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Karla: Good afternoon, Karla Gómez speaking from Bogota bank, how can I help you?

Luna: Good afternoon, I am Luna from ABC LTDA, I am communicating with the objective of
opening payroll for my employees. Please.

Karla: Okay, at this moment I need to verify some security information.

Luna: Okay

Karla: What is the name of the company


Karla: Full name of the legal representative

Luna: Luna Jimenez Santamaria

Karla: ¿What is of the NIT of the company?

Luna: 900.272.3824

Karla: And your verification code, please.

Luna: 2

Karla: Okay, stay on the line, in a few minutes I will connect you with the person in charge.

Luna: Thank you

Karla: Thank you for contacting Bogota bank.

MARIANA: Good afternoon, this is Mariana Cabas in charge of opening corporate payroll accounts,
how can I help you?

LUNA: Good afternoon, I would like to open a payroll account for my employees, please.

MARIANA: Yes mrs, I would like to know why you chose us.

LUNA: The bank's references are one of the best, so I would like to manage the best for my

MARIANA: Yes mrs, thank you for choosing us.

At this time you will allow me some data to fill out the corporate payroll form.

LUNA: Yes mrs, with pleasure.

MARIANA: I am going to dictate some data, please confirm that they are correct.

Company name: ABC LTDA, NIT: 900.272.3824 - 2, legal representative: Luna Jimenez Santamaria.

LUNA: Yes mrs, everything is fine.

MARIANA: Okay, then we continue with the information.

How many employees are there?

LUNA: There are 20 employees.

MARIANA: Do you plan to pay monthly or biweekly?

LUNA: Monthly

MARIANA: Are you going to handle minimum wage salaries or full salaries?

LUNA: Both

MARIANA: Ok, could you send me the data of each of your employees through this email to finish
the process.

MARIANA: I remind you that they are: ID, salary and account number per employee.

LUNA: I would like my employees' accounts to be exempt from the 4 per thousand tax. Please.

MARIANA: Of course, yes ma'am, as long as the employees comply with the characteristics to be

LUNA: Yes mrs, thank you very much.

MARIANA: Finally, I would like to remind you, Mrs. Luna, that from the moment you send the data
of your employees, there will be a response period of 2 to 3 business days.

LUNA: Okay, thank you very much.

MARIANA: See you later, I will leave you a brief satisfaction survey. Have a nice day.

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