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Name : Naya Nasyabila

Class : TPTP 2B

N.I.R.M :

Here is a reflection I can reflect on my feelings over the past week. Honestly, it's my
first time living in a dorm. I had very little knowledge of how to live in a dormitory. I
found so many new things in my dorm life. I began to be more organized and more
organized in my life. I learned to be more time disciplined, share with one another,
please help, and be together.

In this week, not much has happened to me. I was happy enough to be allowed to
return home for three days from the campus. It's nice to meet parents like mom and
dad. After i finished my day off. I'm back to daily routine on the campus of Polbangtan
Medan. Such as waking up for gymnastics, eating, morning and night apel, and kurve. All
this was done regularly during this university. To be honest, sometimes it's exhausting,
these intense activities sometimes make my the body tired. But also on the other hand
it's good to keep the body healthy because the body will continue to move.

Perhaps this is the only reflection I can convey. Thanks to miss Dr. Dwi Febrimeli,
SP, M.Sc who has given us a chance as students to express our feelings during this

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