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What if I can inspire millions of

human beings to realize their

True Worth and become more
loving towards self through music
that is entertaining and sounds

That is the question I ask myself

and the answer to that question is
what I am manifesting.

I have been making music for

roughly ten years now. I started
making music because I thought
that it would be a cool thing, and
something that would get me
admired. Back then I wasn’t as
self-aware as I am now. I am still
creating music, but with a new
intention. To inspire higher states
in human beings and to reveal the
true hearts’ desire of my listeners.
It has been a journey to say the

I write songs, record them and

perform them. I have both studio
experience and experience on
stage. I sing and I rap.

The reason I am applying for the

sound engineer course is because
I want to create a new sound. I
want to create a sound that no one
has heard before. Something
unique that matches my heart.
I feel like I have the talent and
skill when it comes to writing
lyrics and performing them. Also
getting the sound right in the
booth. Where I want to grow is
the mixing, mastering and
engineering aspect. I want to be
able to rely on myself. I don’t
want a middleman between what
my heart wants to express and
what knobs are being turned in

I have great experience with

computers. I have an easy time
learning and I have the
willingness to dive deep. I have
used Logic Pro for 4-5 years now.
Focused on recording, not

I have heard great things about

SAE. My friend who lives in
Germany has studied at the
school in Bochum. I truly desire

I want to be able to create tracks

from start to finish, with my own
touch and flow. I want to connect
with other creatives and create
collaborative projects which
inspire great audiences. If
someone produces me, I want to
know what he is doing while he is
turning the knobs, so I can come
with input that is clearly
understood. And when I am by
myself I want to be able to carry
out my projects on my own. I
want the feeling that I can rely on
myself, so that when I
collaborate, I join in synergy
because I want to, not because I
feel like I need it. Creative

I worked with a producer in

Stockholm where we recorded a
track. It was an awesome
experience. He told me that he
loves my versatility, and that he
could distinguish my voice
alongside 2000 voices and
appreciated my uniqueness. He
also told me that I am easy to
work with, and that he hadn’t had
a session like this for many years,
where someone just walks in and
knows what to do. He has been
producing for over 20 years.

I have collaborated with people

here and there, but mostly I have
worked on my own. In my
bedroom with my Apollo
Interface and my L22
microphone. Now I want to
expand and dive even deeper.
It has happened countless times
that I can’t sleep and I don’t
know why, and then I get the
nudge to write and record a song.
So I write it and record it, and
realize that my spirit wouldn’t let
me sleep until I expressed my
heart. I really love this. It is my

I really feel drawn to personal

growth and self-discovery. I am
very self-aware. I enjoy getting
closer to my heart and to inspire
others to do the same.

I want to study in the UK because

I want to live in an English
speaking country and London is
one of the best places for
creatives. So much opportunity. I
love networking and building

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