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Academic Research and Writing

Table of Contents
1. Introduction:.............................................................................................................................3
2.0 PART-1.................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Interesting about the research Item.......................................................................................3
2.2 Why interesting.....................................................................................................................3
2.3 How useful for studies/development....................................................................................4
2.4 Three key points of information or argument considered important to in 3 research items......4
3.0 Part 2..........................................................................................................................................6
3.1 What is learnt from the module?...............................................................................................6
3.2 Why that learning might be important?.....................................................................................6
3.3 How useful to you and your areas of interest?..........................................................................6

1. Introduction:
This part of the report has found three different research items to analyze and understand the
interesting things, reasons of interesting and usefulness to study appropriately of those research
items. The items include The Craft Research: Using Sources that is a book chapter, another one
is journal article about the usefulness of literature review for research and other one is a business
case study on the effects of globalization on business sectors. All these research items are related
to the study as they provide meaningful studies and findings to conduct an accurate research task.
In addition, this part of the report has also identified there main key points of each research item
selected to make those important to readers appropriately.

2.0 PART-1
2.1 Interesting about the research Item

Chapter 6 from Craft Research: Using sources

The interesting thing of this book chapter is that sourcing is needed to make the research is more
accurate, fairly presented and reliable to the readers. Moreover, the book chapter is also
interesting for describing the methods of reading a source and taking a note from the sources to
ensure readers’ trust on the sourced items in the research effectively(Booth, Booth et al. 2003).

Journal Article
This journal is interesting for describing the importance of review the literature for a research,
the process of review the literature and helping the researcher to make questionnaire
appropriately for the chosen research by taking knowledge and understanding the research gaps
effectively. Another interesting thing of this article is that literature review is done to critical
analysis and make relevancy to chosen research findings appropriately(Okoli and Schabram

Business Case Study

There is chosen a business case study that has evaluated different positive effects and negative
effects of globalization on UK businesses. The interesting things of this study are about the
findings of positive impacts on businesses like offshoring businesses, outsourcing of business
functions, cheap labour costs and increased quality. The negative impacts of globalization on
businesses are increased costs of operations, increased complexities and increased technological
costs etc. (Kose, Prasad et al. 2003)

2.2 Why interesting

Chapter 6 from Craft Research: Using sources

The main reasons of interesting the sourcing is that it gives the opportunity the researchers to
make arguments on the findings, gives learning for the analysis and theoretical data for moving
into another idea in the chosen field effectively. Moreover, the sources are also interesting for
three main uses such as Read for a Problem, Read for an Argument and Read for
Evidence(Booth, Booth et al. 2003).

Journal Article
The importance of literature review is interesting to the research study as this help to summarize
the research findings that help readers to understand the main things of the study at a glance
appropriately. The literature is also interesting to the researchers for identifying the research gaps
those will be met by the chosen research project. Moreover, it also gives the opportunity to
researchers for creating relevancy and alternative arguments by reviewing the available
literatures of others effectively(Okoli and Schabram 2010).

Business Case Study

The business case study is interesting for identifying the problems and solutions about any
business issue appropriately by taking arguments from large group of respondents. This case
study is interesting for business as this has analyzed the issues of globalization to business
related effectively including the merits of globalization appropriately. Moreover, this is also
interesting to businesses as they can understand the major challenges to their businesses and
solutions effectively(Kose, Prasad et al. 2003).

2.3 How useful for studies/development

Chapter 6 from Craft Research: Using sources
This book chapter is useful to the study development as this has clarified appropriately how to
read a source generously but critically. Another usefulness of this chapter is that reversing the
ideas those have found by the appropriate sourcing from different publications regarding the
chosen study. This is also useful to researchers for how to “Record Completed Bibliographical
Data”(Booth, Booth et al. 2003).

Journal Article
This journal article is useful to researchers for analysing data in view of the chosen research
project. In addition, this also helps to explore the main findings of the project conducted.
Moreover, this also helps to make research gaps for the chosen task by discussing the collected
data and make these importances for the researches effectively(Okoli and Schabram 2010).

Business Case Study

This case study has found that globalization has increased technological costs and increased
complexities in functions. Therefore, this is useful to businesses as they can aware of their
capacities to own new technologies and machineries by identifying the merits of these as they
ensure high quality operations and increase the customer satisfaction largely(Kose, Prasad et al.

2.4 Three key points of information or argument considered important to in 3 research


2.4.1 First Key Point

Research strategy is the key point that has been found by these three research items analysis
effectively. For sourcing of data, there is needed to take effective strategy that make sure what
are needed to be sourced appropriately for the chosen research(Booth, Booth et al. 2003).
However, for reviewing the literatures, there is also needed to make strategy of what literatures
are needed to be reviewed firstly and next serially(Okoli and Schabram 2010). In addition, in

case study method there is needed to implement strategies to take consents from respondents and
execute to businesses for their success.

2.4.2 Second Key Point

The second key point of those research items is appropriate planning for doing the research
appropriately to be more accurate to the readers. The sourcing plan should be realistic that
describe how to source, read and make logic behind the findings(Booth, Booth et al. 2003). The
literature review plans should be argument basis and enabling to find the gaps. In addition, the
case study topic should be created accurately that is contemporary and useful to the businesses

2.4.3 Third Key Point

The third key point of those three research items is ensuring the accuracy to the relevant aspects.
That means sourcing of data should be accurate findings to the chosen research to make them
reliable to the readers highly. In addition, the literatures should be done according to research
findings and research gaps identification appropriately to make it attractive to readers
highly(Okoli and Schabram 2010). Moreover, the findings of the case study should be accurate
to the chosen case study topic so that it will be effective to solve problems in business(Kose,
Prasad et al. 2003).

3.0 Part 2
A reflective statement is done on the conducted task by the researcher that helps to rethink about
what are done by any specific task appropriately(Embree 2011). However, this reflective
statement has been done to review the learning of the module, the importance of learning in the
field of study and their usefulness to the field of study.

3.1 What is learnt from the module?

The ways of sourcing, importance of sourcing and uses of sourcing have been learnt from the
Craft Research: Using Sources. In addition, the importances, reasons and ways of reviewing the
literatures for a research have also been learnt from journal article(Booth, Booth et al. 2003).
Moreover, how globalization is useful and disadvantageous to business sector has also been
learnt by business case study item. From those research items, I have also developed some
research abilities such as communication ability and analytical ability effectively.

3.2 Why that learning might be important?

The learning is important to me as I have an aim of being researcher in future. The case study
learning would be important to find the business problem and solve business problems for any
type of business company where it will be engaged as researcher. In addition, the literature
review learning would be important to my sector to make the appropriate summary of any
research study(Okoli and Schabram 2010). However, using sources will also be important to
understand any business research topic by effectively reading the sources.

3.3 How useful to you and your areas of interest?

Since there is aim of being researchers, the learning of this module will be useful to me by
utilizing the sourcing methods, literature review methods and case study methods appropriately.
In my research interest the learning will add values by understanding the future problems related
to research project as I have learnt about appropriately earlier stage(Osmond and Darlington
2005). The usefulness of learning to my future career by utilizing the following gained skills and
 Better communication skill,
 Better decision making skill and
 Good analytical skill etc.

Finally this module has helped me to understand about different research items, their methods of
study and their usefulness in business sectors highly. This module of study is also useful to me
for understanding ins and outs of research parts and items.

Booth, W. C., et al. (2003). The craft of research, University of Chicago press.

Embree, L. (2011). Reflective analysis, Zeta Books.

Kose, M. A., et al. (2003). "How does globalization affect the synchronization of business
cycles?" American Economic Review 93(2): 57-62.

Okoli, C. and K. Schabram (2010). "A guide to conducting a systematic literature review of
information systems research."

Osmond, J. and Y. Darlington (2005). "Reflective analysis: Techniques for facilitating

reflection." Australian social work 58(1): 3-14.

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