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(a) Definition of Force :
Force is an external effort in the form of push and pull which :
(i) produces or tries to produce motion in a body at rest
(ii) stops or tries to stop a moving body
(iii) changes or tries to change the shape and size and the direction of motion of the body.
“Force is the cause which can produce or tries to produces acceleration in the body on which it acts.”

(b) Effects of Force :

A force can produce the following effects :
(i) A force can move a stationary body.
(ii) A force can stop a moving body.
(iii) A force can change the speed of a moving body.
(iv) A force can change the direction of a moving body.
(v) A force can change the shape (and size) of a body.

(c) There are Four Fundamental Force in Nature :

(i) Gravitational force
(ii) Electromagnetic force
(iii) The strong nuclear force
(iv) Weak force

(d) Galileo's Experiments :

(i) Experiment 1:
It was observed by Galileo that when a ball is rolled down on an inclined frictionless plane its speed
increases, whereas if it is rolled up an inclined frictionless plane its speed decreases .If it is rolled
on a horizontal frictionless plane the result must be between the cases describe above i.e. the speed
should remain constant.
It can be explain as : moving down : speed increases, moving up : speed decreases, moving
horizontal : speed remains constant

Fig. 1 : Motion of ball on inclined plane and plane surface

(ii) Experiments 2:
When a ball is released on the inner surface of a smooth hemisphere, it will move to the other side
and reach the same height before coming to rest momentarily. If the hemisphere is replaced by a
surface shown in figure (b) in order to reach the same height the ball will have to move a larger distance.

Fig. 2 : Motion of ball in a bowl

If the other side is made horizontal, the ball will never stop because it will never be able to reach the
same height, it means its speed will not decrease. It will have uniform velocity on the horizontal
surface. Thus, if unbalanced forces do not act on a body, the body will either remain at rest or will
move with a uniform velocity. It will remain unaccelerated.

❖ Newton concluded the idea suggested by Galileo and was formulated in the laws by Newton.


Every body remain in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled by some
external force.
It means a body remain unaccelerated if and only if, the resultant force on it is zero.
In such a case the body is said to be in equilibrium.

(a) Inertia :
(i) Definition of Inertia : The tendency of the body to oppose the change in its states of rest or uniform
motion in a straight line is called inertia. Newton’s first law of motion is also called law of inertia.
(ii) Description : It follows from first law of motion that in absence of any external force, a body
continues to be in its state of rest or in uniform motion along a straight line. In other words, the
body cannot change by itself its position of rest or of uniform motion.
(iii) Inertia Depends upon Mass : We know that it is difficult to move a heavier body than the lighter
one. Similarly it is difficult to stop a moving heavier body than a lighter body moving with the
same velocity. Thus, we conclude that mass of the body is the measure of inertia, more the mass,
more the inertia.

(b) Types of Inertia :

There are three types of Inertia which are :
(i) Inertia of Rest : The tendency of the body to oppose the change in its state of rest when some
external unbalance force is applied on it, is called the inertia of rest.

Example based on Inertia of rest :

Eg : A person sitting in a bus falls backwards when the bus suddenly starts. The reason is that
lower part of his body begins to move along with the bus but the upper part of his body tends to
remain at rest due to inertia of rest.

Eg : If a coin is placed on a thick card over the mouth of a tumbler and the card is given a sudden
jerk, the coin will drop into the tumbler. The reason is that the motion of the card is very quick and
it cannot be imparted to the coin due to inertia of rest.

Fig. 3 : A coin showing inertia of rest

Eg : We beat a carpet with a stick to remove dust particles. When the carpet is beaten, it is suddenly
set into motion. The dust particles tend to remain at rest due to inertia of rest and hence fall off.
Eg : When a branch of a tree is shaken, the fruits get separated from the tree due to inertia of rest.
Eg : A bullet fired from a gun makes a small hole in glass of window while passing through it but
stone breaks it into pieces.
Eg : A pile of carrom coins remain intact when the lowest coin is struck by a striker forcely.

(ii) Inertia of Motion : The tendency of the body to oppose its state of motion when some unbalance
forces are applied on it, is called the inertia of motion.

Example based on Inertia of motion :

Eg : A man carelessly getting down a moving bus falls forward, the reason being that his feet come
to rest suddenly, whereas the upper part of his body retains the forward motion.

Fig. 4

Eg : An athlete runs a certain distance before taking a leap so that the inertia of motion of his body
at the time of leaping may help him in his muscular efforts.
Eg : We remove snow or mud from our shoes by striking them against wall. On striking the wall,
the feet comes to rest whereas the snow which is still in motion separates from the shoes.

(iii) Inertia of Direction : The tendency of a body to oppose any change in its direction of motion is
known as inertia of direction.

Example based on Inertia of direction :
eg : If a car takes a turn along a curved track, the passengers experience a force acting away from
the centre of the curved track. This is the result of tendency of the passenger to continue moving
along a straight path.
eg : Tie a stone to one end of a string and holding other end of the string in hand, rotate the stone in
a horizontal circle. If during rotation, the string breaks at certain stage, the stone is found to fly off
tangentially at that point of the circle.

Fig. 5

eg : The water drops sticking to cycle tyre are found to fly off tangentially.
eg : The sparks produced during sharpening of a knife or a razor against a grinding wheel, leave the
rim of the wheel tangentially.

(c) Definition of force from first law of motion :

According to first law of motion, if there is no force, there is no change in state of rest or of uniform
motion. In other words, if a force is applied, it may change the state of rest or of uniform motion. If the
force is not sufficient, it may not produce a change but only try to do so. Hence force is that which
changes or tries to change the state of rest or of uniform motion of a body in straight line.


(a) Momentum :
(i) Definition : Momentum of a particle may be defined as the quantity of motion possessed by it and
it is measured by the product of mass of the particle and its velocity.
Momentum is a vector quantity and it is represented by p
 p = mv
Unit of momentum :
(In C.G.S. system) → p = mv → gram × cm/s = dyne × s
(In M.K.S. system) → p = mv → kg × m/s = Newton × s

(ii) Description : Suppose a cricket ball is rolling along the ground. Some force will be required to stop
it. If, however it is rolling with larger velocity, a greater force is required to stop it. Again, if a
cricket ball and an iron ball of the same size are made to roll with equal velocities, much greater
force is required to stop the iron ball than cricket ball because the mass of iron ball is greater than
that of cricket ball.
Thus, the force required to stop a moving body is proportional to
(i) its mass
(ii) its linear velocity.
Thus, mass and velocity together increase the motion of the body. The product of two quantities,
the mass and velocity which measures the motion of the body, is called momentum.

(b) Newton's Second Law of Motion :

The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the applied unbalanced forces i.e.
Rate of change of momentum  Force applied.
Let a body is moving with initial velocity u and after applying a force F on it, its velocity becomes v in time t.
Initial momentum of the body p1 = mu
Final momentum of the body p2 = mv
Change in momentum in time t is mv – mu
mv − mu
So rate of change of momentum =
mv − mu
But according to Newton’s second law, F
m(v − u) v−u
or F  Here, = a (acceleration)
t t
So F  ma
or F = kma (Here k is proportionality constant.
If 1N force is applied on a body of mass 1 kg and the acceleration produced in the body is 1 m/s2, then
1 = k × 1 × 1 or k = 1
Hence, F = ma
So the magnitude of the resultant force acting on a body is equal to the product of mass of the body and
the acceleration produced. Direction of the force is same as that of the acceleration.
(c) Units of Force :
(i) In C.G.S. System :
 F = ma → gm × cm/s2 = Dyne
Definition of one dyne :
If m = 1 gm, a = 1 cm/s2, then F = 1 dyne.
When a force is applied on a body of mass 1 gram and the acceleration produced in the body is
1 cm/s2, then the force acting on the body will be one dyne.

(ii) In S.I. System :

F = ma → kg × m/s2 = Newton
Definition of one Newton :
If m = 1 kg and a = 1 m/s2 then by, F = ma
F = 1 × 1 = 1 kg × m/s2 = 1 N.
If a force is applied on a body of mass 1 kg and acceleration produced in the body is 1 m/s2, then
the force acting on the body will be one Newton.

(iii) Kilogram Force (kgf): Kilogram force (kgf) or Kilogram weight (kg. wt.) is force with which a
mass of 1 kg is attracted by the earth towards its centre.
1kgwt = 1kgf = 9.8 N
(iv) Gram Force (gf) : Gram force or gram weight is the force with which a mass of 1 gram is attracted
by the earth towards its centre.
1gwt = 1gf = 981 dyne
About both the units are called gravitational unit of force.
(v) Relation between Newton and dyne.
We know :
1 N = 1kg × 1ms–2
or 1 N = 1000 g × 100 cms–2
or 1 N = 105 g cms–2 = 105 dyne
 1 N = 105 dyne

(d) First Law of Motion by Second Law of Motion :

Description : According to first law of motion, if there is no force, there is no change in state of rest or
of uniform motion. In other words, if a force is applied, it may change the state of rest or of uniform
motion. If the force is not sufficient, it may not produce a change but only try to do so. Hence force is
that which changes or tries to change the state of rest or of uniform motion of a body in straight line.
Hence we get the definition of force from Newton’s first law of motion.
Newton’s first law of motion can be deduced from Newton’s second law of motion.
According to second law of motion,
p 2 − p1 mv − mu
  F= =
t t
if applied force is zero
mv − mu
mv – mu = 0
mv = mu
v=u  it shows inertia of motion
If u = 0, v = 0
Then, v = u  show the inertia of rest
 show the inertia of direction, it means if applied force is zero direction remains the same.
Thus, it follows that a body will continue to be in the state of rest or of uniform motion along a straight
line if no external force acts on it and this is the first law. Thus, first law can be deduced from second
law of motion.

Solved Examples
Example : A ball of mass 100 gm. is moving with a velocity of 15 m/s. Calculate the momentum
associated with the ball.
Solution : Mass of the ball = 100 gm. = kg.
= 0.1 kg.
Velocity of the ball = 15 m/s
So, momentum = mass of the ball × velocity of the ball
= 0.1 kg. × 15 m/s
= 1.5 kg. m/s
Example : What force would be needed to produce an acceleration of 4.0 m/s2 in a ball of mass 6 kg.?
Solution : Acceleration of the ball (a) = 4.0 m/s2
Mass of the ball (m) = 6 kg.
So, Force (F) = mass (m) × Acceleration (a)
F = 6 kg. × 4.0 m/s2
F = 24 kg.m/s2
F = 24 N.

Example : A force F1 acting on a body of 2 kg produces an acceleration of 2.5 m/s2. An other force F2
acting on the another body of mass 5 kg produces an acceleration of 2 m/s2. Find the ratio
Solution : For first body F = ma
F1 = 2 × 2.5 = 5N
For second body F2 = 5 × 2 = 10N
F2 10
So = = 2.
F1 5

Example : A force of 20N acting on a mass m1 produces an acceleration of 4 ms–2. The same force is
applied on mass m2 then the acceleration produced is 0.5 ms–2. What acceleration would the
same force produce, when both masses are tied together?
Solution : For mass m1: F = 20N, a = 4 ms–2
F 20
then m1 = = = 5 kg
a 4
For mass m2 : F = 20N, a = 0.5 ms–2
F 20
then m2 = = = 40 kg
a 0.5
When m1 and m2 are tied together :
Total mass = m1 + m2 = 45 kg, F = 20N
F 20
then a = = = 0.44 ms–2
( m1 + m 2 ) 45


Newton’s third law states that every action is associated with an equal and opposite reaction. Thus in
nature force always occur between pairs of bodies. An one of them called the action and the other
reaction. It is clear from third law that a single force can never exist.
So, according to newton’s third law for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Faction= –Freaction  negative sign indicates that the reaction force is opposite to the direction of force.
(a) Practical Demonstration :
(i) when a ball strikes a wall, the following happens :

Faction = action force = force exerted by the ball on the wall.

Fig. 7 : Motion of ball on striking the wall

Freaction = reaction force = force exerted by the wall on the ball due to reaction force, the ball
bounces back.
(ii) Two similar spring balances A and B joined by hook as shown in the figure. The other end of the
spring balance B is attached to a hook rigidly fixed in a rigid wall.

Fig. 8 : Demonstration- Newton’s third law of motion

The other end of the spring balance A is pulled out to the left. Both balances show the same reading
(20 N) for the force.
The pulled balance A exerts a force of 20N on the balance B. It acts as action, B pulls the balance A
in opposite direction with a force of 20 N. This force is known as reaction.
We conclude that action-reaction forces are equal and opposite and act on two different bodies.

(b) Explanation :
It may be noted that action and reaction occur simultaneously. Action and reaction never act on same
body. Since action and reaction occur in pairs and act on two different bodies, it is impossible to have a
single isolated force.

(c) Examples :
(i) Swimming of a man : The man swims because he pushes water behind (action), water pushes man
forward (reaction).

(ii) Walking of a man : Man pushes the earth behind from right foot (action). Earth pushes the man
forward (reaction). Then the man walks.

Fig. 9

(iii) Flight of jet or rocket : The burnt gases are exhausted from behind with high speed giving the
gases backward momentum (action). The exhausted gases impart the jet or rocket a forward
momentum (reaction). Then jet or rocket moves.

(iv) Gun and bullet : A loaded gun has a bullet inside it. When the gun’s trigger is pressed, the powder
inside cartage explodes. A force of action acts on the bullet and makes the light bullet come out of
the barrel with a high velocity. The heavy gun moves behind (recoils) with a small velocity due to
force of reaction. This is also an example of law of conservation of linear momentum.

(v) Man and boat : A man in a boat near a river bank is at rest. To reach the bank, the man pushes the
boat behind (action), the boat pushes the man forward (reaction). Then man lands on the bank.

Fig. 10 : Jumping of man from boat

(vi) Hose pipe : Water rushes out of the hose pipe with a large velocity due to force of action of the
compressor from behind. The rushing out jet of water pushes the hose pipe behind due to force of
reaction. Then pipe has to be held tightly.

(d) No Action is Possible Without Reaction :

Examples :
(i) A nail cannot be fixed on a suspended wooden ball.
(ii) A paper cannot be cut by scissors of single blade.
(iii) A hanging piece of paper cannot be cut by blade.
(iv) Writing on a hanging page is impossible.
(v) Hitting on a piece of sponge does not produce reaction. You do not enjoy hitting.

(e) Action and Reaction are not Balanced :

Action and reaction, though equal and opposite are not balanced because they act on two different
bodies. In case when they act on two different bodies forming a single system, they become balanced.

(f) Interaction between Bodies at Distance :

We have up till now considered examples where the two bodies are in direct contact with each other.
But interaction takes place even when the two bodies are not in actual contact with each other. For
example, a comb rubbed with dry hair can interact with a piece of paper from a distance. Similarly a
magnet can interact with an iron piece from a distance. Interaction between a falling stone and the earth
also takes place although these are not in actual contact with each other. Thus when one body
influences another body by applying force with or without contact, we say that the first body is
interacting with the second body.


Fig. 11
(g) Any Pair of Equal and Opposite Forces is not an Action-Reaction Pair :
Consider a book kept on a table. We have seen that the table pushes the book in the upward direction.
Then why does not the book fly up? It does not fly up because there is another force on the book pulling
it down. This is the force exerted by the earth on the book, which we call the weight of the book. So,
there are two forces on the book– the normal force, N acting upwards, applied by the table and the
force, W acting downwards, applied by the earth. As the book does not accelerate, we conclude that
these two forces are balanced. In other words, they have equal magnitudes but opposite directions.

Fig. 12 : Equal and opposite forces not necessary will be action-reaction pair

Can we call N the action and W the reaction ? We cannot. This is because, although they are equal and
opposite, they are not forces applied by two bodies on each other. The force N is applied by the table on
the book, its reaction will be the force applied by the book on the table. Weight W is the force applied
by the earth on the book, its reaction will be the force applied by the book on the earth.
So, although N and W are equal and opposite, they do not form an action–reaction pair.


(a) Fundamental Forces :
All forces observed in nature such as muscular force, tension, reaction, friction, weight, electric,
magnetic, nuclear, etc., can be explained in terms of only following four basic interactions.

(i) Gravitational Force : The force of interaction which exists between two particles of masses m1 and m2,
due to their masses is called gravitational force. The gravitational force acts over long distances and does
not need, any intervening medium. Gravitational force is the weakest force of nature.

(ii) Electromagnetic Force : Force exerted by one particle on the other because of the electric charge
on the particles is called electromagnetic force. Following are the main characteristics of
electromagnetic force
(I) These can be attractive or repulsive.
(II) These are long range forces.
(III) These depend on the nature of medium between the charged particles.
(IV) All macroscopic forces (except gravitational) which we experience as push or pull or by
contact are electromagnetic, i.e., tension in a rope, the force of friction, normal reaction,
muscular force, and force experienced by a deformed spring are electromagnetic forces. These
are manifestations of the electromagnetic attractions and repulsions between atoms/molecules.

(iii) Nuclear Force : It is the strongest force. It keeps nucleons (neutrons and protons) together inside
the nucleus inspite of large electric repulsion between protons. Radioactivity, fission, and fusion,
etc. results because of unbalancing of nuclear forces. It acts within the nucleus that too upto a very
small distance. It does not depends on charge and acts equally between a proton and proton, a
neutron and neutron, and proton and neutron, electrons does not experience this force. It acts for
very short distance order of 10–15 m.

(iv) Weak Force : It acts between any two elementary particles. Under its action a neutron can change
into a proton emitting an electron and a particle called antineutrino. The range of weak force is very
small, in fact much smaller than size of a proton or a neutron.
It has been found that for two protons at a distance of 1 fermi :
FN : FEM : FW : FG :: 1 : 10–2 : 10–7 : 10–38

(b) Classification Forces on the Basis of Contact :

On the basis of contact forces are classified into two categories
(i) Contact forces
(ii) Non contact or field forces
(i) Contact force : Forces which are transmitted between bodies by short range atomic molecular
interactions are called contact forces. When two objects come in contact they exert contact forces
on each other. e.g. Normal, Tension etc.

(ii) Field force or Non Contact Force : Force which acts on an object at a distance by the interaction
of the object with the field produced by other object is called field force. e.g. Gravitational force,
Electro magnetic force etc.

(c) Detailed Analysis of Contact Force :

(i) Normal force (N) : It is the component of contact force perpendicular to the surface. It measures
how strongly the surfaces in contact are pressed against each other. It is the electromagnetic force.
e.g.1 A table is placed on Earth as shown in figure

Fig. 14 (a)

Here table presses the earth so normal force exerted by four legs of table on earth are as shown in figure.

Fig. 14 (b)
e.g.2 A boy pushes a block kept on a frictionless surface.

Fig. 14 (c)

Fig. 14 (d)
A block is kept on inclined surface. Component of its weight presses the surface perpendicularly
due to which contact force acts between surface and block.

Fig. 14 (e)
Normal force exerted by block on the surface of inclined plane is shown in figure. Here normal force is
a component of weight of the body perpendicular to the inclined surface i.e. N = mgcos

Fig. 14 (f) : Normal force

Force acts perpendicular to the surface

Mind it : Normal is a dependent force it comes in role when one surface presses the other.

(ii) Tension : Tension is the magnitude of pulling force exerted by a string, cable, chain, rope etc.
When a string is connected to a body and pulled out, the string said to be under tension. It pulls the
body with a force T, whose direction is away from the body and along the length of the string.
Usually strings are regarded to be massless and unstretchable, known as ideal string.

Fig. 15 : Tension in string

Mind it : • Tension in a string is an electromagnetic force and it arises only when string is pulled. If a
massless string is not pulled, tension in it is zero.
• String can not push a body in direct contact.

(iii) Force Exerted by spring : A spring is made of a coiled metallic wire having a definite length.
When it is neither pushed nor pulled then its length is called natural length.
At natural length the spring does not exert any force on the objects attached to its ends. If the spring
is pulled at the ends, its length becomes larger than its natural length, it is known as stretched or
extended spring. Extended spring pulls objects attached to its ends.

If the spring is pushed at the ends, its length becomes less than natural length. It is known as
compressed spring. A compressed spring pushes the objects attached to its ends.

Fig. 16 : Spring force

Mind it : Spring force is also electromagnetic in nature :

(iv) Friction force : When a body is moving on a rough surface resistance to the motion occurs because of
the interaction between the body and its surroundings. We call such resistance as force of friction.
Friction is also considered as component of contact force which acts parallel to the surfaces in contact.
(I) Origin of friction : The frictional force arises due to molecular interactions between the
surfaces at the points of actual contact. When two bodies are placed one over other, the actual
area of contact is much smaller than the total surface areas of bodies. The molecular forces
starts operating at the actual points of contact of the surfaces. Molecular bonds are formed at
these contact points. When one body is pulled over the other, these bonds are broken, and the
material get deformed and new bonds are formed. The local deformation sends vibrations into
the bodies. These Vibrations ultimately dumps out and energy of vibrations appears as heat.
Hence to start or carry on the motion, there is a need of force.

Fig. 17 : Molecular view of surfaces

(II) Statics and Kinetic Frictions :
• Experiment :
(1) Consider a block placed on a table, and a small force F1 is acted on it. The block does not move. It
indicates that the frictional force is starts acting in opposite direction of applied force and its
magnitude is equal of F1 (figure b). That is for the equilibrium of the block, we have
F1 – fs = 0 or F1 = fs
The force of friction when body is in state of rest over the surface is called static friction (fs).
(2) As the applied force increases the frictional force also increases. When the applied force is
increased up to a certain limit (F2) such that the block is on the verge of motion. The value of
frictional force at this stage is called limiting friction flim (figure c).

Fig. 18 : Force of friction on block

(3) Once the motion started, the smaller force is now necessary to continue the motion (F3) and thus
frictional force decreases. The force of friction when body is in state of motion over the surface is
called kinetic or dynamic friction fk (figure d).

Fig. 19 : Variation of friction with applied force

(III) More about frictional force :

(1) About static friction :
• The limiting friction depends on the materials of the surfaces in contact and their state of polish.
• The magnitude of static friction is independent of the apparent area of contact so long as the normal
reaction remains the same.
• The limiting friction is directly proportional to the magnitude of the normal reaction between the
two surfaces i.e. flim= sN. Here s is coefficient of static friction.
 We can write, s =

(2) About kinetic friction :
• The kinetic friction depends on the materials of the surface in contact.
• It is also independent of apparent area of contact as long as the magnitude of normal reaction
remains the same.
• Kinetic friction is almost independent of the velocity, provided the velocity is not too large not too small.
• The kinetic friction is directly proportional to the magnitude of the normal reaction between the surfaces.
fk = k N. Here k is coefficient of kinetic friction.
 We can write, k =
(3) There are two types of kinetic frictions:
• Sliding friction : The force of friction when one body slides over the surface of the another body is
called sliding friction.

Fig. 20
• Rolling friction : When a wheel rolls without slipping over a horizontal surface, there is no relative
motion of the point of contact of the wheel with respect to the plane. Theoretically for a rolling
wheel the frictional force is zero. This can only possible when bodies in contact are perfectly rigid
and contact of wheel with the surface is made only at a point. But in practice no material body is
perfectly rigid and therefore bodies get deformed when they pressed each other. The actual area of
their contact no longer remains a point, and thus a small amount of friction starts acting between the
body and the surface. Here frictional force is called rolling friction. It is clear from above
discussion that rolling friction is very much smaller than sliding friction.

Fig. 21
flim > fkinetic > frolling.

Mind it : s and k are dimensionless quantities and independent of shape and area of contact. It is a property
of two contact surfaces. s will always be greater than k .Theoretical value of  can be o to  but
practical value is 0 <   1.6

(d) Conservative & Non-conservative Force :

(i) Conservative Force : A force is said to be conservative if the amount of work done in moving an
object against that force is independent on the path. One important example of conservative force is
the gravitational force. It means that amount of work done in moving a body against gravity from
location A to location B is the same whichever path we may follow in going from A to B. This is
illustrated in figure.

Fig. 22 : Conservative force

A force is conservative if the total work done by the force on an object in one complete round is
zero, i.e. when the object moves around any closed path (returning to its initial position).
A force is conservative if there is no change in kinetic energy in one complete round. KE = 0
This definition illuminates an important aspect of a conservative force viz. Work done by a
conservative force is recoverable. Thus in figure, we shall have to do mgh amount of work in
taking the body from A to B. However, when body is released from B, we recover mgh of work.
Other examples of conservative forces are spring force, electrostatic force etc.

(ii) Non-Conservative Force : A force is non-conservative if the work done by that force on a particle
moving between two points depends on the path taken between the points.
The force of friction is an example of non-conservative force. Let us illustrate this with an
instructive example.
Suppose we were to displace a book between two points on a rough horizontal surface (such as a
table). If the book is displaced in a straight line between the two points, the work done by friction is
simply FS where :
F = force of friction ;
S = distance between the points.
However, if the book is moved along any other path between the two points (such as a semicircular
path), the work done by friction would be greater than FS. Finally, if the book is moved through
any closed path, the work done by friction is never zero, it is always negative. Thus the work done
by a non-conservative force is not recoverable, as it is for a conservative force.

(e) System :
Two or more than two objects which interact with each other form a system.
Classification of forces on the basis of boundary of system :
(i) Internal Forces : Forces acting with in a system among its constituents.
(ii) External Forces : Forces exerted on the constituents of a system by the outside surroundings are
called as external forces.

(f) Free Body Diagram :

A free body diagram consists of a diagrammatic representations of single body or a subsystem of bodies
isolated from surroundings showing all the forces acting on it.
(i) Steps for F.B.D.
Step I : Identify the object or system and isolate it from other objects, clearly specify its boundary.
Step II : First draw non-contact external force in the diagram, generally it is weight.
Step III : Draw contact forces which acts at the boundary of the object of system. Contact forces
are normal, friction, tension and applied force. In F.B.D, internal forces are not drawn only external
are drawn.

(g) Translatory Equilibrium :

When several forces acts on a body simultaneously in such a way that resultant force on the body is zero,
F = 0 with F = Fi the body is said to be in translatory equilibrium. Here it is important to note that :
(i) As if a vector is zero all its components must vanish i.e. in equilibrium as -
F = 0 with F =  Fi = 0

F x =0; Fy =0; Fz =0

So in equilibrium forces along x axes must balance each other and the same is true for other directions.
If a body is in translatory equilibrium it will be either at rest or in uniform motion. If it is at rest,
equilibrium is called static, otherwise dynamic.

(ii) Static equilibrium can be divided into following three types :
(I) Stable equilibrium : If on slight displacement from equilibrium position a body has a tendency to
regain its original position it is said to be in stable equilibrium. In case of stable equilibrium
potential energy is minimum and so center of gravity is lowest.

Fig. 23 (a)

(II) Unstable equilibrium : If on slight displacement from equilibrium position a body moves in the
direction of displacement, the equilibrium is said to be unstable. In this situation potential energy of
body is maximum and so center of gravity is highest.

Fig. 23 (b)

(III) Neutral equilibrium : If on slight displacement from equilibrium position a body has no tendency
to come back to its original position or to move in the direction of displacement, it is said to be in
neutral equilibrium. In this situation potential energy of body is constant and so center of gravity
remains at constant height.

Fig. 23 (c) : Different position of objects showing equilibrium

(h) Newton's 2nd law of motion and its applications :

(i) Newtons 2nd law of motion :The rate of change of linear momentum of a body is directly
proportional to the applied force and the change takes place in the direction of the applied force.
In relation F = ma the force F stands for the net external force. Any internal force in the system is
not to be included in F .
In S.I. the absolute unit of force is newton (N) and gravitational unit of force is kilogram weight or
kilogram force (kgf.)

Mind it : The absolute unit of force remains the same everywhere, but the gravitational unit of force varies
from place to place because it depends on the value of g.

(ii) Applications of Newton’s 2nd Law :

(I) When objects are in equilibrium : Steps to solve problem involving objects in equilibrium :
Step 1 : Make a sketch of the problem.
Step 2 : Isolate a single object and then draw the free-body diagram for the object. Label all
external forces acting on it.
Step 3 : Choose a convenient coordinate system and resolve all forces into rectangular components
along x and Y direction.
Step 4 : Apply the equations F x = 0 and Fy =0.
Step 5 : Step 4 will give you two equations with several unknown quantities. If you have only two
unknown quantities at this point, you can solve the two equations for those unknown quantities.
Step 6 : If step 5 produces two equations with more than two unknowns, go back to step 2 and
select another object and repeat these steps. Eventually at step 5 you will have enough equations to
solve for all unknown quantities.

(II) Accelerating Objects : Steps to solve problems involving objects that are in accelerated motion :
Step 1 : Make a sketch of the problem.
Step 2 : Isolate a single object and then draw the free - body diagram for that object. Label all
external forces acting on it. Be sure to include all the forces acting on the chosen body, but be
equally careful not to include any force exerted by the body on some other body. Some of the
forces may be unknown, label them with algebraic symbols.
Step 3 : Choose a convenient coordinate system, show location of coordinate axis explicitly in the
free-body diagram, and then determine components of forces with reference to these axis and
resolve all forces into x and y components.
Step 4 : Apply the equations  Fx = max & F y = may.
Step 5 : Step 4 will give two equations with several unknown quantities. If you have only two
unknown quantities at this point, you can solve the two equations for those unknown quantities.
Step 6 : If step 5 produces two equations with more than two unknowns, go back to step 2 and
select another object and repeat these steps. Eventually at step 5 you will have enough equations to
solve for all unknown quantities.

(i) Weighing Machine and Spring balance :

(i) Weighing machine : A weighing machine does not measure the weight but measures the force
exerted by object on its upper surface.
(ii) Spring Balance : It does not measure the weight. It measures the force exerted by the object at the
hook. Symbolically, it is represented as shown in figure. A block of mass ‘m’ is suspended at hook. When
spring balance is in equilibrium, we draw the F.B.D. of mass m for calculating the reading of balance.

Fig. 24 : Spring balance showing weight of object

F.B.D. of ‘m’.

mg – T = 0
T = mg
Magnitude of T gives the reading of spring balance.

Solved Examples
Example : Two blocks are kept in contact on a smooth surface as shown in figure. Draw normal force
exerted by A on B.

Solution : In above problem, block A does not push block B, so there is no molecular interaction between
A and B. Hence normal force exerted by A on B is zero.
Example : A block of mass ‘m’ is kept on the ground as shown in figure.

(i) Draw F.B.D. of block.

(ii) Are forces acting on block forms action- reaction pair.
(iii) If answer is no, draw action reaction pair.
Solution : (i) F.B.D. of block

(ii) ‘N’ and mg are not action -reaction pair. Since pair act on different bodies, and they are of
same nature.
(iii) Pair of ‘mg’ of block acts on earth in opposite direction.

and pair of ‘N’ acts on surface as shown in figure.

Example : Two sphere A and B are placed between two vertical walls as shown in figure. Draw the free
body diagrams of both the spheres.

Solution : F.B.D. of sphere ‘A’ :

F.B.D. of sphere ‘B’ :

(exerted by A)

Mind it : Here NAB and NBA are the action - reaction pair (Newton’s third law).
Example : Draw F.B.D. for systems shown in figure below.
Solution :

Example : A ‘block’ of mass 10 kg is suspended with string as shown in figure.

Find tension in the string. (g = 10 m/s2).

Solution : F.B.D. of block

For equilibrium of block along Y axis

F y =0
T – 10 g = 0
 T = 100 N

Example : Two blocks are kept in contact as shown in figure. Find :-

(a) forces exerted by surfaces (floor and wall) on blocks.
(b) contact force between two blocks.

Solution :
A : F.B.D. of 10 kg block
N1 = 10 g = 100 N ....... (1)
N2 = 100 N ......... (2)

F.B.D. of 20 kg block
N2 = 50 sin 30º + N3
N3 = 100 – 25 = 75 N
& N4 = 50 cos 30º + 20 g
N4 = 243.30 N

Example : The system shown in figure is in equilibrium. Find the magnitude of tension in each string ;
T1, T2, T3 and T4. (g = 10 m/s2).

Solution : F.B.D. of 10 kg block

For equilibrium of block along Y axis.
F y =0
T0 = 10g
T0 = 100 N
F.B.D. of point ‘A’
F y =0
T2 cos 30º = T0 = 100 N
 T2 = N

F x =0
T1 = T2 . sin 30º
200 1 100
= . = N.
3 2 3
F.B.D. of point of ‘B’
F y = 0  T4 cos 60º = T2 cos 30º
 T4 = 200 N
and F x = 0  T3 + T2 sin30º = T4 sin 60º
 T3 = N

Example : A force F is applied horizontally on mass m1 as shown in figure. Find the contact force between
m1 and m2.

Solution : Considering both blocks as a system to find the common acceleration.

Common acceleration
a= ....... (1)
( m1 + m 2 )

To find the contact force between ‘A’ and ‘B’ we draw F.B.D. of mass m2.
F.B.D. of mass m2
F x = max
N = m2 . a
m2F  F 
N=  sin cea = 
( 1
m + m 2)  m 1 + m 2 

Example : Find magnitude of force exerted by string on pulley.

Solution : B. F.B.D. of 10 kg block :

T = 10 g = 100 N
F.B.D. of pulley :

Since string is massless, so tension in both sides of string is same.

So magnitude of force exerted by string on pulley
= (100 )2 + (100 )2 = 100 2 N

Mind it : Since pulley is in equilibrium position, so net forces on it is zero.

Example : A block of mass 50 kg is kept on another block of mass 1 kg as shown in figure. A horizontal
force of 10 N is applied on the 1Kg block. (All surface are smooth). Find : (g = 10 m/s2)
(a) Acceleration of blocks A and B.
(b) Force exerted by ground on A.

Solution : (a) F.B.D. of 50 kg

N2 = 50 g = 500 N
along horizontal direction, there is no force aB = 0
(b) F.B.D. of 1 kg block :

along horizontal direction

10 = 1 aA.
aA = 10 m/s2
along vertical direction
N1 = N2 + 1g
= 500 + 10 = 510 N

Example : A 5 kg block has a rope of mass 2 kg attached to its underside and a 3 kg block is suspended from
the other end of the rope. The whole system is accelerated upward at 2 m/s2 by an external force F0.
(a) What is F0 ?
(b) What is the net force on rope ?
(c) What is the tension at middle point of the rope ? (g = 10 m/s2)

Solution : For calculating the value of F0.

F.B.D of whole system
(a) F0 –100 = 10 × 2
F0 = 120 N ...........(1)

(b) According to Newton’s second law, net force on rope.

F = ma = 2 × 2
= 4N ............ (2)
(c) For calculating tension at the middle point we draw F.B.D. of 3 kg block with half of the
rope (mass 1 kg) as shown.

T = 48 N

Example : One end of string which passes through pulley and connected to 10 kg mass at other end is
pulled by 100 N force. Find out the acceleration of 10 kg mass. (g =9.8 m/s2)

Solution : Since string is pulled by 100 N force. So tension in the string is 100 N
F.B.D. of 10 kg block
100 – 10 g = 10 a
100 – 10 × 9.8 = 10 a
a = 0.2 m/s2.

Example : A man of mass 60 Kg is standing on a weighing machine placed on ground. Calculate the
reading of machine (g = 10 m/s2).

Solution : For calculating the reading of weighing machine, we draw F.B.D. of man and machine
F.B.D of man

Here force exerted by object on upper surface is N Reading of weighing machine

N = Mg = 60 × 10
 N = 600 N.

Example : A block of mass 20 kg is suspended through two light spring balances as shown in figure .
Calculate the

(1) reading of spring balance (i). (2) reading of spring balance (ii).
Solution : For calculating the reading, first we draw F.B.D.of 20 kg block.
F.B.D. 20 kg

mg – T = 0  T = 20 g = 200 N
Since both the balances are light so, both the scales will read 200 N.

Example : (i) A 10 kg block is supported by a cord that runs to a spring scale, which is supported by
another cord from the ceiling figure (a). What is the reading on the scale ?
(ii) In figure (b) the block is supported by a cord that runs around a pulley and to a scale. The
opposite end of the scale is attached by cord to a wall. What is the reading of the scale.
(iii) In figure (c) the wall has been replaced with a second 10 kg block on the left, and the
assembly is stationary. What is the reading on the scale now ?

Solution : In all the three cases the spring balance reads 10 kg. To understand this let us cut a section
inside the spring as shown;

As each part of the spring is at rest, so F= T. As the block is stationary, so T= 10g = 100N.

Example : Show that Pull is easier than push.

❖ Push : Consider a block of mass m placed on rough horizontal surface. The coefficient of static friction
between the block and surface is  . Let a push force F is applied at an angle  with the horizontal.

As the block is in equilibrium along y-axis, so we have F y = 0;

or N = mg + F sin 
To just move the block along x-axis, we have
F cos  =  N =  (mg + F sin )
or F = .......(i)
cos  −  sin 
❖ Pull : Along y-axis we have ;

F y = 0;
 N = mg – F sin 
To just move the block along x-axis, we have
  mg 
F cos  =  N =  (mg-F sin ) or F=   . ....... (ii)
 cos  +  sin  
It is clear from above discussion that pull force is smaller than push force.
Example : Discuss the direction of friction in the following cases :
(i) A man walks slowly, without change in speed.
(ii) A man is going with increasing speed.
(iii) When cycle is gaining speed.
(iv) When cycle is slowing down.
Solution : (i) Consider a man walks slowly without acceleration, and both the legs are touching the
ground as shown in figure (a). The frictional force on rear leg is in forward direction and on
front leg will be on backward direction of motion.
As a = 0,
 Fnet = 0 or f1 – f2 = 0  f1 = f 2 & N1 = N2.

(ii) When man is gaining the speed : The frictional force on rear leg f1 will be greater than
frictional force on front leg f2 (fig. b).
f1 − f 2
 acceleration of the man, a =
(iii) When cycle is gaining speed : In this case torque is applied on the rear wheel of the cycle
by the chaingear system. Because of this the slipping tendency of the point of contact of the
rear wheel is backward and so friction acts in forward direction. The slipping tendency of point
of contact of front wheel is forward and so friction acts in backward direction. If f1 and f2 are
f1 − f 2
the frictional forces on rear and front wheel, then acceleration of the cycle a = , where M
is the mass of the cycle together with rider (fig. a).

(iv) When cycle is slowing down : When torque is not applied (cycle stops pedaling), the
slipping tendency of points of contact of both the wheels are forward, and so friction acts in
backward direction (fig. b). If f1 and f2 are the frictional forces on rear and front wheel, then
f1 + f 2

Example : A block of mass 25 kg is raised by a 50 kg man in two different ways as shown in fig.. What is
the action on the floor by the man in the two cases ? If the floor yields to a normal force of 700
N, which mode should the man adopt to lift the block without the floor yielding.

Solution : The FBD for the two cases are shown in figure.
In Ist case, let the force exerted by the man on the floor is N1. Consider the forces inside the
dotted box, we have N1 = T + 50 g.

Block is to be raised without acceleration, so
T = 25 g.
 N1 = 25 g + 50 g
= 75 g = 75 × 9.8 = 735 N
In IInd case, let the force exerted by the man on the floor in N2 . Consider the forces inside the
dotted box, we have
N2 = 50 g – T and T = 25 g
N2 = 50 g – 25 g
= 25 g = 25 × 9.8 = 245 N.
As the floor yields to a downward force of 700 N, so the man should adopt mode II.

Example : Figure shows a weighing machine kept in a lift is moving upwards with acceleration of 5 m/s2. A
block is kept on the weighing machine. Upper surface of block is attached with a spring balance.
Reading shown by weighing machine and spring balance is 15 kg and 45 kg respectively.

Answer the following questions. Assume that the weighing machine can measure weight by
having negligible deformation due to block, while the spring balance requires larger expansion.
(take g = 10 m/s2)
(i) Find the mass of the object in kg and the normal force acting on the block due to weighing chine?
(ii) Find the acceleration of the lift such that weighing machine shows its true weight ?

Solution : (i)

T + N – Mg = Ma
45 g + 15 g = M(g + a)
450 + 150 = M (10 + 5)
M = 40 kg
Normal force is the reaction applied by weighing machine i.e. 15 × 10 = 150 N.


T + N – Mg = Ma
45 g + 40 g = 40 (g + a)
450 + 400 = 400 +40 a
450 45
a= = m/s2
40 4




1. Which of the following class of forces is different from others?
(A) Pulling of a cart (B) Stretching of a coiled spring
(C) Kicking of a football (D) Weight of the body

2. External forces are :

(A) always balanced (B) never balanced
(C) may or may not be balanced (D) none of these

3. When a body is stationary :

(A) There is no force acting on it
(B) The forces acting on it are not in contact with it
(C) The combination of forces acting on it balance each other
(D) The body is in vacuum

4. A body is in translatory equilibrium if :

(A) Resultant force on it is zero (B) It is at rest
(C) It is in uniform motion (D) All options are correct

5. A particle is in straight line motion with uniform velocity. A force is not required :
(A) To increase the speed (B) To decrease the speed
(C) To keep the speed constant (D) To change the direction

6. When a constant force is applied to a body, it moves with uniform :

(A) Acceleration (B) Velocity (C) Speed (D) Momentum

7. An object will continue accelerating until :

(A) Resultant force on it begins to decrease
(B) Its velocity changes direction
(C) The resultant force on it is zero
(D) The resultant force is at right angles to its direction of motion

8. When a force of constant magnitude always act perpendicular to the motion of a particle then :
(A) Velocity is constant (B) Acceleration is constant
(C) K.E. is constant (D) None of these

9. If a force is conservative :
(A) Work is path independent (B) Work is path dependent
(C) Potential energy remains constant (D) none of these

10. Which of the following is non-conservative force?

(A) Electrostatic force (B) Gravitational force (C) Viscous force (D) Spring force

11. A constant force acts on a body of mass m at rest for t seconds and then ceases to act. in next t seconds
the body travels a distance x, magnitude of force is.
mx mx
(A) 2
(B) (C) mxt (D) mxt2
t t

12. A force of 10 N is applied on a body of 2 kg mass at rest. The distance travelled by the body in 2 sec. is:
(A) 10 m (B) 20 m (C) 30 m (D) 40 m


1. A rider on horseback falls when horse starts running all of a sudden because
(A) Rider is taken back
(B) Rider is suddenly afraid of falling
(C) Inertia of rest keeps the upper part of body at rest whereas lower part of the body moves forward
with the horse
(D) None of the above

2. When a train stops suddenly, passengers in the running train feel an instant jerk in the forward direction
(A) The back of seat suddenly pushes the passengers forward
(B) Inertia of rest stops the train and takes the body forward
(C) Upper part of the body continues to be in the state of motion whereas the lower part of the body in
contact with seat remains at rest
(D) Nothing can be said due to insufficient data

3. Inertia is that property of a body by virtue of which the body is

(A) Unable to change by itself the state of rest
(B) Unable to change by itself the state of uniform motion
(C) Unable to change by itself the direction of motion
(D) Unable to change by itself the state of rest and of uniform linear motion

4. A man getting down a running bus falls forward because

(A) Due to inertia of rest, road is left behind and man reaches forward
(B) Due to inertia of motion upper part of body continues to be in motion in forward direction while
feet come to rest as soon as they touch the road
(C) He leans forward as a matter of habit
(D) Of the combined effect of all the three factors stated in (A), (B) and (C)

5. A boy sitting on the topmost berth in the compartment of a train which is just going to stop on a railway
station, drops an apple aiming at the open hand of his brother sitting vertically below his hands at a
distance of about 2 meter. The apple will fall
(A) Precisely on the hand of his brother
(B) Slightly away from the hand of his brother in the direction of motion of the train
(C) Slightly away from the hand of his brother in the direction opposite to the direction of motion of the
(D) None of the above

6. Newton's first law of motion describes the following
(A) Energy (B) Work (C) Inertia (D) Moment of inertia

7. A person sitting in an open car moving at constant velocity throws a ball vertically up into air. The ball falls
(A) Outside the car (B) In the car ahead of the person
(C) In the car to the side of the person (D) Exactly in the hand which threw it up

8. A bird weighs 2 kg and is inside a closed cage of 1 kg. If it starts flying, then what is the weight of the
bird and cage assembly
(A) 1.5 kg (B) 2.5 kg (C) 3 kg (D) 4 kg

9. A particle is moving with a constant speed along a straight line path. A force is not required to
(A) Increase its speed (B) Decrease the momentum
(C) Change the direction (D) Keep it moving with uniform velocity

10. A mass of 1 kg is suspended by a string A. Another string C is connected to its lower end (see figure).
If a sudden jerk is given to C, then

(A) The portion AB of the string will break (B) The portion BC of the string will break
(C) None of the strings will break (D) The mass will start rotating

11. In the above Question, if the string C is stretched slowly, then

(A) The portion AB of the string will break (B) The portion BC of the string will break
(C) None of the strings will break (D) None of the above


1. If a bullet of mass 5 gm moving with velocity 100 m /sec, penetrates the wooden block upto 6 cm. Then
the average force imposed by the bullet on the block is
(A) 8300 N (B) 417 N (C) 830 N (D) Zero

2. Newton's second law gives the measure of

(A) Acceleration (B) Force (C) Momentum (D) Angular momentum

3. A force of 100 dynes acts on mass of 5 gm for 10 sec. The velocity produced is
(A) 2 cm/sec (B) 20 cm/sec (C) 200 cm/sec (D) 2000 cm/sec

4. A person is standing in an elevator. In which situation he finds his weight less than actual when
(A) The elevator moves upward with constant acceleration
(B) The elevator moves downward with constant acceleration.
(C) The elevator moves upward with uniform velocity
(D) The elevator moves downward with uniform velocity
5. A diwali rocket is ejecting 0.05 kg of gases per second at a velocity of 400 m/sec. The accelerating
force on the rocket is
(A) 20 dynes (B) 20 N (C) 22 dynes (D) 1000 N

6. A body of mass 2 kg moving on a horizontal surface with an initial velocity of 4 m/sec comes to rest
after 2sec. If one wants to keep this body moving on the same surface with a velocity of 4 m/sec, the
force required is
(A) 8 N (B) 4 N (C) Zero (D) 2 N

7. A body of mass 2 kg is hung on a spring balance mounted vertically in a lift. If the lift descends with an
acceleration equal to the acceleration due to gravity 'g', the reading on the spring balance will be
(A) 2 kg (B) 20 kg (C) 5 kg (D) Zero

8. In the above problem, if the lift moves up with a constant velocity of 2 m/sec, the reading on the
balance will be
(A) 2 kg (B) 4 kg (C) Zero (D) 1 kg

9. In the above problem if the lift moves up with an acceleration equal to the acceleration due to gravity,
the reading on the spring balance will be
(A) 2 kg (B) 1 kg (C) 3 kg (D) 4 kg

10. If the tension in the cable of 1000 kg elevator is 1000 kg weight, the elevator
(A) Is accelerating upwards (B) Is accelerating downwards
(C) May be at rest or accelerating (D) May be at rest or in uniform motion

11. A man weighing 80 kg is standing in a trolley weighing 320 kg. The trolley is resting on frictionless
horizontal rails. If the man starts walking on the trolley with a speed of 1 m / s, then after 4 sec his
displacement relative to the ground will be
(A) 5 m (B) 4.8 m (C) 3.2 m (D) 3.0 m


1. Swimming is possible on account of

(A) First law of motion (B) Second law of motion
(C) Third law of motion (D) Newton's law of gravitation

2. When we jump out of a boat standing in water it moves

(A) Forward (B) Backward (C) Sideways (D) None of the above

3. You are on a frictionless horizontal plane. How can you get off if no horizontal force is exerted by
pushing against the surface
(A) By jumping (B) By spitting or sneezing
(C) By rolling your body on the surface (D) By running on the plane

4. On a stationary sail-boat, air is blown at the sails from a fan attached to the boat. The boat will
(A) Remain stationary
(B) Spin around
(C) Move in a direction opposite to that in which air is blown
(D) Move in the direction in which the air is blown

5. A man is at rest in the middle of a pond on perfectly smooth ice. He can get himself to the shore by
making use of Newton's
(A) First law (B) Second law (C) Third law (D) All the laws

6. A cannon after firing recoils due to

(A) Conservation of energy (B) Backward thrust of gases produced
(C) Newton's third law of motion (D) Newton's first law of motion

7. A body floats in a liquid contained in a beaker. If the whole system as shown in figure falls freely under
gravity, then the upthrust on the body due to liquid is

(A) Zero (B) Equal to the weight of liquid displaced

(C) Equal to the weight of the body in air (D) None of these

8. Newton's third law of motion leads to the law of conservation of

(A) Angular momentum (B) Energy
(C) Mass (D) Momentum

9. A man is carrying a block of a certain substance (of density 1000 ) weighing 1 kg in his left hand and a
bucket filled with water and weighing 10 kg in his right hand. He drops the block into the bucket. How
much load does he carry in his right hand now
(A) 9 kg (B) 10 kg (C) 11 kg (D) 12 kg

10. A man is standing on a balance and his weight is measured. If he takes a step in the left side, then
(A) Will decrease (B) Will increase
(C) Remains same (D) First decreases then increases

11. A man is standing at a spring platform. Reading of spring balance is 60 kg wt. If man jumps outside
platform, then reading of spring balance
(A) First increases then decreases to zero (B) Decreases
(C) Increases (D) Remains same

12. A cold soft drink is kept on the balance. When the cap is open, then the weight
(A) Increases (B) Decreases
(C) First increases then decreases (D) Remains same

13. Action and reaction forces act on

(A) The same body (B) The different bodies
(C) The horizontal surface (D) Nothing can be said

14. A bird is sitting in a large closed cage which is placed on a spring balance. It records a weight of 25 N.
The bird (mass m = 0.5 kg) flies upward in the cage with an acceleration of 1 m/s2. The spring balance
will now record a weight of
(A) 24 N (B) 25 N (C) 26 N (D) 27 N

15. A light spring balance hangs from the hook of the other light spring balance and a block of mass M kg
hangs from the former one. Then the true statement about the scale reading is
(A) Both the scales read M/2 kg each
(B) Both the scales read M kg each
(C) The scale of the lower one reads M kg and of the upper one zero
(D) The reading of the two scales can be anything but the sum of the reading will be M kg


1. As an inclined plane is made slowly horizontal by reducing the value of angle  with horizontal, the
component of weight parallel to the plane of a block resting on the inclined plane-
(A) decreases (B) remains same
(C) increases (D) increases if the plane is smooth

2. The engine of a car produces acceleration 4 m/s2 in the car. If this car pulls another car of same mass.
What will be the acceleration produced-
(A) 1 m/s2 (B) 1.5 m/s2 (C) 2 m/s2 (D) 4 m/s2

3. A force of 6N acts on a body at rest of mass 1 kg. During this time, the body attains a velocity of 30
m/s. The time for which the force acts on the body is-
(A) 10 seconds (B) 8 seconds (C) 7 seconds (D) 5 seconds

4. If the tension in the cable of 1000 kg elevator is 1000 kg weight, the elevator
(A) is accelerating, upwards (B) is accelerating downwards
(C) may be at rest or accelerating (D) may be at rest or in uniform motion

5. Two bodies of 5 kg and 4 kg are tied to a string as shown in the fig. If the table and pulley both are
smooth, acceleration of 5 kg body will be equal to-

g 4g 5g
(A) g (B) (C) (D)
4 9 9

6. A spring toy weighing 1 kg on a weighing machine suddenly jumps upward. A boy standing near the
toy notices that the scale of the balance reads 1.05 kg. In this process the maximum acceleration of the
toy is- (g = 10m sec–2)
(A) 0.05 m sec–2 (B) 0.5 m sec–2 (C) 1.05 m sec–2 (D) 1 m sec–2

7. A lift is ascending with an acceleration of 2 m/sec2, what will be the apparent weight of a person of 60 kg
mass in it-
(A) 720N (B) 72N (C) 48N (D) 480N



1. Two blocks are in contact on a frictionless table. One has mass m and the other 2m.A force F is applied
on 2m as shown in the figure. Now the same force F is applied from the right on m. In the two cases
respectively, the ratio of force of contact between the two blocks will be :

(A) Same (B) 1 : 2 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 1 : 3

2. Two forces of 6N and 3N are acting on the two blocks of 2kg and 1kg kept on frictionless floor. What
is the force exerted on 2kg block by 1kg block ?:

(A) 1N (B) 2N (C) 4N (D) 5N

3. When a motor car of mass 1500 kg is pushed on a road by two persons, it moves with a small uniform
velocity. On the other hand if this car is pushed on the same road by three persons, it moves with an
acceleration of 0.2 m/s2. Assume that each person is producing the same muscular force. Then, the
force of friction between the tyres of the car and the surface of the road is :
(A) 300 N (B) 600 N (C) 900 N (D) 100 N

4. A dish of mass 10 g is kept horizontally in air by firing bullets of mass 5 g each at the rate of 100 per
second. If the bullets rebound with the same speed, what is the velocity with which the bullets are fired:
(A) 0.49 m/s (B) 0.098 m/s (C) 1.47 m/s (D) 1.96 m/s

5. A block of metal weighing 2 kg is resting on a frictionless plank. If struck by a jet releasing water at a
rate of 1 kg/s and at a speed of 5 m/s. The initial acceleration of the block will be :
(A) 2.5 m/s2 (B) 5.0 m/s2 (C) 10 m/s2 (D) none of the above

6. A constant force F is applied in horizontal direction as shown. Contact force between M and m is N and
between m and M is N then

(A) N = N (B) N > N

(C) N > N (D) cannot be determined

7. STATEMENT-1 : Block A is moving on horizontal surface towards right under action of force. All
surface are smooth. At the instant shown the force exerted by block A on block B is equal to net force
on block B.

STATEMENT-2 : From Newtons’s third law, the force exerted by block A on B is equal in magnitude
to force exerted block B on A
(A) statement-1 is true, Statement 2 is true, statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) statement-1 is true, Statement 2 is true, statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) statement-1 is true, Statement 2 is false
(D) statement-1 is False, Statement 2 is True

8. Which figure represents the correct F.B.D. of rod of mass m as shown in figure :

(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these

9. STATEMENT-1 :According to the newton’s third law of motion, the magnitude of the action and
reaction force is an action reaction pair is same only in an inertial frame of reference.
STATEMENT-2 : Newton’s laws of motion are applicable in every inertial reference frame.
(A) statement-1 is true, Statement 2 is true, statement-2 is correct explanation for statement 1.
(B) statement-1 is true, Statement 2 is true, statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) statement-1 is true, Statement 2 is false
(D) statement-1 is False, Statement 2 is True

10. A mass M is suspended by a rope from a rigid support at A as shown in figure. Another rope is tied at
the end B, and it is pulled horizontally with a force F. If the rope AB makes an angle  with the vertical
in equilibrium, then the tension in the string AB is :

(A) F sin  (B) F /sin  (C) F cos  (D) F / cos 

11. In the system shown in the figure, the acceleration of the 1kg mass and the tension in the string
connecting between A and B is :

g 8g g g g 6 g
(A) downward, (B) downward, (C) downward, g (D) downward, g
4 7 4 7 7 7 2

12. A body of mass 8 kg is hanging from another body of mass 12 kg. The combination is being pulled by a
string with an acceleration of 2.2 m s–2. The tension T1 and T2 will be respectively : (Use g =9.8 m/s2)

(A) 200 N, 80 N (B) 220 N, 90 N (C) 240 N, 96 N (D) 260 N, 96 N

13. Four blocks are kept in a row on a smooth horizontal table with their centres of mass collinear as shown
in the figure. An external force of 60 N is applied from left on the 7 kg block to push all of them along
the table.
The forces exerted by them are :

(A) 32 N by P on Q (B) 28 N by Q on P
(C) 12 N by Q on R (D) 4 N by S on R

14. Three masses of 1 kg, 6 kg and 3 kg are connected to each other by threads and are placed on table as
shown in figure. What is the acceleration with which the system is moving ? Take g = 10 m s–2:

(A) Zero (B) 1 ms–2 (C) 2 m s–2 (D) 3 m s–2

15. The pulley arrangements shown in figure are identical the mass of the rope being negligible. In case I,
the mass m is lifted by attaching a mass 2m to the other end of the rope. In case II, the mass m is lifted
by pulling the other end of the rope with a constant downward force F= 2 mg, where g is acceleration
due to gravity. The acceleration of mass in case I is :

(A) Zero (B) More than that in case II

(C) Less than that in case II (D) Equal to that in case II

16. A 50 kg person stands on a 25 kg platform. He pulls massless rope which is attached to the platform via
the frictionless, massless pulleys as shown in the figure. The platform moves upwards at a steady
velocity if the force with which the person pulls the rope is :

(A) 500 N (B) 250 N (C) 25 N (D) 50 N

17. Figure shows four blocks that are being pulled along a smooth horizontal surface. The masses of the
blocks and tension in one cord are given. The pulling force F is :

(A) 50 N (B) 100 N (C) 125 N (D) 200 N

18. A10 kg monkey climbs up a massless rope that runs over a frictionless tree limb and back down to a
15 kg package on the ground. The magnitude of the least acceleration the monkey must have if it is to
lift the package off the ground is :

(A) 4.9 m/s2 (B) 5.5 m/s2 (C) 9.8 m/s2 (D) none of these

19. Two blocks, each of mass M, are connected by a massless string, which passes over a smooth massless
pulley. Forces F act on the blocks as shown. The tension in the string is :

(A) Mg (B) 2 Mg (C) Mg + F (D) none of these

20. Two blocks of mass m each is connected with the string which passes over fixed pulley, as shown in
figure. The force exerted by the string on the pulley P is :

(A) mg (B) 2 mg (C) 2 mg (D) 4 mg

21. One end of a massless rope, which passes over a massless and frictionless pulley P is tied to a hook C
while the other end is free. Maximum tension that rope can bear is 360 N, with what minimum safe
acceleration (in m/s2) can a monkey of 60 kg move down on the rope :

(A) 16 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 8

22. Two persons are holding a rope of negligible weight tightly at its ends so that it is horizontal. A 15 kg
weight is attached to the rope at the midpoint which now no longer remains horizontal. The minimum
tension required to completely straighten the rope is :
(A) 15 kg
(B) kg
(C) 5 kg
(D) Infinitely large (or not possible)

23. In the figure, the blocks A, B and C of mass each have acceleration a1, a2 and a3 respectively. F1 and F2 are
external forces of magnitudes 2 mg and mg respectively then which of the following relations is correct :

(A) a1 = a2 = a3 (B) a1 > a2 > a3 (C) a1 = a2 , a2 > a3 (D) a1 > a2 , a2= a3

24. In the given figure. What is the reading of the spring balance:

(A) 10 N (B) 20 N (C) 5 N (D) Zero

25. In the two cases shown below, the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the surface is the
same, and both the blocks are moving with the same uniform speed. Then,

(A) F1 = F2 (B) F1 < F2

(C) F1 > F2 (D) F1 = 2F2 if sin = Mg/4F2

26. A spring balance is attached to 2 kg trolley and is used to pull the trolly along a flat surface as shown in
the fig. The reading on the spring balance remains at 10 kg during the motion. The acceleration of the
trolly is (Use g= 9.8 ms–2) :

(A) 4.9 ms–2 (B) 9.8 ms–2 (C) 49 ms–2 (D) 98 ms–2

27. A body of mass 32 kg is suspended by a spring balance from the roof of a vertically operating lift and
going downward from rest. At the instants the lift has covered 20 m and 50 m, the spring balance
showed 30 kg & 36 kg respectively. The velocity of the lift is :
(A) Decreasing at 20 m & increasing at 50 m
(B) Increasing at 20 m & decreasing at 50 m
(C) Continuously decreasing at a constant rate throughout the journey
(D) Continuously increasing at constant rate throughout the journey

28. A ship of mass 3 × 107 kg initially at rest is pulled by a force of 5 × 104 N through a distance of 3m.
Assume that the resistance due to water is negligible, the speed of the ship is :
(A) 1.5 m/s (B) 60 m/s (C) 0.1 m/s (D) 5 m/s

29. When a horse pulls a cart, the force needed to move the horse in forward direction is the force exerted
by :
(A) The cart on the horse (B) The ground on the horse
(C) The ground on the cart (D) The horse on the ground

30. A 2.5 kg block is initially at rest on a horizontal surface. A 6.0 N horizontal force and a vertical force P
are applied to the block as shown in figure. The coefficient of static friction for the block and surface is
0.4. The magnitude of friction force when P = 9N : (g = 10 m/s2)

(A) 6.0 N (B) 6.4 N (C) 9.0 N (D) zero

31. A block is placed at an inclined plane making angle of 60° with horizontal. The coefficient of friction
between block and plane is 0.25. If g = 10 m/s2 then the acceleration of block will be-
(A) 8.66 m/s2 (B) 5 m/s2 (C) 7.41 m/s2 (D) 2.5 m/s2

32. A body of mass 5 kg starts from the origin with an initial velocity u = 30 i + 40 j ms–1. If a constant

force F = – ( i + 5 j ) N acts on the body, the time in which the y-component of the velocity becomes
zero is :
(A) 5 s (B) 20 s (C) 40 s (D) 80 s

33. A vehicle of mass m is moving on a rough horizontal road with momentum P. If the coefficient of
friction between the tyres and the road be , then the stopping distance is :
P P2 P P2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 mg 2mg 2m 2 g 2m 2 g

34. A block of mass 20 kg is acted upon by a force F = 30 N at an angle 53° with the horizontal in
downward direction as shown. The coefficient of friction between the block and the horizontal surface
is 0.2. The friction force acting on the block by the ground is (g = 10 m/s2)

(A) 40.0 N (B) 30.0 N (C) 18.0 N (D) 44.8 N

35. A bock of mass 5 kg is held against wall by applying a horizontal force of 100N. If the coefficient of
friction between the block and the wall is 0.5, the frictional force acting on the block is : (g =9.8 m/s2)

(A) 100 N (B) 50 N (C) 49 N (D) 24.9 N

36. The ratio of the weight of a man in a stationary lift and when it is moving downward with uniform
acceleration ‘a’ 3:2. The value of ‘a’ is : (g = acceleration, due to gravity)
(A) (3/2)g (B) g (C) (2/3) g (D) g/3

37. STATEMENT-1 : A man standing in a lift which is moving upward, will feel his weight to be greater
than when the lift was at rest.
STATEMENT-2 : If the acceleration of the lift is ‘a’ upward then the man of mass m shall feel his
weight to be equal to normal reaction (N) exerted by the lift given N = m (g+a) (where g is acceleration
due to gravity
(A) statement-1 is true, Statement 2 is true, statement-2 is correct explanation for statement 1.
(B) statement-1 is true, Statement 2 is true, statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) statement-1 is true, Statement 2 is false
(D) statement-1 is False, Statement 2 is True

38. In which of the following cases the net force is not zero ?
(A) A kite skillfully held stationary in the sky
(B) A ball freely falling from a height
(C) An aeroplane rising upward at an angle of 45° with the horizontal with a constant speed
(D) A cork floating on the surface of water.

39. Figure shows the displacement of a particle going along the X-axis as a function of time. The force
acting on the particle is zero in the region.

(A) AB (B) BC (C) CD (D) DE

40. Figure shows the displacement of a particle going along the x-axis as a function of time :

(A) The force acting on the particle is zero in the region AB

(B) The force acting on the particle is zero in the region BC
(C) The force acting on the particle is zero in the region CD
(D) The force is zero no where
41. A force of magnitude F1 acts on a particle so as to accelerate it from rest to velocity v. The force F1 is
then replaced by another force of magnitude F2 which decelerates it to rest.
(A) F1 must be the equal to F2
(B) F1 may be equal to F2
(C) F1 must be unequal to F2
(D) None of these

42. In a imaginary atmosphere, the air exerts a small force F on any particle in the direction of the particle’s
motion. A particle of mass m projected upward takes a time t1 in reaching the maximum height and t2 in
the return journey to the original point. Then
(A) t1 < t2
(B) t1 > t2
(C) t1 = t2
(D) The relation between t1 and t2 depends on the mass of the particle

43. A single force F of constant magnitude begins to act on a stone that is moving along x axis. The stone
continues to move along that axis. Which of the following represents the stone’s position ?
(A) x = 5t – 3 (B) x = 5t2 + 8t – 3
(C) x = –5t2 + 5t – 3 (D) x = 5t3 + 4t2 – 3

44. Three forces act on a particle that moves with unchanging velocity v = (3 î – 4 j ) m/s. Two of the

forces are F1 = (3 i + 2 j – 4 k ) N and F2 = (–5 i + 8 j + 3 k ) N. The third force is :

(A) (–2 i + 10 j – 7 k ) N (B) (2 i – 10 j + k ) N

(C) (7 i – 2 k + 10 j ) N (D) none of these

45. An 80 kg person is parachuting and experiencing a downward acceleration of 2.5 m/s2. The mass of the
parachute is 5.0 kg. The upward force on the open parachute from the air is : (g = 9.8 m/s2)
(A) 620.50 N (B) 740 N (C) 800 N (D) 920 N

46. A block of mass m is pulled on the smooth horizontal surface with the help of two ropes, each of mass
m, connected to the opposite faces of the block. The forces on the ropes are F and 2F. The pulling force
on the block is :

(A) F (B) 2F (C) F/3 (D) 3F/2




1. A fully loaded elevator has a mass of 6000 kg. The tension in the cable as the elevator is accelerated
downward with an acceleration of 2ms–2 is (Take g = 10 ms–2) (KVPY/2007)
4 4 4 4
(A) 7·2 × 10 N (B) 4.8 × 10 N (C) 6 × 10 N (D) 1.2 × 10 N
2. A light string goes over a frictionless pulley. At its one end hangs a mass of 2 kg and at the other end
hangs a mass of 6 kg. Both the masses are supported by hands to keep them at rest. When the masses
are released, they begin to move and the string gets taut.
(Take g = 10 ms–2) The tension in the string during the motion of the masses is : (KVPY/2008)
(A) 60 N (B) 30 N (C) 20 N (D) 40 N

3. A block of mass M is at rest on a plane surface inclined at an angle  to the horizontal The magnitude
of force exerted by the plane on the block is : (KVPY/2009)
(A) Mg cos (B) Mg sin  (C) Mg tan (D) Mg
4. A block of mass M rests on a rough horizontal table. A steadily increasing horizontal force is applied
such that the block starts to slide on the table without toppling. The force is continued even after sliding
has started. Assume the coefficients of static and kinetic friction between the table and the block to be
equal. The correct representation of the variation of the frictional forces, ƒ, exerted by the table on the
block with time t is given by : (KVPY/2010)

(A) (B) (C) (D)

5. A soldier with a machine gun, falling from an airplane gets detached from his parachute. He is able to
resist the downward acceleration if he shoots 40 bullets a second at the speed of 500 m/s. If the mass of
a bullet is 49 gm, what is the mass of the man with the gun ? Ignore resistance due to air and assume
the acceleration due to gravity g = 9.8 m/s2. (KVPY/2010)
(A) 50 kg (B) 75 kg (C) 100 kg (D) 125 kg

6. A certain force applied to a body A gives it an acceleration of 10 ms–2. The same force applied to body
B gives it an acceleration of 15 ms–2. If the two bodies are joined together and same force is applied to
the combination, the acceleration will be : (IJSO/Stage-I/2011)
(A) 6 ms–2 (B) 25 ms–2 (C) 12.5 ms–2 (D) 9 ms–2

7. A small child tries to move a large rubber toy placed on the ground. The toy does not move but gets
deformed under her pushing force ( F ) which is obliquely upward as shown. Then (KVPY/2011)

(A) The resultant of the pushing force ( F ), weight of the toy, normal force by the ground on the toy and
the frictional force is zero.
(B) The normal force by the ground is equal and opposite to the weight of the toy.
(C) The pushing force ( F ) of the child is balanced by the equal and opposite frictional force
(D) The pushing force ( F ) of the child is balanced by the total internal force in the toy generated due to

8. On a horizontal frictional frozen lake, a girl (36 kg) and a box (9kg) are connected to each other by
means of a rope. Initially they are 20 m apart. The girl exerts a horizontal force on the box, pulling it
towards her. How far has the girl travelled when she meets the box? (KVPY/2011)
(A) 10 m (B) Since there is no friction, the girl will not move
(C) 16 m (D) 4m

9. Which of the following does NOT involve friction ? (IJSO/Stage-I/2011)

(A) Writing on a paper using a pencil (B) Turning a car to the left on a horizontal road.
(C) A car at rest parked on a sloping ground (D) Motion of a satellite around the earth.

10. An object with uniform density  is attached to a spring that is known to stretch linearly with applied
force as shown below

When the spring object system is immersed in a liquid of density 1 as shown in the figure, the spring
stretches by an amount x1 ( > 1). When the experiment is repeated in a liquid of density 2 < 1, the
spring is stretched by an amount x2. Neglecting any buoyant force on the spring, the density of the
object is: (KVPY/2011)
1 x 2 −  2 x 1
1 x1 −  2 x 2 1 x 2 +  2 x1 1 x1 +  2 x 2
(A)  = (B)  = x 2 − x1 (C)  = (D)  =
x1 − x 2 x1 + x 2 x1 + x 2

11. A body of 0.5 kg moves along the positive x - axis under the influence of a varying force F (in Newtons) as
shown below : (KVPY/2011)

If the speed of the object at x = 4m is 3.16 ms–1 then its speed at x = 8 m is :

(A) 3.16 ms–1 (B) 9.3 ms–1 (C) 8 ms–1 (D) 6.8 ms–1

12. When a car turns on a curved road, you are pushed against one of the doors of the car because of :
(A) inertia (B) the centripetal force
(C) the centrifugal force (D) the frictional force

13. What is the reading of the spring balance shown in the figure below? (IJSO/Stage-I/2012)

(A) 0 (B) 2N (C) 4N (D) 6N

14. A girl holds a book of mass m against a vertical wall with a horizontal force F using her finger so that the
book does not move. The frictional force on the book by the wall is – (KVPY/2012)
(A) F and along the finger but pointing towards the girl
(B) µF upwards where µ is the coefficient of static friction
(C) mg and upwards
(D) Equal and opposite to the resultant of F and mg

15. A rectangular parallelepiped with sides a, b and c in the ration 3 : 2 : 1 is kept on a uniformly rough
horizontal surface as shown in the figures below. The value of limiting friction is (IJSO/Stage-I/2014)

(A) Same in all cases (B) Minimum in (ii) (C) Minimum in (iii) (D) Minimum (i)

16. If two bodies of different masses, initially at rest, are acted upon by the same force for the same time,
then both bodies acquire the same (IJSO/Stage-I/2014)
(A) Velocity (B) acceleration (C) momentum (D) kinetic energy

17. It is more difficult to walk on a sandy road than on a concrete road. The most appropriate reason for this
is (IJSO/Stage-I/2014)
(A) the sand is grainy but concrete is solid
(B) the friction between sand and feet is less than that between concrete and feet
(C) the friction between sand and feet is more than that between concrete and feet
(D) sand is soft and concrete is hard

18. A body is in equilibrium under the combined action of several forces then : (IJSO/Stage-I/2015)
(A) all the forces must be applied at the same point
(B) all the forces form pairs of equal and opposite forces
(C) the sum of the torques about any point must always be equal to zero
(D) the lines of action of all the forces must pass through the centre of gravity of the body.
19. The "reaction" force does not cancel the "action" force because (IJSO/Stage-I/2015)
(A) the action force is greater than the reaction force
(B) the reaction force exists only after the action force is removed
(C) the reaction force is greater than the action force
(D) they act on different bodies
20. A wooden block (W) is suspended by using a cord from a heavy steel ball (B). The entire system is
dropped from a height. Neglecting air resistance, the tension in the cord is (IJSO/Stage-I/2016)
(A) Zero (B) The differences in the masses of B & W
(C) The differences in the weights of B & W (D) The weight of B
21. A circus performer of weight W is standing on a wire as shown in the adjacent figure. The tension in
the wire is (IJSO/Stage-I/2016)

w w w w
(A) Approximately (B) Approximately (C) Much more than (D) Much less than
4 2 2 2

22. An empty office chair is at rest on a floor. Consider the following forces : (IJSO/Stage-I/2017)
I - A downward force of gravity, II - An upward force exerted by the floor,
III - A net downward force exerted by the air.
Then, which of the force (s) is (are) acting on the office chair?
(A) I only
(B) I and II
(C) I, II and III
(D) none of the forces. (Since the chair is at rest there are no forces acting upon it.)

23. Persons A and B are standing on the opposite sides of a 3.5 m wide water stream which they wish to cross.
Each one of them has a rigid wooden plank whose mass can be neglected. However, each plank is only
slightly longer than 3 m. So they decide to arrange them together as shown in the figure schematically. With
B (mass 17 kg) standing, the maximum mass of A, who can walk over the plank is close to, (KVPY/2017)

(A) 17 kg. (B) 65 kg. (C) 80 kg. (D) 105 kg

24. In a very heavy lorry moving on the road with slightly flattened tyres : (IJSO/Stage-II/2009)
(A) only rolling friction is involved
(B) both rolling and kinetic friction are involved.
(C) only kinetic friction is involved.
(D) the type of friction depends on the speed of the lorry.

25. A block of mass 5 kg is to be drageed along a rough horizontal surface having s = 0.5 and k = 0.3.
The horizontal force applied for dragging it is 20 N. Acceleration of the block in m/s2 and frictional
force acting on the block in N are respectively. (IJSO/Stage-II/2011)
(A) 0, 20 (B) 30,15 (C) 30,25 (D) 0,15

26. Had newton and Einstein shaken their hands, which fundamental force they would have exerted on each
other (During shaking their hands) ? (IJSO/Stage-II/2011)
(A) Frictional (B) Electromagnetic (C) Gravitational (D) Mechanical

27. A ball falls from rest through air and eventually reaches a constant velocity. For this fall, force X and Y
vary with time as shown. (IJSO/Stage-II/2014)
Which of the following should be force X and Force Y?

Force X Force Y
(A) Air Resistance Resultant Force
(B) Air Resistance Weight
(C) Up thrust Resultant Force
(D) Up thrust Weight

28. A person is riding a bicycle in vertical portion accelerating forward without slipping on a straight horizontal
road. What is / are the direction (s) of the total force exerted by the road on front (P) and the rear (Q) wheel?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

29. An overhead crane is being erected to construct a multi storied building. The horizontal arm of the
crane has a linear mass density of 100 kg/m and is 50 m in length. Its short arm on the opposite side of
the support is 5 m long. A pulley block on the long arm, which can be moved along the arm, weighs
500 kg. Ignore the mass of the vertical frame. The vertical frame will twist and break if there is an
excess imbalance of more than 10 percent. What is the minimum counter balance required on the short
arm which is to be installed on a permanent basis. (IJSO/Stage-II/2014)
(A) 27000 kg (B) 29750 kg (C) 26750 kg (D) 25000 kg

30. A smooth flat horizontal turntable 4.0 m in diameter is rotating at 0.050 revs per second. A student at
the centre of the turntable, and rotating with it, Places a smooth flat puck on the turntable 0.50 m from
the edge. Which of the following figures describes the motion of the puck as seen by a stationary
observer who is standing at the side of the turntable and above the turntable? (IJSO/Stage-II/2014)

(A) (B) (C) (D)

31. Air of density ρ, moving with velocity v strikes normally on an inclined surface (having area A) of a
wedge of mass m kept on a horizontal surface. Collisions are perfectly elastic (No loss of kinetic
energy). Minimum coefficient of static friction between wedge and the horizontal surface, for the
wedge to be stationary, is (IJSO/Stage-II/2015)

Av 2 2Av 2 sin  Av 2 tan 

(A) (B) (C) (D) tan θ
mg + Av 2 cos  mg + 2Av 2 cos  mg

32. In an old Sherlock Holmes movie, a criminal kept a 12.5 cm long knife (mass 1 kg), in a 15 cm thick
book (excluding thickness of the covers) with a spring trap. The spring has 25 turns each of 1 mm
thickness. The spring is fixed at the back cover and the knife presses the spring to its maximum when
the front cover is closed so that the turns touch each other. The design is such that if the book is held in
front of the body and opened, the knife gets detached from the spring and hits the reader (Sherlock
Holmes in this case). Unstretched length of the spring is equal to thickness of the book. However,
Sherlock Holmes was too smart and hence he opened the book in such a way that the knife flew
vertically upwards. All the energy of the spring is given to the knife which just reached the ceiling, at a
height of 5 m from the tip of the knife and got stuck there. Calculate the spring constant which satisfies
the equation F = – kx. (IJSO/Stage-II/2017)
(A) 160/9 N/mm (B) 40/9 N/mm (C) 40 N/mm (D) 6.4 N/mm

33. A stone of mass m falls from a height H on soft muddy ground and sinks to a depth of H/2. Assume that the
mud exerts a constant resistive force of magnitude F. Neglecting air resistance, F is (INJSO 2019)
(A) 2mg (B) mg/2 (C) 3mg (D) mg

34. Two blocks A and B are in contact with each other and are placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. A
force of 90 N is applied horizontally on block A (situation I) and the same force is applied horizontally on
block B (situation II). Mass of A is 20 kg and B is 10 kg. Then the correct statement is
(IOQJS (Part-II) 2020)

(A) Since both the blocks are in contact, magnitude of force by block A on B will be 90 N (situation l) and
magnitude of force by block B on A will also be 90 N (situation II)
(B) Magnitude of force by block A on B is 30 N (situation I) and magnitude of force by block B on A is 60
N (situation II)
(C) Magnitude of force by block A on B is 60 N (situation I) and magnitude of force by block B on A is 30
N (situation II)
(D) The 90 N force will produce acceleration of different magnitudes in A and B

35. Two blocks M1 and M2 of masses 3kg and 6kg respectively are connected through a
string and spring balance B1. The string passes over a massless and frictionless pulley
P. The pulley is suspended from a rigid support through spring balance B2. Strings are
massless and inextensible. Masses of spring balances are negligible. The system is
released from rest. At the instant when masses M1 and M2 are moving with same
speed (g = 9.8 m/sec2) (NSEJS 2022)

(A) Reading of B1 is 4.5 kg wt

(B) Reading of B1 is 4.0 kg wt
(C) Reading of B2 is 19.8 kg wt
9.8 –2
(D) Acceleration of M1 is ms


1. A force F varies with time according to F = 4 + 12t, where F is in Newton and t in seconds. The force
acts on a block of mass m = 2.00 kg, which is initially at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface. F
makes an angle of 30° with the horizontal. When will the force lift the body from the surface? What
will the velocity of the body be at that instant? (IJSO/Stage-II/2009)
2. A ball of mass 0.250 kg moves on frictionless horizontal floor and hits a vertical wall with speed
5.0m/sec. The ball rebounds with speed 40m/sec. If the ball was in content with the wall for 0.150 sec,
find the average force that acted on the ball. If the force is assumed to vary with time as shown in the
figure, deduce the maximum force that acted on the ball.
A second harder ball of identical mass to the first also bounces of the wall with same initial and final
speed, but syays in contact with the wall for only 0.125 sec. What is the maximum force exerted by the
wall on this ball? (IJSO/Stage-II/2011)

3. A ball of mass 10 kg, moving at 50 ms–1 in NE direction is forced to move at 10 ms–1 in SE direction in 10
sec by an application of a constant force. Find the force vector (magnitude and angle with respect to east).
4. A food packet of mass 20 kg is dropped from a helicopter at rest, in air. The packet falls under gravity.
It gains a kinetic energy of 5000 J when it acquires terminal velocity (constant velocity) due to air
resistance. The force of air resistance F is given by F = – kv. Calculate the value of k.
5. Pralay pushes two solid cubical boxes P and Q (that stay in contact) along a rough horizontal table by
applying a horizontal force F on P. Box P has a mass of 4.0 kg and box Q has a mass of 8.0 kg having
same density. Coefficients of kinetic friction between block P and table 0.4 and that between block Q
and table is 0.6. (IJSO/Stage-II/2016)
(I) Calculate F, if both the boxes are moving with constant speed.
(II) Determine magnitude and direction of the resultant reaction force exerted by the table on the block Q.
(III) Draw a labeled diagram in right proportion indicating all the forces acting on both the blocks.


Answer Key


1. D 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. C
8. C 9. A 10. C 11. A 12. A


1. C 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. D
8. C 9. D 10. B 11. A


1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. D
8. A 9. D 10. D 11. C


1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. A
8. D 9. C 10. C 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. B
15. B


1. A 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. A


Ques. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. B C B B A B D C D B C C ACD C C B D A A A
Ques. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans. C D B A CD C B C B A C C D C C D A B A AB
Ques. 41 42 43 44 45 46
Ans. B B B B A C



Ques. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. B B D A C A A D D B D A B C A C B C D A
Ques. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Ans. C B C C A B A A A B B D C B B,D

33 3 3
1. ms–1 2. 180 N 3. 50.99 N, tan–1   4. k = 80
2 
2 
5. (I) 64 N , (II) 93.29 N

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