyday situations. I was studying German in high
school for 4 years, and received a language certificate during this period. I am excited about future
group projects and presentations in which I can corporate with other students in german and develop
useful communication techniques.

Furthermore, access to the university library would make my overview of academic topics better.
Another important aspect of taking part in the Erasmus program is its positive impact on one's
responsible behaviour and personal growth. By managing life in a different country I would be able to
adapt to changes easier and solve problems quicker, for example about my future accommodation or
public transportation situation.

It is also significant to mention that the university provides various interesting subjects and offers
scientific opportunities, which can serve as an amazing base for academic projects later. I already
have some experience in research (TDK in Hungary), but I would like to expand my knowledge. I am
particularly curious about anatomy and neuropsychology since I would like to study Clinical
Psychology in order to achieve my master's degree. I hope to experience a different point of view on
these topics at Friedrich Schiller University.

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