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 An electrically neutral particle composed of two or more atoms chemically combined.

 What do we call the fifteen vertical columns in the periodic table?

 No detectable change in the total mass occurs during a chemical reaction.

 Different samples of a pure compound always contain the same elements in the same proportion by mass.

 A scientific tool that gives us an idea about the nature of the bonds and the type of bonding they will undergo to form compounds

 What type of covalent is the electrons are shared equally?

 Covalent bonds are chemical bonds between atoms of nonmetals that share valence electrons

 A wide range of physical properties due to the different types of intermolecular attractions such as different kinds of polar
 What law was discovered in 1774 by Frenchman Antoine Lavoisier.

 when the same compound is formed, the elements will combine in that same proportion by mass.

 In what type of tools in science we will see the mass number and atomic number?

 A scientist who suggested a sun centered system with the earth being one of the planets that revolve around the sun.

 A covalent bond which there is a slight difference in electric charge between opposite sides of the molecule.

 A covalent bond that an atom is slightly negative in charge and one is slightly positive in charge.

 An element either gains or loses electrons be seen on _________

 Who suggested the Big Bang Theory?

 A compound which is composed of neutral molecules

 Who concluded that the earth does not move and the celestial objects rotate around the earth in circular orbits

 A measure of the extent to which a bond exhibits polarity.

 Forces between molecules

 A covalent bond that the atoms remain neutral in __________.

 Protons and Neutrons is part of _____.

 Plum pudding has a positively charge atom and a very small nucleus that been discuss in_______.

 Scientist that contributed his three laws of motion and the concept of gravity

 J.J Thompson, Ernest Rutherford and James Chadwick is the proponent of the study in _____________.

 First scientists to think that the earth was round

 Bond that the atoms remain neutral in charge

 A type of covalent bond that electrons are not shared equally between the two atoms.

 In Limiting and Excess Reactants what law is being involve.

 Electron, protons and neutrons is the core part of _________.

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