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Continuity of life.
Ability of an organism to

produce new individuals.

Distinguishes living thing

from non living thing.

Modes of Reproduction
1. Sexual Reproduction
 Reproduction that involves two
 Gametes from two parents unite

in a process called Fertilization.

 The fertilized cell is referred to as

Zygote which develops into a

new organism.
2. Asexual Reproduction
a new individual, known as
offspring, is produced from a
single parent.
 The parent and the resulting

offspring have the same genes

and this is the reason why they
have the same traits.
 Genetically identical.
Kinds of Asexual Reproduction
1. Vegetative Reproduction
– plants reach maturity faster than
plants grown from seeds
- the same good agricultural traits
such as taste, yield and resistance to
pests will be passed from one
generation to generation
***disadvantage – population might be wiped out if
environmental conditions become unfavorable.
2. Fission
- the cell divides to form two
identical daughter cells. Each
daughter cell continues to grow
until it becomes as large as the
parent cell.
Ex. Protococcus is a round single-
celled alga.
3. Budding
- new individual may form as
an outgrowth of the parent.
- the outgrowth separates
from the parent and becomes a
new individual.
Ex. Yeast, Hydra, and sponges
4. Spore Formation
- Common on Molds and Fungi
5. Regeneration
- Hydra
- starfish

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