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C-TB1 - Conversation Shuffle (30 minutes)

Description: ​This session helps participants get to know each other while practicing their
English language skills and ability to interact well with new people.

Participant Learning Objectives:

By the end of the session, I will be able to:
● Create a sense of community with my fellow participants to help us support one
another during and after Generation.
● Speak English conversationally with fellow participants.

Key points:
● Knowing my fellow Generation participants better helps build unity.
● For success in the steward role, I need to be able to start and engage in casual
conversation in English with any and all guests.
● I can improve my English language skills and my ability to interact well with new
people through practice and dedication.

Behavioral ● N/A Mindsets ● Growth mindset


Keywords ● N/A Materials ● Timer

● Music
● Device to Play Music

Performance ● N/A

Session ● In the ​Practice section, ​observe participants to ensure they are

Assessment speaking entirely in English and with new people for each brief

Icons ​☞​ Activity ​ ⟲ ​Debrief ​✔ ​Assessment

© 2016 McKinsey Social Initiative, Inc.

Time Activity

2 minutes Opening

20 minutes Practice - Conversation Shuffle

8 minutes Closing

● Ask a participant to write the learning objectives on the board.
● Prepare music on your device to play during the conversation shuffle.

OPENING (2 minutes)
Instructor note: ​The purpose of this section is to introduce the learning objectives and purpose
of the session.

● Objectives: ​Review objectives and provide rationale for the value of the teambuilder.
● Explain ​that during this teambuilder, they will have the opportunity to speak with lots of
people in their cohort. This is an opportunity to ​practice having brief, authentic
conversations with new people while speaking only in English, ​something they will
have to be comfortable doing as a steward.

● The first time you facilitate this teambuilder, ask ​participants to brainstorm topics
they may discuss when speaking with a new person. Have participants ​Turn and Talk FT ​
and then ask 2-3 participants to ​Share Out.​FT

PRACTICE - Conversation Shuffle (20 minutes)

Instructor note: ​In this section, participants will have the opportunity to have a two-minute
conversation in English with 8 fellow participants.

☞​ ​✔​Conversation Shuffle (20 minutes)

● Give Directions:
❏ Participants will ​stand up and spread out across the room.
❏ When they hear music playing​, they must ​walk around. When the music
stops,​ they must immediately ​stop walking​.
❏ They will then ​partner ​with the person closest to them and engage in a ​two
minute conversation entirely in English.
❏ After two minutes​, the music will begin to play again, and they must begin
walking again. This ​process will repeat eight times​.
❏ Tell ​participants that they may only speak to each person once.

© 2016 McKinsey Social Initiative, Inc.

● Play ​the music you prepared, stopping it suddenly after a few moments. Right when you
stop the music, ​start the timer for two minutes. ​After two minutes,​ start ​the music
again and ​repeat the exercise.
● Monitor time and Walk Around. FT​ ​ Ensure that participants are speaking with new
people for each interaction, and that everyone is speaking entirely in English.

CLOSING (8 minutes)
Instructor note:​ This section allows participants to reflect on what they’ve learned in the
session and what they need to improve.

⟲​ Debrief
● Explain ​that this section is to help them reflect on the conversation shuffle.
● Ask the following questions. Share Out.​FT
○ How did it feel to have to switch your conversation partner every two minutes?
○ What did you discover as you switched partners so often?
○ How did it feel to have to speak entirely in English for the duration of the
○ What was the most challenging/most exciting part of this exercise?
○ How will you use this skill in your future role as food & beverage stewards?
● Emphasize ​that language skills and interacting with new people are important skills for
success on the job and that these skills will improve with practice.

-- End of Session --

© 2016 McKinsey Social Initiative, Inc.


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