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- Navtej Reddy Atla (PGPM-22-113)

When I think about what true meaning an average middle-class guy can have who spent most of time
dealing with everyday problems and fighting get a so called “good career” path which is defined by
others surrounding him needs a deep thinking. Growing old gaining a lot of wisdom and share
experiences with upcoming generations and contribute to the country. Being close to the loved once
and facing challenges that come my way and lead a peaceful life might be a good meaning to a life as
per me.

Based on the meaning of life above, I believe these 3 spheres are most suitable to my personality.


Family: According to me a person to face the life either good times or bad need strong support from
family to share all the experiences and stay motivated all the way in his journey. Family forms a core
part in a person’s life. Be it parents, friends etc all form part of the family. My perspective of family is
a bond that provides emotional support to a person in all the stages of life

Career: A hope to grow in career will keep person a running and keep learning and advancing in the
life. A good career is a very subjective matter which is different for every person. Someone has top
position in company, someone has goal to accumulate loads of money. Someone needs to be in
power. Have a respectable balanced career with no major regrets in the field I am will be my choice
of a career path.
Altruism: In my view after a stage in a life person has to start contributing to the society and help
others as much possible. One has to serve his country in every way possible.


Be-goal 1:

I. My 1st “DO” is to be Responsible

II. I can achieve my “do” by completely taking ownership of the given task and working on it
with integrity.
III. I will schedule my in my daily action by 1 st choosing small tasks and completing with out
giving any excuses. And then slowly build on them as the time goes on.
Be-Goal 2:
I. My 2nd “DO” is self-compassionate
II. I can achieve my “DO” by not being too critical on myself for any mistakes that I do and
taking self-care.
III. I will schedule e my action goal in my daily routine by taking few minutes each day to
practice mindful self-awareness and also try to start every day with a self-compassion

Be-Goal 3:

I. My 3rd “DO” is to become leader

II. I can achieve my “DO” by being confident in my words and actions, try to motivate others
and constantly keep learning and keep improving myself.
III. I will schedule e my action goal in my daily routine by setting clear goals and expectations of
what I want to do, where I want to go in not only far future but also in small tasks as well.
Read inspiring books and start taking risks.

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