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Nowadays, the latest technology is made life easier, it has grown popularity steadily in almost every

family of society. Fewer people believe that electronic tools have created more problem for a
person, but like any other conventional way, it can help to reduce stress. In this essay, I intend to
give the main arguments these conflicting views about using technology

For the younger generation, who are in their mid-twenties to thirties may find modern devices
such as dishwasher or robots for cleaning the floor, very convenient. Due to their busy
schedules,they often feel tired after a whole day of work and would prefer to take some rest or do
other leisure activities. In addition, the young generation that grew up using computers in school,
and they have learnt how to type and do their work on a laptop. This allows them to do their work
anywhere outside their home, this leads to reducing their stress.

However, for the slightly older generation, who are in their 40 to 60, they might find difficulty with
this equipment. Because they follow the traditional way of life such as washing their own dishes by
hand and writing things down with a pen. When they are faced with new technology, these
individuals may not know how to start and have to read the instructions on the manual. This may
create a lot of stress for them as they are unfamiliar with these new devices and would prefer the
manual way of doing things.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I completely disagree with those who say that modern
technology increase stress. Perhaps, electronic tools can temporarily increase stress. But in long
term, they help us to achieve higher goals and make our life significantly better which definitely
reduce stress.

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