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Name: Lief Rian O.

Millagracia Purposive Communication

Section: BSEE 1-1
THE TIE-BACK (page 25)
1. What technology do you often use as part of your everyday lifestyle?
• As a student I usually use cellphone and laptop in my everyday life. These two gadget
or technology is very useful for my studies and social life. The cellphone makes me
always entertained with games and always makes me updated in the daily news or
happenings around me such as the weather. I often use laptop since it is really
convenient in doing school works. I also use aircon and electric fan since it is really hot
in the Philippines and it is really convenient to have them. Rice cooker is also useful in
my everyday life since most of our meal are composed of rice.

2. Do you agree that people of today’s generation would likely to have an instant of
• It is true that advances in technology have made instant access to information, goods
and services more and more common in today's generation. With the advent of
smartphones, high-speed internet and various digital platforms, people have become
more convenient and have access to various resources. From instant communication to
messaging apps and social media, to on-demand entertainment streaming, e-commerce,
and online food delivery, expectations for instant gratification are on the rise.

However, it is important to note that not everyone has equal access to, or can make use
of, these technologies. Although instant access is becoming more prevalent, there are
still disparities in the socioeconomic factors that affect individuals' levels of access to
digital connectivity and these conveniences. In addition, delays and restrictions may
still occur in some areas, such as when the internet infrastructure is not well-developed,
or when complicated work is required and takes time and effort.

All in all, it is not applicable universally or it is not applicable to every people around
the world.

3. How important the access to information nowadays, especially in this time of

• Access to information is really important or crucial especially in the time of pandemic
since, Access to accurate and up-to-date information about the virus, precautions,
vaccination updates, testing locations and treatment options is essential for individuals
to protect themselves and their communities. This helps people make informed
decisions about their health and safety. Information will also help individuals
understand the nature of the pandemic, its impact on society, and the importance of
complying with policies and procedures. This keeps people up to date with the latest
research, guidelines and recommendations from public health officials so they can
make informed decisions and adjust their behavior accordingly.

THE TIE-BACK (page 30)

1. How do social media platforms affect your life?
• Social media platforms have several impacts in my daily life such as it serves as my way
to be connected to love ones. Since social media platforms provide a means for individuals
to connect, communicate, and share information with friends, family, and acquaintances.
They facilitate instant communication, regardless of geographical distance, through
messaging, commenting, and video calls. Social media has made it easier for people to stay
connected and maintain relationships. Social media can also influence me in many ways
due to influencers and content creators on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok
have the power to impact people's preferences and purchasing decisions. Social media
platforms also contribute to the spread of viral content and the amplification of certain
ideas or movements though they are entertaining it can have a bad impact on me and my
behavior. Using different social media platforms also takes a lot of time since social media
platforms can be addictive and time consuming, distracting and slowing down your
productivity. Excessive use of social media can disrupt daily life, disrupt sleep patterns,
and interfere with personal social interaction.

2. What social media platform do you always use and how does it perform in your daily
• I usually use the social media platform Facebook, everyday it takes almost 6 hours of my
time. Facebook is really useful because through it I can communicate to friends, family,
and schoolmates to discuss something important even though they are far away. It is also
entertaining to use it since there are many videos and information that everyone shares such
as memes which has funny contents. The only negative impact of it in my life that I can
think of is that it is addicting and consumes too much of my time which results to less
interaction with the outside world.

3. What is a meme according to the lesson?

• According to the lesson a meme is the humorous pictures or jokes without any text and is
strange to some who don’t know the context. It is also prominent in different social media
platforms and I believe it is entertaining in some way.
Checkpoint (page 33)
Activity: Share one of your experiences when you need technology the most in a particular
situation. Write your own story on the sheet given below.
• As a student the times that I needed technology the most is whenever I have to study, attend
online class, and do school works. I particularly use gadgets such as cell phone and laptop
and internet to do those tasks. I remember back then when there is a time that we don’t
have an internet service and I really needed to attend a class since my prof would be
conducting a quiz, I rushed out to my friend’s house and attended the class there and also
answered the quiz there. Technology is really helpful to me and every other students’ since
as we all know the mode of learning nowadays consists of online mode. Another experience
that I’ve experience where I needed technology the most is when I’ve been attacked by my
asthma and usually it can be calmed down with just inhaler but that time I really found it
difficult to breathe even with the help of my inhaler, then my mom brings out our nebulizer
which made me calm down and I did catch my breathe later. Nebulizer saved us a lot of
time and money and it also saved me that time.

Technology has revolutionized healthcare, leading to better medical treatments and

outcomes. Advanced imaging techniques, telemedicine, wearable devices, electronic
health records, and health monitoring apps have improved diagnostics, patient care, and
disease management. Technology also gives students easy access to vast amounts of
information. Online resources, digital libraries, and educational websites enable students
to explore, explore, and access the latest information wherever they are, expanding
knowledge and learning opportunities.

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