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1 Warm up

In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1. Do you think that you are a tidy person? Why/ Why not?
2. How often do you clean your house/room? Do you like doing it?
3. Do you have any strategies that allow you to clean or tidy faster?
4. When you finish reading a book, what do you do with that book?

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2 Key words and expressions

Part A: You are going to see a video about organising bookshelves, before watching the introduction
of the video match the underlined words to the definitions below.

1. I had to drop my homework off with my professor before I could leave for the holidays.

2. People used to queue in droves at the Nike shop whenever they released a new pair of trainers.

3. I need to tidy up these cups and get them sorted.

4. The files on the drive were completely out of order and nobody had any idea where to find

5. The shipment of cars is on a boat that is crossing the Atlantic.

6. He didn’t show up until the lecture was almost finished.

a. (phrase) mixed up, disorganised

b. (phr. v) leave somebody or something at a particular place

c. (v) become organised and structured within a system

d. (n) the process of sending goods from one place to another

e. (phr. v) arrive when you have arranged to meet somebody

f. (idiom) in large quantities/in large numbers

Part B: Put the vocabulary from Part A into the correct gaps in the following questions, then use them
to have a conversation with your partner.

1. How do you feel when somebody late to meet you?

2. When Apple releases a new phone, why do people queue up to

buy it?

3. Do you think your future plans for studying English are well organised or do you need to

4. Can you think of any places where you have to your stuff and then
pick it up later?

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3 Listening: predictions

Look at the introduction below, complete it with the vocabulary from the section above then watch
the video and check your answers. Then, read through the situation and with your partner think
about how you could organise the books. Share your ideas with the class.

You work at the college library. You’re in the middle of a quiet afternoon when
suddenly a of 1,280 different books arrives. The books
have been in one long straight line, but they’re all
, and the automatic sorting system is broken. To make matters
worse, classes start tomorrow, which means that first thing in the morning, students will
4 5
looking for these books.
How can you ?

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4 Focus on vocabulary

Let’s look at some vocabulary that will help your understanding of the rest of the video. Match the
following vocabulary to the definitions.

1. subsequent (adj.) a. a particular area or place

2. proper (adj.) b. right or correct, following the rules

3. spot (n) c. a wall that separates one part of an area from another

4. sub-line (n) d. coming after something else

5. partition (n) e. a secondary line

6. lopsided (adj.) f. having one side lower than the other

7. high-stakes (adj.) g. involving serious risks

5 Listening comprehension

Listen to the first two strategies for sorting the mixed-up books (00:39-02:40) and decide if the
following statements are true (T) or false (F). If the statements are false, then correct them.

1. In the first method, if the first two books are in order, then mix them up.

2. The bubble sort approach is easy and fast.

3. The bubble sort method would take over one week to complete.

4. With Insertion Sort, you must match every pair of books.

5. The Insertion Sort approach means you are doing a reasonable number of comparisons.

6 English in action 1: alphabetise your books

Use the cards that the teacher gives you and try to put them in alphabetical order using the two
strategies you just watched in the video. After you have completed the task have a discussion with
your partner using the questions below.

1. Was this task easy or difficult for you to do? Why?

2. Which strategy do you think was the most effective?

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7 Listening for detail

Listen to the rest of the video (02:40-04:35) and select the correct answer to the following questions.

1. First, pick a random book and compare it:

a. to just one book

b. to the book at the end of the line

c. to every other book

d. to the book on top of the pile

2. When looking at the books on the left you can:

a. pick a random partition book

b. pick a particular book

c. pick two books

d. pick a book that starts with A

3. You can keep creating sub-partitions until you have:

a. one small sub-lines

b. a couple of small sub-lines

c. a bunch of small sub-lines

d. hundreds of small sub-lines

4. Each round of partitioning requires:

a. about 1000 comparisons

b. about 1300 comparisons

c. about 1500 comparisons

d. about 1700 comparisons

5. The QuickSort strategy is one of the:

a. most difficult strategies

b. most complex strategies

c. most complicated strategies

d. most efficient strategies

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8 English in action 2: alphabetise your books

Try to order the books again but this time use the third strategy that was presented in the video.
Have a discussion with your partner about which strategy worked the best and if you could integrate
it into your life.

1. Do you think this strategy was better than the first two? Why?
2. Would you use any of these strategies to organise your own books?

9 Talking point

In pairs discuss the following questions.

1. What do you think is the most interesting thing in the video?

2. Would you like to work in a library and help sort out the books?
3. How do you feel when you see things that aren’t in order?
4. Is organising things in alphabetical order a good idea?
5. Do you think people who are tidy have a different type of personality from those who are untidy?

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