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Examine the gap between rural and urban areas across the globe.

how is that gap affected by the


The gap between rural and urban areas across the globe is a significant socio-economic issue.
Globalization has contributed to this gap in several ways. Economic disparities arise as rural areas
struggle to fully participate in and benefit from globalization, while urban areas attract more
investments and economic opportunities. The concentration of industries and job opportunities in
urban centers exacerbates the divide. Infrastructure development often prioritizes urban areas,
hindering rural development and access to essential services. Migration from rural to urban areas
depletes skilled labor from rural areas. Additionally, the technological divide between rural and urban
areas widens due to limited access to advanced technology. Addressing this gap requires tailored
strategies and comprehensive policies that consider the specific context of each country and the
broader impacts of globalization.

Actvity 1:
Compare and contrast global south and global north

Topics Global South Global North

Economic Development The Global North primarily the Global South includes
consists of economically countries from Latin America,
advanced countries, such as Africa, Asia, and the Middle
those in North America, East, many of which are still
Western Europe, Japan, and developing and face significant
Australia. These countries economic challenges. The
generally have high levels of Global South often experiences
industrialization, advanced higher poverty rates, lower GDP
technology, and well-developed per capita, and relies more
infrastructure. heavily on primary industries
like agriculture and mining.
Standard of Living The Global North generally In the Global South, however,
exhibits higher standards of access to quality education,
living, with better access to healthcare, and social services
education, healthcare, and can be limited, resulting in
social welfare systems. Citizens lower standards of living and
in the Global North often enjoy higher levels of poverty and
higher life expectancy, lower inequality.
infant mortality rates, and
greater overall well-being.
Political Influence The Global North countries Global South countries have
typically have more political historically had less political
influence and play a dominant clout and influence in shaping
role in shaping global policies global agendas, though there
and institutions. They often have been efforts to increase
have a stronger voice in their representation and
international organizations, influence in recent years.
such as the United Nations,
World Bank, and International
Monetary Fund.
Global Interactions The Global North countries are The Global South, while
generally more interconnected increasingly integrated into the
through trade, investment, and global economy, faces
technological exchanges. They challenges such as trade
often have more developed and imbalances, dependence on
diversified economies that commodity exports, and limited
allow for greater participation access to capital and
in the global market. technology.
Social and Cultural Diversity Both the Global North and Both the Global North and
Global South exhibit rich Global South exhibit rich
cultural diversity. However, the cultural diversity. However, the
Global South often has a Global South often has a
greater diversity of languages, greater diversity of languages,
religions, and ethnic groups. religions, and ethnic groups.
Cultural practices, traditions, Cultural practices, traditions,
and values can differ and values can differ
significantly between these significantly between these
regions. regions.

Activity 2:
Do you consider the Philippines as a 3rd world country?

The term "Third World" originated during the Cold War era and was used to categorize countries
based on their political alignment. However, over time, the term has evolved to refer to countries
that are economically less developed or face socio-economic challenges. The Philippines, like many
countries in the Global South, faces various socio-economic challenges. While it has made progress in
certain areas, it still grapples with issues such as poverty, income inequality, inadequate
infrastructure in some regions, limited access to quality education and healthcare, and other socio-
economic disparities. However, it is important to note that the term "Third World" is outdated and
carries negative connotations. It is often considered stigmatizing and oversimplifying, as it fails to
capture the complexity and diversity within countries. The more commonly used and preferred
terminology today is "developing country" or "emerging economy." The Philippines can be classified
as a developing country, as it is working towards improving its socio-economic conditions and
pursuing economic growth. The government of the Philippines, along with various development
initiatives, is striving to address these challenges and promote inclusive and sustainable development.

Activity 3: Fill in the Table Below to show how regional organization was formed.

Name of Asian ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian nations

Important Christian Filipino, Buddhist Thai, 2 Muslims
People/Founder And a Lapsed Hindu

Membership Vietnam,Laos,Myanmar,Brunei,Philippines,Indonesia,Singapore,Thailand,Malaysia,
Function ASEAN was founded to foster regional cooperation in SEA which emphasize
equality and partnership towards peace, prosperity and progress among its 10
Activity 4: Impacts of Globalization in Mindanao

Globalization has had various impacts on Mindanao, the second-largest island in the Philippines. On
the economic front, it has led to increased economic integration, trade, and investment opportunities,
particularly in sectors such as agriculture and mining. Infrastructure development, including improved
transportation networks, has enhanced connectivity and market access. The region has also
experienced employment opportunities, cultural exchange, and exposure to global influences.
However, globalization has also brought environmental challenges, such as deforestation and
pollution. It has contributed to social and demographic changes, including migration and increased
aspirations among the local population. Additionally, globalization has both positive and negative
implications for peacebuilding efforts in Mindanao, as it can foster dialogue and intercultural
understanding, but also exacerbate existing conflicts due to socio-economic disparities. Balancing
these impacts and promoting inclusive and sustainable development is crucial for the region.

Essay: As a student here in Mindanao State University General Santors, given that the majority of
the students’ preferred-learning modalities is online class, how can you use new media to your class

Using new media responsibly in the classroom involves several key guidelines. Students should be
encouraged to critically evaluate online content, develop digital literacy skills, and prioritize privacy
and online safety. Respect and digital citizenship should be promoted, emphasizing appropriate
behavior and responsible online interactions. Balancing offline and online activities is important, as is
creating engaging and interactive learning experiences through multimedia resources and
collaboration tools. Copyright and fair use should be taught, and inclusivity and accessibility should be
prioritized. Continuous learning and adaptation are necessary to stay updated with new technologies
and trends. By following these guidelines, new media can be used responsibly to enhance learning
and promote digital literacy among students.

How did globalization affect your beliefs and practices in your religion?

Globalization has influenced Catholicism in various ways. It has facilitated the spread of Catholicism to
different regions through missionary activities and improved communication. Catholicism has
adapted to local cultures, incorporating customs and practices in its rituals. The advancements in
media and technology have affected Catholic beliefs and practices, allowing for the dissemination of
information and the formation of virtual communities. Interfaith dialogue and migration have
contributed to the diversification of Catholicism. However, globalization has also presented
challenges, such as secularization and pluralism, which the Church has addressed through dialogue
and reaffirmation of core teachings. Overall, globalization has shaped Catholicism's global presence
and influenced its beliefs and practices.
Give at least 10 global cities that you can find in the world of globalization

1. New York City, USA

2. London, United Kingdom
3. Tokyo, Japan
4. Paris, France
5. Beijing, China
6. Mumbai, India
7. Dubai, United Arab Emirates
8. Sao Paulo, Brazil
9. Singapore, Singapore
10. Sydney, Austrailia

These cities are recognized for their economic power, cultural influence, and significant roles in global
finance, trade, technology, and tourism. They serve as major hubs for multinational corporations,
international organizations, and global networks, and they attract people from around the world for
business, education, and diverse cultural experiences.

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