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BlackBerry was originally founded by Mike Lazaridis and Douglas Fraggin in 1984, called
Research In Motion (RIM). They specialized in modems and pagers.
In 2000, BlackBerry released its first internet-connected, totally secure mobile phone, the
Blackberry 957. It could also perform push emails.

Did you know fact – They sold 50 million units at its peak in 2011 and saw a total return of

Fall of Blackberry –
A lot of reasons led to the failure of the biggest smartphone giant. Among them were,
Ignoring the touch screen technology, clunky designs, stubbornness of BBM feature. While
all the tumult and evolution were happening on the Android and Apple front, BlackBerry was
more concerned with protecting what it already had instead of conquering new lands.

Did you know fact -In the year 2016, BlackBerry lost its domination in the mobile market
and there were only 23 million users left as compared to 85 million users in 2013. Later, they
outsourced it's production to TCL.

Suggestions –
If the BlackBerry is to stay relevant, it needs to be revitalized with a brand-new product. The
total revamp of the operating system can’t come soon enough with an improvement in the
hardware. All of this can be in time for the Blackberry 10 release.

Did you know fact - They are coming back with a 5G phone with physical keyboard
technology developed by Onward Mobility, Texas. It is expected to be launched in 2021..

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