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The WowME Project

The little project with great social impact

The WowMe project is a chance for you to create a small digital product (see examples below) that
would have high social impact along with demonstrate your foreign language and intercultural ability.
Basically, you will work for 3 weeks with students from Australia or New Zealand to finish this project.
You are not constrained by any genre; in other words, you are free to make ANY kind of digital product,
but you should focus on the theme of Intercultural Communication and you should ensure the following
four points on your little digital product: A) it should be digital, B) it should show your foreign language
ability, C) it should demonstrate your intercultural skills, and D) it should be a product with high social
value (i.e., it should have a positive impact on society AND others in society should want to engage
with your product). When it comes to foreign language ability, please keep in mind that students from
New Zealand and Australia must use Chinese while students from Taiwan must use English. Specifically,
students from Taiwan are expected to operate at a high intermediate to advanced level on English, while
students from New Zealand and Australia should demonstrate an elementary level on Chinese and are
allowed to use Roman pinyin based on the instruction they have received. Based on this expected
language proficiency, make sure that whatever digital product you make enables each member of your
team to demonstrate their expected foreign language ability. Regarding the digital product itself, we
have some specific ideas on what to make that would certainly wow you, but in the end, this is your
work and you should own it totally. Essentially, you’ll be coming up with the creative solution — think
out of the box, explore, have fun, and make something SMALL that would WOW ME!

So, what is the WowME project about in just one sentence? Well, it is about:

Making a little digital product that shows your foreign language and intercultural ability but
also has great social worth

By the way, please make sure that your digital product allows for equal usage of Chinese and English
so that your respective instructor/s can reasonably evaluate each team member for the course they
take. If you wish to bring in a bit of other languages (Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, etc) you are
welcome to do this, but of course will not lose any points if you choose not to.

General ideas
While we won’t be influencing your ideas in any particular manner, we do have some general ideas
that could help you. Keep in mind that they’re just a reference and you are free to reject them in their
entirety. Here they are:

● A 2-minute TV programme or episode

● A short digital brochure (600-700 words— 300-350 words for English and 300-350 words for
● A little digital storybook (400-500 words — 200-250 words for English and 200-250 words
for Chinese)
● A 2-3-minute video for a YouTube Channel with a specific theme for educational purposes
● 3-5 web pages for a fun blog (should include pictures, links, widgets, and written content
(600-700 words—300-350 words for English and 300-350 words for Chinese)
● A 2-3-minute podcast episode focused on a particular theme/topic
● A short 2-3-minute film or documentary
● A mobile app or an AI-related functional product
● An engaging 2-3-minute commercial
● A short game show of 2-5 minutes
● A short 3-5-page digital manual that teaches someone how to do something (at least 600-700
words—300-350 words for English and 300-350 words for Chinese)

Team collaboration platform

It will be up to your team to decide what online collaboration channel/s (Line, Facebook, Weibou,
WeChat, WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams, Google Docs, etc.) it wants to use to complete this project. No
matter what platform you choose though, you should record your discussions or parts of your
discussions as you will need to provide samples of this along with other supporting material (e-mail
messages, notes, learning portfolio, etc) to earn grades for the process of your learning. Eventually
each team member will upload the team’s little digital product and all supporting material to their
respective instructor’s platform.

Please refer to the marking criteria provided to you by your instructor.

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