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A conversation bertween bank teller and customer

Bt: welcome to bank bri, what can i help you ma’am?

C: i want to transfer some money
Bt: alright ma’am how much?
C: Rp. 3.500.000 please
Bt: okay give me the account number ma’am
C: this is ma’am
Bt: thank you, wait for a minute
C: alright, but can i ask you something?
Bt: what is that ma’am?
C: my friend want to apply as a teller at this bank
What is the qualification and skill?
Bt: To become a bank teller, the educational requirements generally required are a high
school diploma or equivalent.
Regarding the qualifications required, prospective bank tellers must have excellent basic
numeracy and mathematics skills and have good customer service skills.
C: ohh i see, and about personality?
Bt: about personality Tellers spend their day interacting with bank customers. They must
be friendly, helpful, and patient. They must be able to understand customer needs and
explain service options to their customers.
C: that’s great, so good to know, thank you for the explanation ma’am
Bt: my pleasure ma’am, please sign here ma’am
C: okay, once again thank you so much ma’am see you
Bt: you’re welcome see you too

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