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Reproduction: it is the production of an offspring from 2 or more parent

It is split into two parts

Sexually: it requires two gametes joining together like eggs and sperms and have a unique offspring

Asexual: production of an offspring from a single parent

Prokaryotic cells such as bacteria they reproduce through binary fission

What is binary fission: asexual reproduction from a single celled organism and splits into two parts

Binary fission doesn’t not follow the same steps as mitosis, yet they both have same results. They
both reproduce genetically identical offspring

Advantages of asexual: they reproduce so fast and large in numbers. They reproduce genetically
identically. Sexual they reproduce so slow and they are unique.

Disadvantages: asexual reproduction they are genetically identical so when they react to
environment that they are not use to they will all die but sexual reproduction they are unique and
they react to environment they will not be effected.

Plant reproduce through asexual reproduction through mitosis like sea stars , potatoes and flat
worm. Some eukaryotic cells reproduce asexual and some reproduce sexual or asexual it depends on
the condition.

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