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Recent urban planning research points out that the most efficient housing projects are those
which provides a healthy lifestyle to its inhabitants. This means that neighborhoods´
environment and facilities lead people to reach a mental and physical balance. In this
regard, this paper discusses which are the most important facilities in which local
authorities should invest.
On one hand, building sports centers would be desirable to promote exercise among
local population. It is well-known that sports improve individuals’ physical performance as
well as help them to release stress. In this sense, investing in sports centers would not only
prevent problems such as obesity, but also would lead people to be happier. Therefore, if
inhabitants are content, we will have a better community.
On the other hand, giving money to increase green spaces is undoubtedly necessary.
It is scientifically proven that humans need to keep in touch with nature to regulate physical
and mental systems. When it comes to urban planning gardens are the city lungs which
clean the environment. Furthermore, in case there is not enough money to build sport
centers people can use parks to exercise.
In sum, local authorities should consider giving money to fund sports centers and
green spaces as a priority. These facilities are essential because they improve the
environment and the community welfare.

Last semester I have performed as an Art and Culture teacher at TecMilenio High School. I
was responsible for a 25-students group. This report presents some achievements reached
during the course, the main hardships I cope with, and some suggestions about suitable

During my teaching experience I tested a wide range of materials to catch students’
attention. I tried audios, videos, videogames as well as board games. This variety of
materials paid off as students got involved in the class and were able to produce their own
videos to explain some works of art.

As the group had some irregular students, I struggled a lot to lead them to catch up with the
rest of the group. On the other hand, the class had a hybrid format, and it was extremely
difficult to manage face to face and online activities simultaneously.

For further courses it would be desirable to receive some training to learn how to manage
irregular students. I would also welcome some tutorials on planning hybrid lessons.

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